Testing DirectX Components

You can test Microsoft DirectDraw and Direct3D on each monitor attached to your system. You can also test DirectSound on each wave output device, and DirectMusic on each music port.

To test a DirectX feature

  1. Click the Test button on the appropriate page.
  2. Read any messages that appear.
  3. Watch or listen to the tests.
  4. Let each test run until you see a message asking if the test was successful. If you respond No, no more tests are run.

In the case of DirectMusic, there is a single test. Click OK when you are satisfied that the music is or is not playing correctly.

You can test Microsoft DirectPlay functionality on any available service provider.

To test DirectPlay

  1. On the Network page, click Test DirectPlay.
  2. In the DirectPlay Test dialog box, type a user name and choose a service provider.
  3. Select Create New Session, and then click OK.
  4. If you have chosen a modem connection, click Answer in the Modem Connection dialog box to put the modem in auto-answer mode.

Now run the Microsoft DirectX Diagnostic Tool on another computer that can establish the selected connection with the first computer.

  1. Click Test DirectPlay.
  2. Type a different user name.
  3. Choose the same service provider.
  4. Click the Join Existing Session button, and then click OK.

    For some types of connection, you might be asked to provide more information, such as a telephone number. For a TCP/IP connection on a local network, you can leave the text box blank.

  5. In the Session List containing the name of the session you created on the first computer, select the name of the session.
  6. Both computers should now show a chat dialog box. Type a message in the input box on one computer, and then click Send. The message should appear in the scrolling area of the chat dialog box on both computers.