1 PC Zone Patches Database 1010 Installed incorrectly 1011 Expires on: 1012 This version has expired. Please use a current version. 1013 Win32s 1014 Windows NT 1015 Windows 95 1016 386 1017 486 1018 Pentium 1019 Intel 860 1020 MIPS 1021 Alpha 1022 PowerPC 1023 Unknown 1024 This application has been installed incorrectly or modified by another program. Please run the Installer to get a fresh copy of the application after determining the cause. 1025 The maximum number of licensed users are currently using this copy of FileMaker Pro. Please refer to the installation code section of your Installation and New Features Guide for further instructions. 1026 Windows 98 1029 Specifies the font of text, fields, or text objects.\nFont 1030 Specifies the font size of text, fields, or text objects.\nFont Size 1517 "%0" could not be found. Please locate the file or click Cancel to cancel any further requests for this file. 1519 Please locate the file that contains this QuickTime movie. 2014 copy of current file 2015 compressed copy (smaller) 2016 clone (no records) 2018 as formatted 2019 with boxes 2020 with underlines 2021 , 2022 *GIF.FLT 2023 *JPEG.FLT 2024 *PICT.FLT 2025 *EPSF.FLT 2030 All Files (*.*) 2031 FileMaker Pro Runtime 5.0v4 2033 Insert QuickTime 2050 Network not installed 2051 Cannot find the %s file. 2052 Error 2053 QuickTime for Windows is not present. 2054 QuickTime for Windows Version: 2055 CLLNGENU.DLL 2060 Colors 2061 Window 2062 File 2072 FontSubstitutes 2074 Picture Filters 2076 PlugIns 2077 Recent File List 2081 .pcz 2082 FMPro50Run.pcz 2083 FileMaker Pro 5.0 Runtime Database 2084 DefaultIcon 2085 Shell 2086 Open 2087 Print 2088 Command 2089 .flt 2090 FMPro50FLT 2091 FileMaker Pro 5.0 Graphics Filter 2092 .net 2093 FMPro50NET 2094 FileMaker Pro 5.0 Networking Module 2095 .imp 2096 FMPro50IMP 2097 FileMaker Pro 5.0 Data Filter 2098 Disabled 2100 Content Type 2101 application/filemaker 2102 .fmx 2103 FMPro50FMX 2104 FileMaker Pro 5.0 Plug-In 2105 .fth 2106 FMPro50FTH 2107 FileMaker Pro 5.0 Theme 2108 .flb 2109 FMPro50FLB 2110 FileMaker Pro 5.0 Label 2626 4WINSYS 3000 Warning: System resources are low. Close some\nwindows or applications before continuing. 5000 FileMaker Pro could not write to the Claris directory.\nPlease make sure your initialization file is correct. 5001 FileMaker Pro could not be launched because of incorrect installation, missing system components, or insufficient memory.\nPlease see the FileMaker Pro documentation. 5004 Only one version of FileMaker Pro can be running at one time under Win32s. 8009 Specify a file to relate to "%0": 10001 Yes 10002 Y 10006 Lock Tools 10007 Proportional Resize 10008 Add Fields to Layout 10009 Show Mac Accelerators 10010 Save Changes 10011 User Name 10012 Expand 10013 PICT Default 10014 Cache Size 10015 FileMaker Temp 10016 FileMaker Dialing 10017 Modem Setup 10018 Modem Prefix 10019 Modem Hangup 10020 Modem Port 10021 Modem Speed 10022 Home Remove 10023 Home Insert 10024 Home Append 10025 Office Remove 10026 Office Insert 10027 Office Append 10028 Road Remove 10029 Road Insert 10030 Road Append 10031 Other Remove 10032 Other Insert 10033 Other Append 10034 Current Location 10035 Drag and Drop Text 10036 Records being browsed 10037 Current record 10038 Blank record, showing fields 10039 Field definitions 10040 Script definition for 10041 Network Protocol 10042 Hide Template Dialog 10043 File Dropped 10044 Create Rounded Buttons 10045 Main Dictionary 10046 User Dictionary 10047 Hide Status Line Help 10048 Show Recent Files 10049 Recent Files Max 14000 OLE Exceptions 14001 NoInPlace = 14003,8 14002 NoMetaSupp = 14011,2 14003 {D3E34B21-9D75-101A-8C3D-00AA001A1652} 14004 {D96C5B80-F172-101A-A72E-04021C007002} 14005 {C8E9D4E0-181F-11CE-B115-00C0F002D9E5} 14006 {1AC7C6E3-F639-11CD-91A7-0000C08AE27B} 14007 {77BB3CE0-5FB2-11CE-AC9B-00C0F002EDFC} 14008 {2CDB9A40-F0DE-11CD-B595-0000C0912578} 14009 {29130400-2EED-1069-BF5D-00DD011186B7} 14010 {73FDDC80-AEA9-101A-98A7-00AA00374959} 14011 {0003000A-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} 14012 {D3E34B21-9D75-101A-8C3D-00AA001A1652} 22800 %s requires OLE version 2.01 or later. 