Avenger: The Robots of Sigma 7 Copyright 1996, Robert E. Cureton All Rights Reserved CIS: 102737,3702 or internet:102737.3702@compuserve.com The Thrill ========== I hope you really enjoy the exploration and adventure of this challenging 3D game. included are the arrival level, the transporter room and 4 levels of robotic action. You will need to keep your wits about you for there is peril at every turn. How to make this game work ========================== This game comes in compressed form to save you downloading time. To decompress the files just enter the directory you loaded it into, (say Avenger) and type Avenger. The program will automatically decompress and set up the necessary directory structure. Then, to play the game, enter the same directory (say avenger) and type RS7. 3D games usually take a lot of memory and this one is no exception. The program will examine your system and determine what will be necessary to make the program work best for you. If needed, the program will automatically create a boot disk for you, temporarily freeing memory without disturbing the rest of your system. Just follow the on-screen instructions after installing a blank floppy in your drive. That is all there is to it. Use the menu options to select sound, music, mouse, or joystick. If the game hangs up, you probably have an incompatible joystick, mouse or soundcard. Disable that feature from the menu and try again. You might want to read the file: Hints.txt and be sure to select the instructions option from the game menu. Have a Blast! Of course, for for the complete challenge, order the full version for just $10.00 and get 24 levels, more robots to vanquish, and more challenges to overcome. Read the file: Order.txt for complete ordering info or just send $10.00 plus $2.00 for shipping and handling ($4.00 outside USA), along with your complete address to: Robert Cureton 4845 Rushden Ave. San Diego, CA 92117. We'll rush you the full version on 3 1/2" floppies. This program is compressed using LHA2.13, Copyright Yoshi 1991.