==============================[ ORDER FORM]=============================== TerraComp email questions to: KathyCassidy@compuserve.com 1702 7th St kathy.cassidy@hopewell.net Portsmouth, OH 45662 USA ccassidy@zoomnet.net ========================================================================== SerpentHead may be personalized by sending up to 3 photos with the registration fee of $25. Please write person's name on back of photo. If the photo is of an animal or other unusual subject please include explanation of who or what you want in the game. The face of the subject will be in the game on several game screens toward the end of the game, as well as in the animated dragon fight scene. The subject's face will take the place of "Jane Doe" or "John Doe" in the shareware version. You may send photos to TerraComp at the above address, or send scanned photos via email to any of the email address listed above. Hintbook is free with the personalized game. Please place a check mark in the [ ] boxes below, and add up the totals. [ ] Personalized SerpentHead with up to 3 photos.............($25) __________ [ ] Additional photos (more than 3).................($5 per photo) __________ [ ] Hintbook alone (without personalized game)................($5) __________ Postage/Handling.......................... __$2.00___ Ohio residents must add 6% tax............ __________ Total enclosed __________ Disk size: 3.5" High Density Name: _______________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________ City,ST,Zip: _______________________________________________________________ Country: ____________________ Phone: __________________________________ Payment by: [ ] Check [ ] Money order Thank you for ordering from TerraComp and Cassidy Software. We appreciate your business. Visit our webpage at: http://family.hopewell.net/kc/index.htm