22801 Paste Special 22802 Unknown Object 22803 %s cannot complete the operation because of an OLE %s error. 24000 Export Records to File 24001 New File 24002 Open File 24003 Open New or Existing File 24004 Open Damaged File 24005 Import Records From File 24006 Insert Picture 24011 Save a Copy 24020 » &Move » 24021 &Clear 24022 Configure/More &Fonts... 24023 Building Font Menu...\n 24024 ShowFontMenuNative 24025 IgnoreFontFile 24030 An error occurred playing or recording the sound. 24031 The sound cannot be converted for Windows. 24032 The sound cannot be stored as a Crossplatform Sound. Crossplatform Sounds must be Uncompressed, 8-bit, Mono. 24033 The sound device is being used by another application. 24034 The format of this sound is not supported by your system hardware or drivers. 24035 An error occurred in the sound device hardware or driver. 24036 There is not enough memory available to play or record this sound. 24040 Cannot open file. 24050 Ctrl+ 24060 Fonts 24061 FileMaker Pro Fonts.FMF 24062 FMPRO.FMF 24063 OLE initialization failed. Make sure that the OLE libraries are the correct version. 24064 Failed to create object. Make sure the object is entered in the system registry. 24065 Windows sockets initialization failed. 24066 More Items... 24071 TrueType 24072 Preferences 24073 Default Size 24110 FileMaker 24111 PC Zone Patches Database 24112 5.0 25200 \Profiles\ 25201 \Application Data 25202 \Software\FileMaker\FileMaker Pro\5.0\ 32768 Performs the specified script in the current file.\nPerform Script 33280 Activates embedded or linked object.\nPerform OLE Verb 33792 Sorts the selected table column(s) by the specified value list.\nSort By Value List 34304 Goes to the specified layout in this file.\nGo to Layout 40960 Applies the specified width to object and field borders.\nChange Border Width 41216 Applies the specified fill color to objects and fields.\nChange Fill Color 41472 Applies the specified color to object and field borders.\nChange Border Color 41728 Applies the specified text color to text, fields, or text objects.\nChange Text Color 41984 Applies the specified fill pattern to objects and fields.\nChange Fill Pattern 42240 Applies the specified pattern to object and field borders.\nChange Border Pattern 42496 Applies the specified font to text, fields, or text objects.\nChange Font 49152 Inserts the contents of the Clipboard with formatting options.\nPaste Special... 49153 Defines options for the entire application.\nApplication Preferences... 49154 Defines options for this database.\nDocument Preferences... 49155 Displays the file in Browse mode.\nBrowse Mode 49156 Displays the file in Layout mode.\nLayout Mode 49157 Displays the file in Preview mode.\nPreview Mode 49158 Displays the file in Find mode.\nFind Mode 49161 Shows or hides the borders around all linked objects in the current file.\nShow Objects 49162 Gives options to correct a questionable word if "Spell check as you type" is on.\nCorrect Word... 49163 Checks the spelling of selected text in a field or text object.\nSpell Check Selection... 49164 Checks the spelling in the current record or selected objects.\nSpell Check 49165 Checks the spelling of all records in the found set.\nSpell Check All... 49166 Adds or deletes entries in the current user dictionary.\nEdit User Dictionary... 49167 Installs the dictionary to be used in checking spelling.\nSelect Dictionaries... 49168 Selects all objects of current type.\nSelect Objects by Type 49173 Shows or hides the status area.\nStatus Area 49175 Increases the font size of text, fields, or text objects.