----------------------------------------------------------------------- Re-Volt Demo ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Introduction 1.1 Minimum System Requirements 1.2 Recommended System Requirements 1.3 Installation 1.4 Getting the game running 1.5 Background Story 2. Game Set-Up 2.1 Game Options 2.1.1 Number of Cars 2.1.2 Number of Laps 2.1.3 Pick Ups 2.1.4 Ghost Car Settings 2.2 Video Settings 2.2.1 Video Device 2.2.2 Resolution 2.2.3 Brightness and Contrast 2.2.4 Render Settings 2.3 Audio Settings 2.4 Controller Settings 2.4.1 Default controls 2.4.2 Changing controller type 2.4.3 Configuring your keys 2.4.4 Steering Deadzone, Range and Non-Linear Steering 3. Modes of Play 3.1 Single Race 3.1.1 Enter Name 3.1.2 Select Car 3.1.3 Select Track 3.2 Time Trial 3.2.1 Uploading your best time to Acclaim.Net 3.3 Multiplayer 3.3.1 Connection Type 3.3.2 Packet Optimisation 3.3.3 Direct Play Protocal 3.3.4 Random Cars 3.3.5 Starting a Game 3.3.6 Joining a Game 3.4 Modes of Play in the Full Version 4. Weapons 4.1 Shockwave 4.2 Firework 4.3 Firework Pack 4.4 Electro Pulse 4.5 Bomb 4.6 Oil Slick 4.7 Water Balloon Pack 4.8 Ball Bearing 4.9 Clone Pick-Up 4.10 Turbo Battery 5. Miscellaneous Information 5.1 What's in the Full Version? 5.2 How to report bugs/submit comments 5.3 Legal Bits ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Introduction ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.1 Minimum System Requirements P200 Processor 32 Meg RAM 3D Accelerator Card DirectX 6.0 or higher 25 Meg hard disk space It's possible that the game will run on a lower spec machine than this, but the game may perform erratically, so we don't recommend it. 1.2 Recommended System Requirements P333 or higher 64 Meg RAM or higher Second Generation 3D Accelerator Card DirectX 6.0 or higher 25 Meg hard disk space 16 bit sound card or better Direct Play compatible Joypad IPX connection (for play over a LAN) 1.3 Installation Run the self-extracting executable file "revoltdemo.exe". Go to wherever the files were extracted to and run "setup.exe". The default installation directory is C:\Program Files\Acclaim Entertainment\Revolt Demo You can change this during the installation, but make sure you remember where you installed the game, as this information will be needed when uploading your best times to Acclaim.net (see 3.2 below). 1.4 Getting the Game Running Go to the Start menu, select Programs/Acclaim Entertainment/Re-Volt Demo/Re-Volt The game will now be started. Navigating around the menus is simply a case of using the cursor keys to move around the selections and ENTER to choose them. Some menu items are greyed out - this is because these features are not available in the demo. 1.5 Background Story For years Toy-Volt had been producing games and toys for children all over the world. Within months of introducing their first products they shot to the top of their trade. No-one could put their finger on exactly what it was that made the toys so popular. Sure, they employed the best craftsmen and designers in the world, but there was something else about them, something almost magic. With their latest product it appears they have used a little too much of that special ‘something’, for the radio controlled cars that were about to hit the production line have gained minds of their own. Escaping from the shelves that held them prisoners they have entered the real world, and are now creating chaos as they enjoy their new found freedom...the Toy-Volt R/C cars have Re-Volted! Re-Volt is all about fast paced arcade racing, utilizing the most realistic handling and some of the most intelligent opponents ever. Not only that, but all this action-packed, state of the art racing takes place over some of the most unusual courses ever seen in a racing game. Motoring round museums, speeding through supermarkets and tearing round toy shops are all possible in the world of Re-Volt. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Game Set-Up ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.1 Game Options To change these options, from the title screen select OPTIONS, then GAME OPTIONS. 2.1.1 Number of Cars This option allows you to select the number of cars in a race, from 1 - 8. The default number is 8. 2.1.2 Number of Laps Allows you to select number of laps, from 1 - 8. The default is 3. 2.1.3 Pick Ups This option lets you choose whether weapons are ON or OFF in the game. The default is ON. (see 4.Weapons below) 2.1.4 Ghost Car Settings If you've downloaded someone else's ghost car from Acclaim.net (see 3.2 below) you can choose to race against it in Time Trial mode from this menu option. Two selections are available to you, "Own Best" or "Downloaded". By default this is on "Own Best", meaning you race against your own best ghost car. By changing this to "Downloaded" you can race against the alternate, downloaded ghost car. 2.2 Video Options To change these options, from the title screen select OPTIONS, then VIDEO OPTIONS. 2.2.1 Video Device With the LEFT and RIGHT cursor keys you can cycle through all the video cards you have installed in your machine. Any 3D accelerator that supports DirectX 6.0 or higher should work fine with Re-Volt. Any changes you make to this option will only take effect when you enter a race or exit and re-enter the front end. 2.2.2 Resolution This allows you to cycle through all the video resolutions your graphics cards supports. Any changes you make to this option will only take effect when you enter a race or exit and re-enter the front end. 2.2.3 Brightness and Contrast If your graphics card supports these options, this lets you change values of the brightness and contrast in the game, from a range of 0-100. 