SYSTEM EXTENSIONS, CONTROL PANEL DEVICES, APPLE MENU ITEMS To use these with either System 6 or 7, copy the System Extension, CDEV, or Apple Menu Items (Desk Accessory) to your System Folder and reboot. CDEV's (CONTROL PANEL DEVICES) can be accessed by using the   Apple Menu and selecting the CONTROL PANEL option. This will bring up a list of your currently installed CDEV's. Locate the CDEV you copied to your System Folder and double-click it. EXTENSIONS work a bit differently. When you restart your Mac, they stay resident in memory to perform a certain function. To obtain instructions on a particular Extension please read through any document file included. note: If you have loaded an Extension and it is not loading when you restart your Mac, verify that it is selected, using the Extension Manger CDEV. APPLE MENU ITEMS are accessed by pulling down the Apple Menu and selecting it. System 6 users will have to use Font/DA Mover to add the DA to there System file.