\nIncrease Font Size 49176 Decreases the font size of text, fields, or text objects.\nDecrease Font Size 49179 Changes the ruler units to centimeters.\nCentimeters 49180 Changes the ruler units to inches.\nInches 49181 Changes the ruler units to pixels.\nPixels 49182 Duplicates selected objects.\nDuplicate 49183 Opens Help.\nHelp 49184 Applies the specified font size to text, fields, or text objects.\n6 Point 49185 Applies the specified font size to text, fields, or text objects.\n8 Point 49186 Applies the specified font size to text, fields, or text objects.\n9 Point 49187 Applies the specified font size to text, fields, or text objects.\n10 Point 49188 Applies the specified font size to text, fields, or text objects.\n12 Point 49189 Applies the specified font size to text, fields, or text objects.\n14 Point 49190 Applies the specified font size to text, fields, or text objects.\n18 Point 49191 Applies the specified font size to text, fields, or text objects.\n24 Point 49192 Applies the specified font size to text, fields, or text objects.\n36 Point 49193 Applies the specified font size to text, fields, or text objects.\n48 Point 49194 Applies the specified font size to text, fields, or text objects.\n72 Point 49195 Specifies a custom point size.\nCustom Point Size... 49196 Applies the specified font size to text, fields, or text objects.\nUse Custom Point Size 49197 Removes all styles.\nPlain 49198 Applies or removes the specified style.\nBold 49199 Applies or removes the specified style.\nItalic 49200 Applies or removes the specified style.\nUnderline 49201 Applies or removes the specified style.\nWord Underline 49202 Applies or removes the specified style.\nDouble Underline 49203 Applies or removes the specified style.\nCondensed 49204 Applies or removes the specified style.\nExtended 49205 Applies or removes the specified style.\nStrikeout 49206 Applies or removes the specified style.\nSmall Caps 49207 Applies or removes the specified style.\nUppercase 49208 Applies or removes the specified style.\nLowercase 49209 Applies or removes the specified style.\nTitle Case 49210 Applies or removes the specified style.\nSuperscript 49211 Applies or removes the specified style.\nSubscript 49212 Aligns currently selected text to the left.\nAlign Left 49213 Horizontally centers the currently selected text.\nAlign Center 49214 Aligns currently selected text to the right.\nAlign Right 49215 Fully justifies currently selected text.\nAlign Full 49216 Places the selected text at the top of the selected field.\nAlign Top 49217 Centers the selected text vertically in the selected field.\nAlign Vertical Center 49218 Places the selected text at the bottom of the selected field.\nAlign Bottom 49219 Makes the currently selected text single spaced.\nSingle Space 49220 Makes the currently selected text double spaced.\nDouble Space 49221 Sets custom line spacing for the selected text or fields.\nCustom Space 49222 Opens a shared file over the network.\nOpen Remote 49223 Recovers information from a damaged file.\nRecover... 49224 Saves a copy of the current file in a separate file.\nSave a Copy As... 49242 Inserts data from the last record you viewed into the current field.\nInsert From Last Record 49243 Inserts the system date into any date, text, or number field or layout.\nInsert Current Date 49244 Inserts the system time onto a layout or into a time, text, or number field.\nInsert Current Time 49245 Pastes text without formatting.\nPaste Without Style 49246 Inserts a value from the index for the current field.\nInsert Index 49247 Inserts data from the last record into the current field and moves to the next field.\nInsert From Last Field 49248 Inserts the current user name into text or number fields or on a layout.\nInsert Current User Name 49252 Inserts a sound into the current container field.