Software of the Month Club March 1995 KIDS Baby Stuff!! = BABY.ZIP by Erik S. Peterson If you have small children who like to play on the computer, you just may need Baby Stuff!! Start up Baby Stuff!! and you’re presented with a small menu which allows you to select a specific color or random and a specific geometric shape or random. Once you have these items selected, you start the program running and watch you child have fun. Every keystroke creates the selected geometric shape in the selected color in various sizes. You will safely be able to leave your youngest merrily typing away without fear of disaster striking your precious data and files. Baby Stuff!! can even be used to teach basic geometric shapes and colors. Requires Windows 3.x College Funding Finder v4.3 = CFF.ZIP by INFOSOFT Are you or your children college bound? Perhaps a career in teaching is the goal. Or, dentistry. Whatever the choice, college is not a minor expense. Now, College Funding Finder can help you find the grants, scholarships, and loans necessary to fund that college education. Not just a general listing of available funds, College Funding Finder breaks everything down according to the specific education at which you are aiming. DC Circuits Training System v2.00 = DCCHAL.ZIP by C. E. Ormon If you’re in an electronics class, be it high school, college, or technical school, you’ll find DC Circuits Training System of extreme use. 13 different exercises, designed to test, educate, and expand your knowledge, make this an indespensible tutor for electronics students or enthusiasts. Features include random problem generation, extensive graphics, context sensitive help, and instant scoring. And, DC Circuits Training System is a tireless teacher, ready whenever you are. Dr. Doodle v1.2 = DRDOODLE.ZIP by TiJaSoft This is a drawing program that will entertain kids of all ages. Dr. Doodle is easy enough to use that a two year old can enjoy it with only minimal supervision, powerful enough to amuse and entertain adults. Drawing is a simple matter of selecting a color, a line thickness, and an object by simple mouse clicks, then placing and sizing the objects with the mouse. Dr. Doodle provides 16 different drawing objects including triangles, stars, diamonds, and text. Up to 10 of your childs creations can be stored with the click of a mouse button - without having to specify a filename! This makes Dr. Doodle perfect for the youngest members of the family. Loading a saved drawing is just as easy. You and your kids will have a blast with Dr. Doodle. Requires VGA and mouse. Flash Quiz = FLASHQZ.ZIP by Jorg Kretschmer Flash Quiz is a combination game/tutor program for all age groups. You create quiz files on any subject you like. Then, with extreme flexibility, you can have multiple choice quizes or fill in the blanks. You can even have the answers given and have to provide the questions. Use Flash Quiz to tutor and test your children or to provide hours of fun as a party game. Many sample quiz files have been supplied to amuse and entertain right from the start. Math Strategies = MATHFUN.ZIP by Don Domes Learning math doesn’t have to be dry, hard, and boring. Now, your children can learn math the fun way, with Math Strategies. Math Strategies guides children through problems in addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and number recognition. Students run, shoot and blast their way through doors, mazes, and teleporters which stand in their way. They get immediate feedback as they solve the math problems they encounter, with the correct answer displayed in words and as a math equation. An excellent math tutor and a fun game, Math Strategies takes the sting out of learning math.