Welcome to Blue Byte Software's THE SETTLERS II - VENI VIDI VICI Copyright 1995-1996 Blue Byte Software English / US Version 1.02 CONTENTS 1. Memory Requirements 2. Smartdrive 3. Screen Display - VESA Driver 4. Autorun (WIN 95) 5. Alliances 6. Storage of Merchandise 7. Protecting the Headquarters 8. Keys "C" and "S" 9. Emergency Program 10. Blue Byte News 11. Brief Walkthrough of "Training" 1. Memory Requirements SETTLERS II requires around 7MB of free XMS memory. If you do not have enough XMS memory available, the program will first try to run in a memory-saving mode. This means that certain graphics will not be loaded. If this does not work either, you could try running the program without music. To do this, start with the NOSOUND.BAT batch file. 2. Smartdrive To reduce loading time we recommend using the "SMARTDRV" program. Please see your DOS manual for installation. 3. Screen Display - VESA driver SETTLERS II supports the VESA VBE standard for the support of SuperVGA graphics. Many SuperVGA graphics cards are directly compatible with VESA VBE. If you have problems with your graphics card, try the following procedures: 1. If you have received a VESA VBE driver with your graphics card, install this and then try running the game. Many VESA VBE drivers can be installed directly from DOS. Follow the instructions in your graphics card manual. 2. In case you do not have a VESA VBE driver for your graphics card or your VESA VBE driver does not function with this game, we have included the UniVBE VESA VBE driver on this CD. To install the UniVBE VESA VBE driver, you must only run the INSTALL.EXE program in the UNIVBE directory on the CD. Please note that the UniVBE driver is Shareware. Do not forget to register if you find the UniVBE driver helpful. Follow the instructions during installation to register this copy of the UniVBE. 4. Autorun (WIN 95) If you have problems in Windows 95 with the Autorun option, please go to the AUTORUN.TXT file. There you will find a list of possible fault sources. 5. Alliances You can set who will be your ally or foe here. In "People vs. People" all peoples of the same culture are on the same side. "Human vs. Computer" means all computer players are against you. "Every man for himself" should be fairly easy to figure out. NOTE: As soon as a player attacks his allies, these become his enemy. At the same time, the allies of the people attacked become the attacker's enemies. In the statistics window, players can check which computer enemy is currently allied with whom. The colors of the allies are shown as small rectangles in the players' portraits. 6. Storage of Merchandise In the headquarters and storehouses it is now possible to individually decide for merchandise and workers whether or not they may be stored in this particular storehouse. Players can also choose which goods are to be compulsorily transported out of the store. 7. Protecting the Headquarters Players can choose how many soldiers are to protect the headquarters. These will then only leave to defend the HQ. 8. Keys "C" and "S" During the game, key "C" shows you the name of the building. With "S" you can also insert additional information on the buildings. 9. Emergency Program If you receive the message "The emergency program has been activated" in the message window, your remaining stores of wood have been reserved for building a woodcutter's hut and a sawmill. You should then build these immediately. 10. Blue Byte News This CD also contains an edition of the latest Blue Byte News. Change to the NEWS directory and run the INSTALL.EXE program to access playable demos and great videos of upcoming Blue Byte Software programs. You will find further information on Blue Byte Software, our products and great tips for SETTLERS II on our Internet homepage: http://www.bluebyte.com 11. Brief walkthrough of "Training" The is a lot to do in "Settlers II" so keep playing and you will keep finding new things to try. Once the chapter starts you will get a message window - this window will pop up from time to time to give you new information and tell you what to do next. The first thing you need to do is to build a Woodcutter, Quarry and a Sawmill. Press the space bar, you will see the screen fill up with golden flags and buildings. The flags represent places where you can build roads, and the buildings show where you can build each of three sizes of buildings. The woodcutter should be first. Click on one of the small golden huts above and to the left of the HQ (tent), it is important to remember that a woodcutter will need trees nearby to cut down. The windows that pops up is the action window, it allows you to do many things throughout the game. Right now it shows all the types of buildings you could build at this location. Move the mouse over the building that shows woodcutter on the bottom of the action window and click. A empty lot with a blue flag is now on the screen. Now you need to connect the blue flag in front of your HQ to the one in front of the soon-to-be woodcutter. To do this click on the flag in front of the woodcutter, the action window comes up again, this time with different options. Click the build road option and then on the flag in front of the HQ, you now have your first road. Builders and helpers will now come out of the HQ and start to build the woodcutter's quarters for you. As you watch you can see them moving building materials (wood and stone) to the new building site and begin construction. Now you need to build the Quarry. The quarry is also a small sized building. Follow the same steps above but build the Quarry close to the outcrop of rock to the lower right of the HQ, after all to create stone for building the stonemason needs large amounts of granite to work with. Next is the Sawmill, where the carpenter works. The Sawmill is the first medium sized building you will need. You must click on the golden icon of a 'L' shaped building on the map and in the activity window. By now you should see a dove on the bottom left of the menu bar on the bottom of the screen. Now click on the dove to open the Post Office window. You will receive many messages here, from the attack of other peoples to where a geologist finds new raw materials. To close most windows you can click the top left corner or right click anywhere inside the window. If your not sure what a button does press the 'i' key and move the mouse over the button, it will give you a short description on the button. You can also click on the '?' in many windows to get a more complete explanation on what that window does. Now experiment. Try clicking on the HQ and to see what you can do there. You can see what raw materials you have left, how many people of each profession you have and how many soldiers are set to defend your HQ. You should not need to make adjustments to the HQ often, so be careful, you can unbalance your whole economy here. Click on the saw mill to see what stock is waiting to be turned into boards for building. There are many other windows and functions in the game, you have a good start, pay attention to raw materials and supplies. Above all else ... Have fun!