\nRecord Sound 49254 Zooms in on the current view.\nZoom In 49255 Zooms out of the current view.\nZoom Out 50152 Changes the password for the current file.\nChange Password... 50157 Adds a new, empty record.\nNew Record 50158 Deletes the current record and all of its data.\nDelete Record 50159 Deletes all records in the found set. This action can't be undone.\nDelete All Records 50160 Restores original data if you don't click outside a field or press Enter.\nRevert Record/Request 50161 Copies the current record.\nDuplicate Record 50162 Excludes a specified number of records from the found set.\nOmit Multiple 50163 Excludes the current record from the found set.\nOmit Record 50164 Puts all records in the file into the found set of records.\nShow All Records 50165 Switches the found set of records with the omitted set of records.\nShow Omitted 50167 Exports records to a new file that other applications can use.\nExport Records... 50168 Inserts a QuickTime file into the current container field.\nInsert QuickTime 50170 Imports records from other sources into the current file.\nImport Records... 50171 Searches for records using the previous search criteria, which you can modify.\nModify Last Find 50172 Finds records based on the criteria you specify.\nPerform Find 50190 Copies the contents of a field into the same field of all records in the found set.\nReplace... 50195 Updates lookup values in the selected field.\nRelookup 50196 Reorders records based on entries in one or more fields.\nSort 50197 Displays one record or find request per page.\nView as Form 50198 Displays records or find requests in a continuous list.\nView as List 50199 Displays records or find requests in a table.\nView as Table 50200 Shows or hides a text ruler for aligning and formatting selected text.\nText Ruler 50201 Uses the date and time formats of the current system.\nUse System Formats 50202 Formats the selected text.\nFormat Text... 50203 Shows or hides the Standard Toolbar.\nStandard Toolbar 50204 Shows or hides the Text Formatting Toolbar.\nText Formatting Toolbar 50206 Specifies the width of the selected table column(s).\nColumn Width 50207 Sorts the selected table column(s) in ascending order.\nSort Ascending 50208 Sorts the selected table column(s) in descending order.\nSort Descending 50209 Adds a new, empty request.\nNew Request 50210 Copies the current request.\nDuplicate Request 50211 Deletes the current request.\nDelete Request 50212 Copies the current record.\nCopy Record 50257 Inserts a picture file into the current container field or layout.\nInsert Picture 50258 Applies the current fill color to objects and fields.\nFill Color 50259 Applies the current fill pattern to objects and fields.\nFill Pattern 50260 Applies the current pen color to object and field borders.\nPen Color 50261 Applies the current pen pattern to object and field borders.\nPen Pattern 50262 Applies the current pen width to object and field borders.\nPen Pattern 50263 Applies the current effect to objects and fields.\nEffects 50264 Applies the specified color to text, fields, or text objects.\nFont Color 50265 Specifies the font size of text, fields, or text objects.\nFont Size 50266 Specifies the font of text, fields, or text objects.\nFont 50268 Displays links to resources on the FileMaker, Inc. Web site.\nFileMaker on the Web 51152 Aligns objects according to settings in the Set Alignment dialog box.\nAlign 51153 Turns the invisible snap-to grid on or off.\nObject Grids 51154 Defines fields and data entry options.\nDefine Fields 51155 Defines passwords and access privileges for the current file.\nDefine Passwords... 51156 Defines groups of users, and assigns passwords and privileges.\nDefine Groups... 51157 Shows all groups, passwords, layouts, and fields. Assigns privileges to groups.\nAccess Overview... 51158 Sets up a relationship with another FileMaker file.