Thanks for trying Ball Master! Note that this is unregistred copy of Ball Master. You can use it only for evaluation purposes. After that you have to register your copy. You may try out Ball Master for any time. It doesn't contain any "time-bombs", but if you like it you have to register it. Read register.txt for more details. Note that everybody who order software development from me will get registred copy of Ball Master for FREE. I can make for you anything from such games to complex client-server infosystems for very low price. Files: BallM.Exe - Ball Master *.wav - Sounds Clouds.mid - Music file Readme.txt - This file Register.txt - Registration information Playing game: The aim of game is to play as much as possible, while there's empty space on board. When board becomes full of balls the game is over. During one game step you can move one ball to any empty space available from ball position. Ball can move horizontally and vertically but not by diagonal. If after move there's line of one-color balls containing as many balls as setted in Get property of Game Setup then these balls will be removed from board and you get some empty space. You can put vertical, horizontal or diagonal line or even some of them together to remove balls. If after your move no such lines found on board computer will put some balls (as many as setted in Put property of Game Setup) and you can move another ball. This will continue until there's empty places on board. Contact me with questions on registration, bug reports by E-mail to Thanks again! Have fun playing Ball Master!