TP000001|Flag, World TP000002|Flag, U.S. TP000003|Flag, Canada TP000004|Washington, George TP000005|Adams, John TP000006|Jefferson, Thomas TP000007|Madison, James TP000008|Monroe, James TP000009|Adams, John Quincy TP000010|Jackson, Andrew TP000011|Van Buren, Martin TP000012|Harrison, William H. TP000013|Tyler, John TP000014|Polk, James K. TP000015|Taylor, Zachary TP000016|Fillmore, Millard TP000017|Pierce, Franklin TP000018|Buchanan, James TP000019|Lincoln, Abraham TP000020|Johnson, Andrew TP000021|Grant, Ulysses S. TP000022|Hayes, Rutherford B. TP000023|Garfield, James A. TP000024|Arthur, Chester A. TP000025|Cleveland, Grover TP000026|Harrison, Benjamin TP000027|McKinley, William TP000028|Roosevelt, Theodore TP000029|Taft, William H. TP000030|Wilson, Woodrow TP000031|Harding, Warren G. TP000032|Coolidge, Calvin TP000033|Hoover, Herbert C. TP000034|Roosevelt, Franklin D. TP000035|Truman, Harry S. TP000036|Eisenhower, Dwight D. TP000037|Kennedy, John F. TP000038|Johnson, Lyndon B. TP000039|Nixon, Richard M. TP000040|Ford, Gerald R. TP000041|Carter, Jimmy TP000042|Reagan, Ronald W. TP000043|Bush, George H. W. TP000044|Clinton, Bill TP000045|Churchill, Sir Winston TP000046|Hitler, Adolph TP000047|Lenin, V. I. TP000048|Napoleon I TP000049|Stalin, Joseph TP000050|King, Martin Luther, Jr. TP000051|Franklin, Benjamin TP000052|Eiffel tower TP000053|Pyramids TP000054|Tokyo Imperial Palace TP000055|Tenotchtitlan TP000056|Beaker TP000057|Microscope TP000058|Telescope TP000059|E=mc2 TP000060|Ionic columns TP000061|Sailing ship TP000062|Model T Ford TP000063|Old light bulb TP000064|Cessna airplane TP000065|Steam locomotive TP000066|Dish antenna TP000067|Notes and staff TP000068|Comedy and tragedy masks TP000069|Open book TP000070|Bat, baseball, football, basketball TP000071|U.S./U.S.S.R. flags with torn line TP000072|Hammer and sickle TP000073|Flag, UN TP000074|Cross TP000075|Old telephone TP000076|Computer and monitor TP000077|Artist palette TP000078|Male and female silouettes TP000079|Female silhouette with vote sign TP000080|Two crossed swords TP000081|Flowers TP000082|School building TP000083|House TP000084|Dog TP000085|Cat TP000086|Apartment building TP000087|Anchor TP000088|Roller blades TP000089|Bird TP000090|Pilgrims TP000091|Log cabin TP000092|Boxing gloves TP000093|Disasters TP000094|Golf ball and tee TP000095|Ice skates, hockey stick, skiis TP000096|Statue of Liberty TP000097|Newspaper and magazine TP000098|Olympic torch TP000099|Shipwreck TP000100|Scales of justice TP000101|Tennis racket and ball TP000102|Royal crown TP000103|Burr, Aaron TP000104|Calhoun, John C. TP000105|Clay, Henry TP000106|Davis, Jefferson TP000107|Gandhi, Mohandas K. TP000108|Hamilton, Alexander TP000109|Henry, Patrick TP000110|Lee, Robert E. TP000111|Newton, Sir Isaac TP000112|Revere, Paul TP000113|Tubman, Harriet TP000114|Washington, Booker T.