2.2.4 Render Settings The settings in this menu can be changed to optimise the performance on your PC. Draw Distance Allows you to set the draw distance in the game. There are five different settings, LOWEST, LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH and HIGHEST. The slower your PC, the lower the draw distance should be set. Reflections Turns reflections on and off. The default is ON. Shinyness Turns environment mapping on and off. The default is ON. Lights Turns real time lights on and off. The default is ON. Instance Models This option turns instance models on or off in the game. It is strongly advised you leave this setting turned ON unless your PC is really struggling running the game. Skidmarks Turns skidmark trails on and off. The default is ON. Shadows Turns shadows on and off. The default is ON. 2.3 Audio Settings To change these options, from the title screen select OPTIONS, then AUDIO OPTIONS. 2.3.1 Music Volume Sets the music volume from 1-100. Default volume is 70. 2.3.2 SFX Volume Sets the sound effects volume from 1-100. Default volume is 90. 2.3.3 SFX Test By moving left and right to choose, and ENTER to play, you can test the sound effects in the game. 2.4 Controller Settings To change these options, from the title screen select OPTIONS, then CONTROLLER SETTINGS. 2.4.1 Default Controls If you wish to use the default keyboard controls, they are as follows. ACCELERATE - UP REVERSE - DOWN LEFT - LEFT RIGHT - RIGHT FIRE WEAPON - LEFT CTRL FLIP CAR - END REPOSITION CAR - HOME PAUSE - ESC In-game, F1 cycles through the three available camera modes (chase, follow and in-car), while F2 displays your rear view camera. F3 allows you to watch your opponents racing in a window. Repeatedly pressing F4 cycles through your opponent's cars. ESC pauses the game and brings up the in-game menu. From this menu you can RESUME play, QUIT the game, watch a REPLAY, RESTART the race or change various render OPTIONS. (see 2.2.4 above for details) 2.4.2 Changing Controller Type If you have a controller connected to your PC and it has been set up from the Windows Control Panel you should be able to select it by cycling through the available controllers with the LEFT and RIGHT cursor keys. 2.4.3 Configure Your Controls Configuring your controls couldn't be simpler - when this menu option is selected each button needed will be printed on screen (i.e. ACCELERATE), at which point you should press the button on your keyboard/joypad which you want to perform the action displayed on-screen. When all eight buttons are configured you will be returned to the previous menu. 2.4.4 Deadzone Sets the 'deadzone' in the center of your controller, between a value of 0-100. Only applicable if you have an analog controller connected to your PC. 2.4.5 Range Sets the 'range' for your steering, between a value of 0-100. Only applicable if you have an analog controller connected to your PC. 2.4.6 Non-Linear Steering Can be turned on or off. Default is ON. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Modes of Play ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.1 Single Race Select this game type to have a single race against computer-controlled cars. 3.1.1 Enter Your Name Rotate the giant tire around to select the letters in your name, pressing enter to select the letter you want. When you have entered your name select END from the wheel to progress to the next screen. If you make a mistake, selecting DEL on the wheel will delete the last selected letter. 3.1.2 Choose Your Car Cycle through the boxes with the cursor keys. The currently highlighted box will zoom out of the screen, and you will be given some information about the car in the box. Choose your car carefully, they all handle differently and finding the right car for you could be the difference between winning the race and coming nowhere. Press ENTER when you have chosen your car. You will notice that some boxes are covered in brown paper... these can be 'unwrapped' in the final version of the game, eventually giving a total of 28 cars. 3.1.3 Select Track In this demo you can only select the "Toys in the Hood 1" track, but pressing the LEFT and RIGHT cursor keys cycles through the other tracks that will be selectable in the final game. UP and DOWN turns mirrored and reversed tracks on or off, but these cannot be selected in the demo. 3.1.4 The Race After you have finished the single race a menu will come up giving you four choices - RESUME, RESTART RACE, VIEW REPLAY, or QUIT. If you choose to watch the replay you can return to the title screen by pausing the game and selecting EXIT. Alternatively you can restart the replay by selecting RESTART. 3.2 Time Trial When time trial is selected, name entry, and car and track selection is the same as in single race. 3.2.1 Upload your times to Acclaim.net If you get a great time and you want to compete with the world's best, upload your time to Acclaim.net. Go to http:\\www.re-volt.com and follow the on-line instructions to upload your time. Whilst on-line it is also possible to download other player's ghost cars and race against them on your PC. Instructions can be found at http:\\www.re-volt.com or http:\\www.acclaim.net. 3.3 Multiplayer Whether you want to start or join a multiplayer game, there are a number of settings that can be changed to aid a successful multiplayer experience. 