BioWIN V4.0 for Windows 95/NT Copyright (C) Greg Kacy, All Rights Reserved 1.INTRODUCTION 2.SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS 3.INSTALLATION 4.BIORHYTHMS 5.USING BIOWIN 6.HOW TO GET YOUR CHARTS 7.COMPATIBILITY 8.SHAREWARE 9.REGISTRATION INFORMATION 10.CONTACT 1.INTRODUCTION BioWIN is the first really complete biorhythm program for MS WINDOWS. It includes all four biorhythm cycles, biorhythm compatibility between two people, people database, bad and good day search and various printing. 2.SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS BioWIN requires Microsoft Windows95/NT or later. 3.INSTALLATION To install BioWIN in your system, just run the Setup utility. It will quide you through the installation process. 4.BIORHYTHMS Everything that happens around us in the nature is periodic. We are influenced by a cyclic changes of the seasons, moon shape, day and night etc. Every human life is influenced by these factors and 'works' a periodical way as well. Scientists have discovered body cycles that are known as biorhythms. These cycles can influence things such as: coordination, immunity to disease, strength, mental stability, moods, logic thinking, ability to learn, memory recall, instincts, etc. Charting your biorhythms can give a very real indication about your capabilities at a given time. There are four known biorhythm cycles: physical, emotional, intellectual and intuitional. Each of these cycles starts at the time of birth. From this point, each of the cycles starts to rise up through its active phase until it falls back to the zero level. Then it continues through the zero level to go on to a passive phase. Then it raise again to the zero level to begin all over again. Each time the cycle crosses the zero level from the active to the passive phase, it is said to be in a critical state (critical day). When the cycle crosses the zero level from the passive to active phase, it is said to be in a zero state (zero day). In the active phase the abilities associated with the particular cycle are high. When the cycle is in its passive phase the abilities are diminished. During the critical day the associated abilities are unstable, and you should be really careful during that day. The 'zero day' can be various. The abilities are unstable during that day as well. However, this day is better than a critical day because the cycle is heading towards the active phase. In practice we are under influence of the combination of all the cycles. The table shows the lengths of cycles and abilities that are affected by each of the four biorhythm cycles. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- physical 23 days strength, stamina, immunity to disease, potency, coordination, resistance to pain emotional 28 days mental stability, sensitivity, moods intellectual 33 days ability to learn, memory, analytical functions logic, decision making intuitional 38 days instincts, unconscious perception ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- PEAK \ * * the CRITICAL day * * / the ZERO day * ACTIVE * / / ----*----------------*----------------*-------------- / : * PASSIVE * : the ZERO day: * * : : * * : : / : : LOW : : : :--------- SINGLE CYCLE ----------: PHYSICAL PEAK - High physical skill, strength ,vitality, energy, resistance to pain. Good time for visiting your dentist, operation or sport achievement. You are simply in a very good form... EMOTIONAL PEAK - Susceptibility, impulsiveness, optimism, coolness, good coexistence with environment, intensive eroticism, high ability of concentration. INTELLECTUAL PEAK - Very good memory and intellect, quick wits. You are smarter and more clever than usual. BEWARE CRITICAL DAYS ! Your system has the lowest efficiency (physical ,emotional or intellectual). In that period you are susceptible to accidents and adversity. DO NOT TRUST THE ZERO DAYS ! Remember that this day can be various. You can beat the record or get hurt on that day. The frequent rashness on that day can become dangerous. Well....Watch out ! LOW - Try to rest, regenerate your body, gather energy Be careful (like on critical day), especially if all three lows will meet in one place. You also should be aware that other external events can influence your behavior and reactions completely overriding the effects your biorhythms might have. If for example you have won 1 000 000$ today, nomater what your biorhythm chart will show, you will feel great and happy anyway! 