\nDefine Relationships 51159 Defines, modifies, and deletes scripts.\nScriptMaker... 51160 Defines value lists for fast data entry into fields.\nDefine Value Lists 51161 Creates a layout or report.\nNew Layout/Report 51162 Deletes the layout and all of its settings.\nDelete Layout 51163 Copies the current layout.\nDuplicate Layout 51164 Renames the current layout and sets up margins and columns.\nLayout Setup... 51165 Defines, reorders, and deletes layout parts in the current layout.\nPart Setup... 51166 Changes fill, border, and baseline formats for fields.\nField Borders 51167 Defines the selected object(s) as a button.\nFormat Button... 51168 Changes settings for date or calculation fields.\nFormat Date... 51169 Changes the way data displays in fields.\nField Format 51170 Changes settings for number, summary, or calculation fields.\nFormat Number... 51171 Changes display settings for container fields.\nFormat Graphic... 51172 Sets display options for the selected portal(s).\nFormat Portal... 51175 Changes settings for time or calculation fields.\nFormat Time... 51176 Puts a set of selected objects into a group. A group is formatted as one object.\nGroup 51177 Separates objects that have been grouped with the Group command.\nUngroup 51178 Prevents the selected object(s) from being modified in Layout.\nLock 51179 Unlocks the selected locked object.\nUnlock 51181 Rotates the selected object 90 degrees clockwise.\nRotate Object 51182 Moves the selected object one layer closer to the bottom in a stacked set.\nSend Backward 51183 Moves the selected object one layer closer to the top in a stacked set.\nBring Forward 51184 Moves the selected object behind all other objects in a stacked set.\nSend to Back 51185 Moves the selected object in front of all other objects in a stacked set.\nBring to Front 51186 Aligns objects by their edges or centers, or distributes space between them.\nSet Alignment 51187 Reorders layouts and sets whether they show in the layout pop-up menu.\nSet Layout Order... 51188 Changes the order in which you move from field to field with the Tab key.\nSet Tab Order... 51189 Changes the current ruler unit of measure and grid settings.\nSet Rulers... 51190 Removes blank space when printing, and specifies whether objects print.\nFormat Sliding... 51191 Sets up network sharing and FileMaker Pro companion sharing.\nSharing... 51192 Shows or hides a gray border around buttons 51193 Shows or hides a black border around fields in layout.\nShow Field Boundaries 51194 Shows or hides the graphic rulers.\nShow Graphic Rulers 51195 Shows or hides the non-printable area of the page in gray.\nShow Page Margins 51196 Shows or hides a gray border around non-printing objects.\nShow Non-Printing Objects 51197 Shows or hides a grid for aligning objects.\nShow Ruler Lines 51198 Shows or hides sample data in fields, using the format chosen for each field.\nShow Sample Data 51199 Shows or hides the size window.\nObject Size 51200 Shows or hides arrows in sliding objects.\nShow Sliding Objects 51201 Shows or hides a black border around text objects in layout.\nShow Text Boundaries 51202 Shows or hides a ruler for formatting text in fields and text objects.\nShow Text Ruler 51203 Shows or hides movable lines for positioning objects.\nT-Squares 51204 Changes text attributes for fields and text objects.\nFormat Text... 51223 Shows or hides the Standard toolbar.\nStandard Toolbar 51224 Shows or hides the Text Formatting toolbar.\nText Formatting Toolbar 51226 Shows or hides the Arrange toolbar.\nArrange Toolbar 51228 Shows or hides the Tools toolbar.\nTools Toolbar 51229 Inserts // in Layout.\nInsert Date Symbol 51230 Inserts a reference to a field on a layout in a text object.\nInsert Merge Field 51231 Inserts ## in Layout.\nInsert Page Number 51232 Inserts @@ in Layout.