:Title Ultra Logic Help 1 Tutorial 2 Intoduction=T_INTRODUCTION>Main 2 Lesson 1 - Understanding the Game 3 The Role of the Computer=T_L1_P1>Tutorial 3 The Goal=T_L1_P2>Tutorial 3 Making the Move=T_L1_P3>Tutorial 3 Computer's Response=T_L1_P4>Tutorial 3 Suggested Tactics=T_L1_P5>Tutorial 2 Lesson 2 - Sample Game 1, Beginner Level 3 Sample Game 1, Turn 1/7=T_L2_P1>Tutorial 3 Sample Game 1, Turn 2/7=T_L2_P2>Tutorial 3 Sample Game 1, Turn 3/7=T_L2_P3>Tutorial 3 Sample Game 1, Turn 4/7=T_L2_P4>Tutorial 3 Sample Game 1, Turn 5/7=T_L2_P5>Tutorial 3 Sample Game 1, Turn 6/7=T_L2_P6>Tutorial 3 Sample Game 1, Turn 7/7=T_L2_P7>Tutorial 2 Lesson 3 - Sample Game 2, Intermediate Level 3 Sample Game 2, Turn 1/8=T_L3_P1>Tutorial 3 Sample Game 2, Turn 2/8=T_L3_P2>Tutorial 3 Sample Game 2, Turn 3/8=T_L3_P3>Tutorial 3 Sample Game 2, Turn 4/8=T_L3_P4>Tutorial 3 Sample Game 2, Turn 5/8=T_L3_P5>Tutorial 3 Sample Game 2, Turn 6/8=T_L3_P6>Tutorial 3 Sample Game 2, Turn 7/8=T_L3_P7>Tutorial 3 Sample Game 2, Turn 8/8=T_L3_P8>Tutorial 1 Registration and Support 2 Registering Ultra Logic=REGISTRATION>Main 2 Getting the Newest Version=NEWEST_VERSION>Main 2 Contact Information=CONTACT_INFORMATION>Main 1 What's New? 2 New Features in v1.1=NEW_FEATURES_IN_V1.1>Main 2 New Features in v1.2=NEW_FEATURES_IN_V1.2>Main 2 New Features in v1.3=NEW_FEATURES_IN_V1.3>Main 2 New Features in v1.4=NEW_FEATURES_IN_V1.4>Main 1 Legal Stuff 2 Disclaimer=DISCLAIMER>Main 2 License Agreement=LICENSE>Main