; ; Preference file for FIFA ; ; [colour] = new colour ; A,R,G,B, NOTE: there must be a comma at the end of the string [colour];colour 0 - white 255,255,255,255, [colour];colour 1 - yellow 255,225,200,44, [colour];colour 2 - warm grey 255,197,170,153, [colour];colour 3 - black 255,0,0,0, [colour];colour 4 - disabled grey 255,180,180,180, [colour];colour 5 - red 255,204,0,51, [colour];colour 6 - orange 255,255,141,50, [colour];colour 7 - blue 255,0,154,222, ; language,font index,fontfile ; font pointers are: ; ALL ASCII-TYPE=-1 ; (english=0, american=1, french=2, german=3, italian=4, spanish=5, swedish=6, dutch=7, portugese=8) ; GREEK=9 ; HEBREW=10 ; JAPANESE=11 ; KOREAN=12 ; DEBUG=13 ; font preferences the format is like so: language index (-1 = set for all languages), font index, font file name [font] ; all fonts by default set to english -1,0,engfont1, [font] 9,0,grkfont1, [font] 10,0,hebfont1, [font] 11,0,jpnfont1, [font] 12,0,korfont1, [font] 13,0,dbgfont1, [end]; end marker