:Base jftp.hlp 1 An introduction to FTP 2 What is FTP=what_is_ftp 2 The FTP window=the_ftp_window 1 Using FTP 2 Connecting to a remote computer=how_to_connect 2 Sending a file to a remote computer=how_to_send 2 Sending multiple file to a remote computer=how_to_send_multiple_files 2 Sending a folder and all its contents to a remote computer=how_to_send_folder 2 Fetching a file from a remote computer=how_to_receive 2 Fetching multiple files from a remote computer=how_to_receive_multiple_files 2 Fetching a folder and all its contents from a remote computer=how_to_receive_folder 2 Creating a new folder=how_to_create_dir 2 Deleting a file or folder=how_to_delete 2 Renaming a file or folder=how_to_rename 2 Removing the information for connecting to a remote computer=how_to_del 2 Modifying the information for connecting to a remote computer=how_to_mod 1 Menus 2 Connection 3 New=HID_NEW_SERVER 3 Open=HID_SELECT 3 Close=HID_DISCONNECT 3 Reconnect=HID_CONNECT 3 Properties=HID_UPDATE_SERVER 3 Exit=HID_APP_EXIT 2 Edit 3 Copy=HID_EDIT_COPY 3 Paste=HID_EDIT_PASTE 3 Rename=HID_RENAME 3 Read Only=HID_READ_ONLY 3 Read Write=HID_READ_WRITE 3 Delete=HID_DELETE 3 New Folder=HID_CREATE_DIR 3 Select All=HID_SELECT_ALL 2 View 3 Toolbar=HID_VIEW_TOOLBAR 3 Status Bar=HID_VIEW_STATUS_BAR 3 List=HID_VIEW_LIST 3 Details=HID_VIEW_DETAILS 3 Options=HID_VIEW_OPTIONS 2 Mode 3 Text=HID_ASCII 3 Binary=HID_BINARY 3 Auto=HID_AUTO 3 Auto Setup=HID_DEFINE_TEXT 3 Back=HID_BACK 3 Forward=HID_FORWARD 3 Up One Level=HID_UP 3 Root Folder=HID_ROOT 3 Set Root Folder=HID_GOTO 2 Window 3 Local Folder=HID_WINDOW_LOCAL_TREE 3 Local File=HID_WINDOW_LOCAL_LIST 3 Remote Folder=HID_WINDOW_REMOTE_TREE 3 Remote File=HID_WINDOW_REMOTE_LIST 3 Print=HID_FILE_PRINT 3 Refresh=HID_REFRESH 3 Refresh All=HID_REFRESH_ALL 2 Help 3 Contents=HID_HELP_INDEX 3 About FTP=HID_APP_ABOUT