5.USING BioWIN BioWIN is a MS WINDOWS application. To navigate BioWIN you can either use menu or tool bar. You also can use shortcut keys. BioWIN uses the Windows help system to provide on-line information. BioWIN screen consist of menu, tool, status bar, chart area and data window. Data window holds the current date, report date and dates of birth for biorhythm cycles and compatibility. It has also the names of people for whom the charts are shown (if the dates were retrieved from database), and the legend for charts. - Menu options File **** Edit Base - BioWIN supports a database where personal data (i.e. date of birth and name) can be stored. This will speed up the (F2) process of entering the date of birth for biorhythm and compatibility counting. To add a person to the database you have to click Add button in the BioWIN EditBase dialog box. Then fill in the Personal data dialog box. To edit the personal data select person in the list box and click Edit button, or just double click the person in the list box. To remove a person from a database select person in the list box and click Remove button. Configuration - It is possible to configure the look of your screen in BioWIN. Curves can be either plotted as thick or thin lines. They can be color or mono (dashed, dotted). The plotting area background color can be changed as well and grid can be toggled. The configuration will be stored in biowin.ini file which you can find in your Windows directory Print - BioWIN allows you to print the biorhythm and compatibility charts. There are five different printing options. (F3) Biorhythm - all cycles on one - all four cycles will be printed on the same chart (as a single month) - separate - four charts with one curve each (as a single month) - year chart - twelve month chart for current year. The year can be changed by changing the "Report date" Compatibility - bar chart - 3d bar chart showing compatibility in % - dual chart - two curves can be shown for two people on the same chart You can choose what to print in the printing dialog box (biorhythm). For compatibility, the current state of the chart window will be printed. In biorhythm printing, it is possible to print selected curves. Only the curves that are shown on the screen will be printed. (You can toggle showing these curves in the main menu - "Biorhythm"). Exit - Quits BioWIN (Alt F4) Edit **** Copy - Copies the current plots to Clipboard Date Of Birth **** Biorhythm Direct - Allows to enter the date of birth for biorhythm charts in dialog box. BioWIN accepts dates in the following format: MON DAY YEAR (ex: MAY 8 1969} The earliest date that can be entered is: DEC 31 1599 To speed up the date entering, BioWIN provides two combo boxes from which the month and day can be selected. From Base - Selects the person from database. The biorhythm chart will be shown for that (F4) person. Compatibility Person 1 - Direct - Allows to enter the date of birth for compatibility charts in the dialog box. Person 1 - Base - Selects the first person from (F5) database for compatibility charts Person 2 - Direct - Allows to enter the date of birth for compatibility charts in the dialog box. Person 2 - Base - Selects the first person from (F6) database for compatibility charts Report Dates **** Today - Sets the report date (date for witch the report dialog box is shown) for the current day. Other Date - Allows to set another date for the report date Compatibility month - Compatibility month is the month for which two appropriate biorhythm cycles of two people will be shown on the same chart. It will be possible therefore to compare cycles. Biorhythm **** Report - Shows the full biorhythm report for the current person. Report is counted for the (F11) report date. The report shows the biorhythm level in % for every cycle, day of the cycle and number of days that you have lived up to report date. Toggle Physical Cycle - Toggles this cycle on/off Emotional Cycle - Toggles this cycle on/off Intellectual Cycle - Toggles this cycle on/off Intuitional Cycle - Toggles this cycle on/off NOTE: This menu is also available as a popup menu (Right mouse button) All Cycles - Shows all cycles (F7) Back - Shows the charts for the next month Forward - Shows the charts for the previous month Good Days - List of good days within 5 years from the report date Bad Days - List of bad days within 5 years from the report date Compatibility **** Report - Shows the compatibility report in %. (F12) Bar Chart - Plots the compatibility bar chart Physical Cycles - Shows both persons physical cycles, one laid over the other Emotional Cycles - Shows both persons emotional cycles, one laid over the other Intellectual Cycles - Shows both persons intellectual cycles, one laid over the other Intuitional Cycles - Shows both persons intuitional cycles, one laid over the other Help **** Keys - Shows toolbar keys Contents - Shows help contents (F1) Search - Search for keyword in the helpfile About - Shows the information about BioWIN 6.HOW TO GET YOUR CHARTS ? All you have to do to get your biorhythm curves is to enter your date of birth and the date for which you would like to see the curves (or report). The date of birth can be entered directly (dialog box) or from the database. The date for which the biorhythm report will be shown (report date) can be entered directly in the date dialog box or can by selected by clicking on the month chart. If you want to set the report date for the current day select 'Today' in the Report Dates from the main menu. BioWIN displays its biorhythm chart on the 31 days display (month). You can move forward (see chart for the next month) or backward (see chart for the previous month) by clicking the appropriate buttons on the toolbar. 