1-) Welcome Thank you for downloading CCZip the fastest and easiest way to ZIP and unZIP files. 2-) License You have a license to: -To use the program until you decide to register it, if you decide not to register it you should uninstall it. -To distribute this shareware version of the program as long as the needed files remain unmodified, and there is no charge except for a reasonable transportation fee. In any other matter the software is distribuited "as is" with no other warranty expressed or implied, and the author in no event will be liable for direct, indirect or incidental, or consequential damages resulting from any defect in the program. 3-) To install CCZip expand this ZIP to a new directory and run Setup.EXE. Once you have executed Setup follow the instruction there given. For any request, registration info, comment, contact: support@castillobueno.com