POPFMT.COM (1) by M.Vassallo (Jan.1993) Pop-Format: Smart Pop-up Formatter What is it?.............Pop-Format is a TSR Formatter that gives you the ability to Format *FLOPPY* Disks from within other text screen applications or within DOS itself. How does it work?.......Upon installation, Pop-Format will determine the configuration of up to five drives. To keep things simple (and small), the Pop-Format utility will check drives A: through E: to see if A) they exist and B) they are Floppy drives (Removeable Media). If your disk system uses 5.25" or 3.5" drives with either DOUBLE or HIGH densities in any of those five drives, then the utility will install itself and display a brief message. This utility can format: 360K and 1.2 M - 5.25" disks 720K and 1.44M - 3.5 " disks What are it's limits?...Pop-Format will NOT give you access to any Hard Drives as a safety precaution. You will simply be told that the non-removeable drives are not available. Also note that Pop-Format will sense when the screen is in a graphics mode and not display itself to avoid conflict with your graphics programs. In keeping with the Safe-To-Use style of programming that I prefer, I have avoided allowing any other applications to carry on while the formatter is active, they will simply be suspended until the user presses ESC to exit the utility. I have tried this program while running major applications such as Word Perfect, Lotus, etc. and have not found any problems with the utility but would appreciate your feedback if you discover ANYTHING. How do I use it?........At any time after the initial installation, the Pop-Format utility can be accessed by holding down the CTRL and ALT keys and pressing the "F" key. Most of the keys to use are shown in the small display window and all of them are listed below: Up/Down arrows.. Any of these -/+................ combinations will 8/2................... select a FLOPPY drive PgUp/PgDn.......... to format by moving Home/End........ the menu bar. SPACE - Toggles between HIGH and DOUBLE density formatting IF the selected drive can handle both styles. ENTER - Formats the selected drive. ESCAPE- Clears the Pop-Up window and restores the underlying text, colours (if applicable), and cursor position but keeps the Pop-Format utility in memory. (2) Any set-up needed?......There is no set-up required to tell the program about your system so most people should be able to get it running without too much instruction. Just place POPFMT.COM in any directory or drive that you can get to and type POPFMT at the DOS prompt. The program does not require access to any disk files once it has installed itself so it can even be installed from a floppy if you wish. It is quite small (12.3 K) but uses more room in memory (21.7 K). Since the Pop-Format window is black on white, you will not need to worry about MONO/COLOUR problems. How do I De-Install?....If you need to pull Pop-Format out of memory to run a very large application just type POPFMT OUT at the DOS prompt. The program will recognize a few different De-Installation command styles for your convenience. ALL of the following work: POPFMT OUT POPFMT OFF POPFMT REMOVE POPFMT /REM POPFMT /U (/-+) Delimiters are accepted but not required except with the /U option. * Please note that POPFMT will sense when it is already running and will not let more than one copy of itself reside in memory at one time. Also, you will not have any problem trying to de-install it if it is not already resident but for the sake of use from batch files etc., it will not default to installing itself nor will it wait for a response by asking if you meant to install rather than de-install. Message from the Author: I hope that you find this little tidbit of use and, although I don't honestly expect most people to feel compelled to reimburse me for my time and effort, a small donation of, say five bucks? would certainly make me feel that these projects are worth making. Again, thank you for using this utility and please pass it on to whomever you think would likely benefit from its use. M.Vassallo (416)632-0878 660 Francis Rd.,Burlington Ontario, Canada. L7T 3X7