WhereIsIt? version 1.0 Final Release Copyright (c) 1997 Robert Galle All Rights Reserved HOW TO ORDER WhereIsIt? ======================= By installing WhereIsIt? on your system you indicate your agreement to the following terms: You may give individual copies of the unregistered version to your friends. You must preserve original WHERISIT.EXE file and distribute it only by giving away this file. You may NOT in any way modify or disassemble this program, nor distribute such versions. Under no circumstances may this program be sold or lend by any other person as author himself. WhereIsIt? is a shareware program. You may test program out at no charge for an initial trial period of 14 days since the day of installation. If you want to continue using WhereIsIt? after that period you must register. Please send a registration form to the author (address is included at the end od the document). You should include the registration fee, payable in US dollars ($30 USD), German marks (45 DEM), or Slovenian tollars (4000 SIT). with the registration form. If you would like to receive program via regular mail on floppy disk, please add $5 for postage expenses. Credit card ordering is also available from PsL. When your registration form and fee have been received, you will get your own personalized serial number and registration code to register the program and unlock it to its full capabilities. Unless arranged otherwise, this data will be sent to you by e-mail. The latest version of WhereIsIt? can be found on program WWW Home Page, as listed below. With your serial number and registration code, you will be able to unlock every new version of this software, unless indicated otherwise (registration code may become invalid over the time - in that case, all registered users will receive a new registration code as a replacement for the old one). ORDERING BY CREDIT CARD ======================= You can order the fully licensed version of WhereIsIt? over the Internet from PsL, a credit card ordering service (WhereIsIt? product number on PsL is #30134). PsL will accept all major credit cards in use today, including MasterCard, Visa, Amex, and Discovery. To insure that you get the latest version, PsL will notify me within one business day of your order and I will ship the product directly to you (sending you registration data by email, or disk by regular mail, if so requested). Please note! Registration fee for ordering WhereIsIt? by credit card is a little higher ($37 USD) than if you send me the fee by mail or wire it to my bank ($30 USD). This is due to all the taxes, PsL fees and bank fees, that your order must go through before reaching me. However, in some countries it may still be s better option, since bank may charge you an extra fee for wiring money to other state (the cheapest option is still just sending the fee by regular mail, in the envelope). Sending a credit card order: ---------------------------- There are three ways how to place an order for WhereIsIt? with PsL: - You can go online and access PsL Web ordering form from WhereIsIt? home page. Click on the "Ordering" button and then click a link to PsL's secure order form in the "Credit Card Ordering" section. Form is on a secure connection to protect your data. - You can FAX your order to PsL at 713-524-6398. Please include the fully fulfilled registration form; ask for product #30134 and please type or block print very plainly. - You can email your order to PsL. The email address is "30134@pslweb.com". Data to include is the same as if sending fax. These numbers are for ORDERS ONLY. For tech support or to check on the status of the shipping of an order or information about our products, please contact the author! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOW TO SEND A REGISTRATION FEE ============================== After discussing this with our local bank, the most appropriate way for you to send in a registration fee in order to register Where Is It? is to wire it to my international bank account. The bank has assured me that you should have no trouble doing that from most of countries in the world. If you have any second thoughts about paying this way, please fell free to contact me and we will try to work out something else for you. IMPORTANT! Please don't forget to send in a fully fulfilled registration form, too. Some of this data is needed to generate your registration key. Be sure to include your Name and Company in the form (for company, you may write down "private" if you are not employed yet or you don't wish to involve your company). Bank account details: --------------------- When sending a fee to my bank account, you should have the following data ready for your bank where you are sending from. You should have no trouble sending the fee in any of major world currencies, but USD or DEM are preferred. My local bank, here in Slovenia, that holds my account: Ljubljanska banka, Banka Domzale d.d. Ekspozitura Domzale Ljubljanska 82, Domzale, Slovenia My international account number: 50120-620-149/303-72702-6479/26 Account owner: Robert Galle You may want to print this data before going out to your local bank. If your local bank would not have bussiness done this way, e-mail me back and I will try to arrange something else. If everything else fails, there is always a way just to put that few bucks in the envelope and mail them to me. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- R E G I S T R A T I O N F O R M WhereIsIt? (current version) Name ___________________________________________________ Company ___________________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Phone ___________________________________________________ E-Mail ___________________________________________________ Where did you first hear about WhereIsIt? ___________________________________________________________ [ ] I would like to receive program and registration data by regular mail, instead (add $5 for postage expenses). Preferred distribution media: [ ] 5.25" floppy disk [ ] 3.5" floppy disk [ ] Other: _______________________ Registration fee calculation: Quantity _________ x $30 USD = ________ USD x 45 DEM = ________ DEM x 4000 SIT = ________ SIT + optional postage of $5 if using regular mail ============================ TOTAL = ____________ Available quantity discounts: [ ] 5 - 10 licenses = 10 % discount [ ] 11 - 50 licenses = 15 % discount [ ] 51 - 100 licenses = 25 % discount [ ] more than 100 licenses = 40 % discount Special discount for registered users of Floppy Master: [ ] Floppy Master upgrade = 50 % discount ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTACTING THE AUTHOR ===================== Authors address: Robert Galle Matije Tomca 1 1230 Domzale Slovenia (Europe) E-Mail: robert.galle@bigfoot.com WWW Home Page: http://members.tripod.com/~WhereIsIt