7.COMPATIBILITY BioWIN allows you to show compatibility between biorhythm cycles for two people. If for example, the physical cycle of one person is identical with another person's physical cycle, it means that the physical compatibility is 100%. The higher compatibility - the better it is. BioWIN displays the compatibility as a bar chart, or you can plot physical, emotional, intellectual or intuitional cycles for two people as individual charts, showing both persons cycles, one laid over the other. This will allow to compare the cycles and establish the days with equal biorhythm levels. To get the compatibility charts, just enter the date of birth for both persons (Person 1, Person 2). Compatibility is constant, and does not depend on current date. It depends on the dates of birth. 8.SHAREWARE LIMITATIONS This is the Shareware version of the program. The database can hold only up to three people. You are also unable to print some charts. The compatibility options are disabled. There are no limitations in the REGISTERED VERSION. 9.REGISTRATION INFORMATION BioWIN is a copyrighted program protected by all applicable US and International copyright laws. If you have obtained this copy from a Shareware disk vendor, an on-line computer service or bulletin board, a friend or colleague, or any similar source, you have the trial (unregistered) copy. You are allowed to use this copy without charge for a limited time as specified under the license agreement. After this time, you must register in order to continue using BioWIN legally. The registration fee for BioWIN is $12. Payment of this fee entitles you to: - A disk with the extended version of BioWIN - Notice of future updates to the program A REGISTERED VERSION of BioWIN can be obtained by sending a money order or check and registration form to: Greg Kacy Box 3055, MS7209, EOW 348 Victoria, BC V8W 3P6 Canada or register on-line at: 10.CONTACT (Support/Suggestions/Bug reports) Greg Kacy Box 3055, MS7209, EOW 348 Victoria, BC V8W 3P6 Canada email: web: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- LICENSE AGREEMENT The use of BioWIN is subject to the following terms and conditions. BioWIN is copyrighted material. It is protected by all applicable US and International copyright laws. You may not make any changes or modification to BioWIN. You may not decompile, disassemble, or otherwise reverse-engineer the software in any way. Shareware copies are distributed to allow you to try the program before you pay for it. These copies are still Copyright Greg Kacy. These copies are not to be confused with "public domain" or "free" software. You are allowed to use the shareware copies for a trial period of 30 days. Once the trial period is over, you are required to register for $12. Title to the licensed software is NOT transferred to the end user. The end user is granted an exclusive license to use the software on one computer or computer work station at any given time. LIMITED WARRANTY THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. WE FURTHER DISCLAIM ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE AND DOCUMENTATION REMAINS WITH YOU. IN NO EVENT SHALL WE BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, LOSS OF BUSINESS INFORMATION, OR OTHER PECUNIARY LOSS) ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE OR DOCUMENTATION, EVEN IF WE HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. BECAUSE SOME STATES/COUNTRIES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTIAL DAMAGES, THE ABOVE LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. BioWIN DISTRIBUTION You may pass the UNREGISTERED version of the program to others, but you must follow these rules: BioWIN MUST be copied in an unmodified form and MUST contain the following files: biowin.exe biowin.hlp biowin.txt orderfrm.txt No charge may be made for this program (except for the cost of the actual physical disk/duplicating costs). Public Domain Disk Vendors may not charge a fee for BioWIN itself. However, you may include BioWIN on a diskette for which you charge a nominal distribution fee. The purchaser of said diskette must be informed in advance that the fee paid to acquire the diskette does NOT relieve said purchaser from paying the Registration Fee for BioWIN if said purchaser uses BioWIN. Operators of electronic bulletin board systems and webmasters may post BioWIN for downloading by their users without written permission only as long as the above conditions are met. A fee may be charged for access to the bbs as long as no specific fee is charged for downloading BioWIN files without first obtaining express written permission from Greg Kacy to charge such a fee. Distributors of public domain and user supported software, such as disk vending services, may not charge a fee for BioWIN itself. However, you may include BioWIN on a diskette for which you charge a nominal distribution fee. The purchaser of said diskette must be informed in advance that the fee paid to acquire the diskette does NOT relieve said purchaser from paying the Registration Fee for BioWIN. *** END OF FILE ENJOY........***