5005 art. 5006 adj. 5007 adv. 5008 tran 5009 noun 5010 verb 5011 prep 5012 pron 5013 num. 5014 excl 5015 intr 5016 conn 5017 sent 5018 prfx 5019 co 5020 Unable to load the Word Finder DLL. 5021 The word was not found. Choose another word to look up. 5022 Looking... 5023 Find Thesarus File 5120 Main Dictionary 5121 User Dictionary 5122 Thesaurus 5123 Hyphenation 5124 Software\Claris Corp. 5125 Software\Claris Corp.\ClarisWorks for Windows 5126 User Directory 5127 Claris.MainDictionary 5128 Claris.UserDictionary 5129 Claris.Thesaurus 5130 Claris.Hyphenation 5131 Claris Main Dictionary 5132 Claris User Dictionary 5133 Claris Thesaurus 5134 Claris Hyphenation 5135 claddon.clr 5201 Internal speller error - SPL01. 5202 User Dictionary already in use. 5203 User Dictionary Full. 5204 Can't write to file. 5205 File not found. 5206 Invalid User Dictionary number. 5207 Internal speller error - SPL07. 5208 Word not found in dictionary file. 5209 Internal speller error - SPL09. 5210 Internal speller error - SPL10. 5211 Invalid main dictionary. 5212 Invalid user dictionary. 5213 User Dictionary file is too big. 5214 User Dictionary is read only. 5217 Speller error - SPL17. 5218 Speller error - SPL18. 5219 Speller error - SPL19. 5220 Speller error - SPL20. 5221 Speller error - SPL21. 5222 Speller error - SPL22. 5224 Word is too long for User Dictionary. 5225 Unable to add word to dictionary. 5226 Entry contains multiple words. 5300 Fatal Error: Can't find Speller. 5305 Find Claris Directory 5306 Claris Error 5307 Create File 5400 An Error Occurred 5401 Cannot open the main dictionary file. 5402 Cannot open the user dictionary file. 5403 Not enough memory to load dictionary. 5404 Can't load char table 5405 Can't open the import file. 5406 Can't open the export file. 5407 The speller is already in use by another application. 5408 Unable to create the User Dictionary. 5409 You have modified the user dictionary. Are you sure you want to cancel? 5410 Confirm Cancel 5411 Word already in Main or User Dictionary. 5412 Unable to create the CLARIS.INI file. Check your hard disk to make sure there is enough room. 5413 Unable to find the Claris directory. You should either reinstall or edit your WIN.INI file. 5414 Word not found in User Dictionary. 5415 There was an error writing to the export file. 5416 Error writing to export file. Out of disk space. 5417 Error writing to the User Dictionary. Out of disk space. 5418 This is not a valid text file. 5419 Please enter a valid file name for the User Dictionary. 5420 Import Complete. 5421 Import 5422 Export Complete. 5423 Export 5425 Dictionary is already installed. 5426 Invalid Dictionary 5427 Select main dictionary first 5500 &Replace 5501 Don&e 5502 &Next 5503 &Text File >> 5504 &Text File << 5505 Con&text >> 5506 Con&text << 5550 Finished Spelling 5600 Questionable Spelling 5601 Correct Spelling 5602 Spelling... 5603 %ld Instance 5604 %ld Instances 5605 %ld Questionable Word 5606 %ld Questionable Words 5607 ... 5608 5609 Select Dictionaries 5610 %1 %2