\nInsert Record Number 51233 Inserts :: in Layout.\nInsert Time Symbol 51234 Inserts || in Layout.\nInsert User Name Symbol 51235 Creates a new part.\nInsert Part 51236 Creates a new field.\nInsert Field 51240 Select objects.\nSelection Tool 51241 Creates text objects.\nText Tool 51242 Creates lines.\nLine Tool 51243 Creates rectangles.\nRectangle Tool 51244 Creates rounded rectangles.\nRound Rectangle Tool 51245 Creates ellipses.\nEllipse Tool 51246 Creates buttons.\nButton Tool 51247 Creates portals.\nPortal Tool 51252 Removes effect on selected object(s).\nDefault Effect 51253 Applies specified effect to selected object(s).\nEmbossed Effect 51254 Applies specified effect to selected object(s).\nEngraved Effect 51255 Applies specified effect to selected object(s).\nDrop Shadow Effect 54272 Adds or deletes fonts from the Font menu.\nConfigure/More Fonts... 54282 Chooses a color for object and field borders.\nOther Border Color... 54283 Chooses a fill color for objects and fields.\nOther Fill Color... 54284 Chooses a text color for selected text, fields, or text objects.\nOther Text Color... 57345 For Help, press F1 57600 Makes a new, empty file.\nNew Database 57601 Opens an existing file on a disk or a network.\nOpen 57602 Closes the active file.\nClose 57603 Saves the active file.\nSave 57604 Saves the active file with a new name.\nSave As 57606 Changes the printer and printing options.\nPrint Setup 57607 Prints the active file.\nPrint 57616 Opens the specified file. 57617 Opens the specified file. 57618 Opens the specified file. 57619 Opens the specified file. 57620 Opens the specified file. 57621 Opens the specified file. 57622 Opens the specified file. 57623 Opens the specified file. 57624 Opens the specified file. 57625 Opens the specified file. 57626 Opens the specified file. 57627 Opens the specified file. 57628 Opens the specified file. 57629 Opens the specified file. 57630 Opens the specified file. 57631 Opens the specified file. 57632 Erases the selection.\nErase 57634 Copies the selected text or object and puts it in the Clipboard.\nCopy 57635 Removes the selected text or object and puts it in the Clipboard.\nCut 57637 Inserts the contents of the Clipboard at the insertion point.\nPaste 57638 Inserts Clipboard contents and a link to its source.\nPaste Link 57642 Selects all text in a field or text object, or selects all layout objects.\nSelect All 57643 Reverses your last action.\nUndo 57649 Arranges icons at the bottom of the window.\nArrange Icons 57650 Arranges windows so they overlap.\nCascade Windows 57651 Arranges windows as non-overlapping tiles.\nTile Windows 57652 Arranges windows as non-overlapping tiles.\nTile Windows 57664 Displays program information, version number and copyright.\nAbout 57665 Closes open files and then quits the application.\nExit 57666 Opens onscreen Help and lists Help topics.\nHelp Index 57667 Opens onscreen Help and lists Help topics.\nHelp Topics 57668 Displays instructions about how to use Help.\nHelp 57669 Displays Help for buttons, dialogs, and windows.\nHelp 57670 Opens onscreen Help.\nHelp 57856 Inserts a new linked object into a field or layout.\nInsert Ole Object 57857 Allows links to be viewed, updated, opened, or removed.\nObject Links... 57858 Changes the application used to edit and update linked objects.\nConvert Object... 59136 EXT 59137 CAP 59138 NUM 59139 SCRL 59140 OVR 59141 REC 59393 Shows or hides the status bar.\nToggle StatusBar 61184 Change the window size. 61185 Change the window position. 61186 Reduce the window to an icon. 61187 Enlarge the window to full size. 61188 Switch to the next database window. 61189 Switch to the previous database window. 61190 Close the active window. 61202 Restore the window to normal size. 61203 Activate Task List. 61215 Activate this window. 61402 Open the selected item. 61445 Close print preview mode\nCancel Preview.