----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DROPSESSION FEEDBACK FORM Version: Oct. 1996 Eriban Software ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOW DID YOU GET THE PROGRAM Please describe as accurately as possible how you found out about Dropsession and where you obtained the freeware version: ......................................................................... ......................................................................... ......................................................................... THE LEVEL OF THE PUZZLES Please describe the puzzles which you liked the most (for instance, simple or hard, a small or a large board, a few or a lot pieces, etc.) : ......................................................................... ......................................................................... ......................................................................... Examples of the puzzles which I liked the most are (give the names or numbers of puzzles from the freeware version) : ......................................................................... ......................................................................... ......................................................................... FUTURE VERSIONS As Eriban is a spare-time project, we don't have all the time of the world. Please indicate the parts you would like us to focus on the most in the near future. Fill in priorities (from 1=high to 5=low) : [ ] Create the graphical version. [ ] Design more puzzles. [ ] Make small improvements to the program (define your own keys, etc.) [ ] Set up a competition scheme. [ ] Come up with new and other exiting puzzle programs.... Other suggestions : ......................................................................... ......................................................................... ......................................................................... ADDITIONAL COMMENTS Spill your guts! : ......................................................................... ......................................................................... ......................................................................... ------- CUT HERE ---------------------------------------------------------- THANKS!!! Thanks for filling in the form. Your suggestions will certainly be taken into account. NOTES - If you print out this form it is very well possible that it doesn't fit on a single page. You could then add some blank lines in the form to get a a neater pagebreak. This really isn't necessary though. We think we are smart enough to understand it anyway.