Program: AWALE Version: 2.0.2 Authors: D&O GUILLION Date : January 1996-April 1997 Address: 22 rue Pierre d'Aragon, 31200 Toulouse, FRANCE e-mail : or Web : or THE AWALE Awale is an ancient African game, certainly one of the oldest reflection games of the humanity. Its rules are simple, but the strategies to be successful can be complex and subtle. The program can be run under Windows 95 or Windows 3.1x+Win32s and needs about 1500 Kb of free memory space. To install it, just launch 'install' and enter the directory name you want to install 'Awale' into. The Microsoft WinG Runtime is also installed if necessary. If you encounter some problems during starting of the software, try to launch it while maintaining the "Ctrl" key depressed, in order to disable music and sound effects. WHAT'S NEW ? This new version offers additional features that had been suggested by some users. First, it's now possible to view the played holes history list, and to get back at any point of the game. You can also save or load a game. This allows you to try several strategies for a single playboard configuration, and therefore to improve your level... Registering this version allows you to play against the "Grand Master" game level. This level is now configurable in terms of depth and computing time. A great number of users write to us to communicate their enthusiasm for Awale and inform us about their own variations of the rules. We want to thank them here. In order to create a rules and variations database, we integrated to Awale the capability of defining your own rules. If you know an interesting rule, define it, test it, and send us the definition file, we'll then be able to integrate this new rule to the next release of Awale, and propose it on our Web site. It's now possible to print a game manual describing all the rules known by the software, as well as the history list. DISTRIBUTION Copy and non-commercial distribution of this software are allowed, only on condition that no file of this package is modified or omitted. The shareware version of Awale grants you the access to all the features necessary to play. However, you can't access : - the high levels of computer game, - the games and rules saving. FEE An US$10 fee is asked if you want to continue playing Awale after a 3-weeks trial delay. Your registration number will be sent as soon as your fee is received. Entering this code in the registration box of Awale allows you to access all the features. This code is personal and must not be diffused. Awale is also available for Macintosh. And now, just play and enjoy... The authors.