================================================================= OMEGA VERSION 1.2 (FREEWARE) ================================================================= BEFORE YOU INSTALL: 1. You must install runtime2.zip before installing this software. For more information, see runtime2.txt that is accompanied with this software. 2. If you have previous version of the software installed, you must uninstall it first before installing the software. Settings of the program will not be erased by uninstalling the software. SYSTEM FILES TO BE INSTALLED: By installing the software, the following files will be installed in your Windows SYSTEM directory. 1. vbShell.dll 20 KB ver 1.0 2. StddlgEx.dll 47 KB ver 2.02 DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY: This free software is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind. The author disclaims all warranties. The entire risk as to the result and performance of this program is assumed by you. TECHNICAL SUPPORT: If you have trouble installing this software, contact kazu@visualz.pair.com. To see the latest information about the product, visit Omega webpage at http://www.visualz.pair.com/omega/