send to all\Hurry up, I don't have all day\^shwtime.5k send to all\I don't like this\^dntlike.5k send to all\The worm has turned\^worm.5k send to all\Splash one bandit!\^splbndt.5k send to friendlies\Get this guy off me\^offme.5k send to friendlies\I'm going after him\^igoaf.5k send to friendlies\I'm taking damage\^imdmge2.5k send to friendlies\Who's side are you on?\^whoside.5k send to target\I've got a lock on you!\&rwrlock.5k send to target\Eat hot lead\^hotlead.5k send to target\Missile inbound! Break!\^missbrk.5k send to target\Eject! Eject! Eject!\^ejectx3.5k