Incoming (Rage Software) You want to cheat? Just type the following passwords while playing the game. Getting started: The easiest way to access the main selection of cheats is to select Start Game and type NUMBERONEDACRESTREET (that's Rage's address in Liverpool, don't you know). This brings up a menu which enables you to choose any level from the Campaign mode (including the bonus levels) and toggle many of the cheats below. In-game cheats: Alternatively, type one of the following while you're actually playing: INVUNERABILTY,INFINITELIVES, INFINITEWEAPONS are all self-explanatory, as is EASYSHOOT. SUPERSHOOT gives you infinite smart bombs - press fire and every enemy ship on the radar explodes. Cheat modes: Typing CHEATKEYS enables you to switch the various cheat modes on and off by using the function keys. Typing HAVEALL gives you all of the above! Secret levels: Typing FLYMETOTHEMOON will take you to the first of the secret levels, in which the aim is to shoot down as many of the enemy ships in the given time. In the second bonus level - accessed by typing OLDMACDONALD - you have to shoot down the bouncing cows. Type SUPERDAISY to make the cows a selectable 'craft' in arcade and multi-player mode. TANKSALOT enables extra tanks. Gravity levels: Play around with gravity levels by typing CATWALK (for low gravity) and FATWALK (for high gravity). IWIEGHNORMAL returns the setting to normal when the next level is loaded. Graphics settings: Finally, if you're bored with looking at the pretty visuals, you can play around with the graphics settings (although we're not entirely sure why you'd want to do this). WHATSTHEPOINT turns everything into dots which, er, makes the game unplayable. WIREWEWAITING gives you a Battlezone-like wireframe mode... which is also unplayable. FLATBROKE invokes flat shading, while SOLIDASAROCK (solid shading) and GOURAUD are the standard settings and will return you back to normal. Cheat key: One of the cheats typed into Incoming is called CHEATKEY - once this is done, use the following F keys to toggle the cheats on or off: F2 Easy shoot F3 Invulnerability F4 Infinite lives F5 Infinite weapons F6 Smart bomb F7 Quit F8 Store current situation F9 Reload stored situation F10 Frame wait on/off F11 Restart