3.3.1 Connection Type You should select the connection type that applies to you from the following types - IPX Connection for Direct Play Modem Connection for Direct Play Serial Connection for Direct Play 3.3.2 Packet Optimization This can be set to either Latency or Bandwidth. If you are on a slow connection, Bandwidth should be selected. 3.3.3 Direct Play Protocol This can be set to ON or OFF. Default is ON. Turning it off may help your performance. 3.3.4 Random Cars Can be set ON or OFF. Default is OFF. If turned on then all players start with the same, random car. When a race is restarted a new car is selected for everyone. 3.3.5 Starting a Game Select Multiplayer game, then choose start game. Select your name, car and track as described above in 3.1.1 - 3.1.3. You will now be taken to the waiting room. When everyone has joined your game, press TAB to launch the setting. While in the waiting room, messages can be sent to all the other players by simply typing them in and pressing ENTER. 3.3.6 Joining a Game When you select to join a game you will be shown a list of all active games. When you highlight a game with the CURSOR keys a list of all the players currently in that game will be shown. To join a game, highlight it and press ENTER. Select your name and car as described above in 3.1.1 and 3.1.2 above. You will now be taken to the waiting room, where you will have to wait for the host (the person who started the game) to launch the session. Whilst in the waiting room, messages can be sent to all the other players by simply typing them in and pressing ENTER. 3.4 Modes of Play in the Full Version The full version of Re-Volt has the following game modes. Single Race Multiplayer Championship Training Battle Mode Practise ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Weapons ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Winning is all that matters, even if it means bending the rules a little. The pick ups that can be found around the environments in Re-Volt give the cars opportunity to create some serious havoc to the other racers. Pick ups take the shape of a red and yellow spinning lightning bolt. Once collected, all the available weapons cycle round in the top-left corner of the screen until finally stopping randomly on the active weapon. There are 10 different types of weapons available in the game. All weapons are activated by the player, except for the bomb (see 4.5 below) which is active instantly when collected. Pick ups can be disabled from the front end. (see 2.1.3 above for details). 4.1 Shockwave A blue ball of electricity shoots from the front of the car, sending any cars in it’s path flipping into the air. 4.2 Firework Fires a single rocket ahead of the car, continuing until it hits a wall or an opponent. 4.3 Firework pack A pack of three rockets (4.2). 4.4 Electro pulse An electric current hums over the car. When another car is in close proximity, a bolt connects the two and the victims’ power is temporarily cut. 4.5 Bomb When the bomb is collected, the cars’ antenna starts fizzing down like a fuse. If the fuse reaches the bottom, then the car blows up, but if another car is touched before this then the bomb is transferred. 4.6 Oil slick A pool of oil is dropped on the floor directly behind the car. Each tire that is driven through this pool of oil temporarily loses traction. 4.7 Water balloon Pack A water filled balloon is hurled from the car. On impact with the floor (or opponent) it bursts, affecting the grip of all vehicles in the immediate vicinity. 4.8 Ball Bearing An extremely heavy ball bearing is fired from the rear of the car, knocking anything in its path out the way. 4.9 Clone Pick Up When the clone pick up is activated a lightning bolt identical to a regular pick up is dropped on the floor. If you mistake it for a regular pick up and try to collect it, you'll soon learn of your error when it explodes on contact! 4.10 Turbo battery Gives your car a temporary power boost. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Miscellaneous Information ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.1 What's in the Full Version? Arcade racing with realistic handling and unique tracks. 28 cars to find and control 14 single player tracks set in 7 different environments Multiple game modes 12 car races on PC, up to 4 car races on consoles. 12 players over a LAN or internet on PC 4 multi-player arenas State of the art graphics Stunning physics engine Wide selection of pick-ups and weapons Advanced artificial intelligence - each car has it’s own personality. Track Editor Many features are initially hidden - player rewards are never far away 5.2 How to Report Bugs/Submit Comments To report a bug or give us your comments, send an e-mail to revolt@acclaim.net, or visit http:\\www.re-volt.com or http:\\www.acclaim.net and follow the instructions on-line. 5.3 Legal Bits ACCLAIM ENTERTAINMENT, INC. PRESENTS RE-VOLT (TM) (C) ACCLAIM ENTERTAINMENT, INC. 1999 DEVELOPED BY IGUANA LONDON LTD, AN ACCLAIM STUDIO ALL RIGHTS RESERVED USES MILES SOUND SYSTEM, COPYRIGHT (C) 1991-1999 BY RAD GAME TOOLS, INC. DISTRIBUTED BY ACCLAIM ENTERTAINMENT, INC. THIS DEMO IS INTENDED FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY AND MAY NOT BE LENT, COPIED, SOLD, PUBLISHED, DUPLICATED ONTO CD, ETC, WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM ACCLAIM ENTERTAINMENT, INC. ALL CHARACTERS HEREIN AND THE DISTINCT LIKENESSES THEREOF ARE TRADEMARKS OF ACCLAIM ENTERTAINMENT, INC. ACCLAIM IS A REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF ACCLAIM ENTERTAINMENT, INC. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------last revised 4/8/99------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------