MultiMedia with 6 Animations, 15 Musical Sound-Tracks and Sound Effects. Animations can be viewed using the Autodesk Animation Player. Click the ANIMATION button and select either the WINDOWS or DOS version. When the program loads pull down the FILE menu and select OPEN ANIMATION. When the OPEN dialog appears locate the FLI subdirectory and pick an animation. Online help is available. The Musical Sound-Tracks are in MOD format. We have provided a Windows Shareware program for playing these files. Sound effects have been saved as .WAV files. They are not listed in QuikMenu. To use the .WAV Sound Effects please load MS Windows and the MS File Manager. When you have the File Manager loaded execute the SOUNDREC.EXE program in your WINDOWS directory. The .WAV files are located in \MMEDIA\WAV\ directory on this CD-ROM.