50 Turnpike Offline 160 Set Mouse options 370 Show the 'Hints and Tips' screen when starting Turnpike 401 Line icons up vertically and horizontally 402 Minimize all windows 1001 Alter email tags 1002 \nStand\nNewsstand\n\n\nTurnpike.Newsstand\nTurnpike Newsstand 1003 \nArticle\nArticle\n\n\nTurnpike.Article\nTurnpike Article 1004 \nPosting\nPosting\n\n\nTurnpike.Posting\nTurnpike Posting 1005 \nMail\nMailbox\n\n\nTurnpike.Mailbox\nTurnpike Mailbox 1006 \nMessage\nMessage\n\n\nTurnpike.Message\nTurnpike Message 1007 \nWriting\nWriting\n\n\nTurnpike.Writing\nTurnpike Writing 1008 \nAbook\nAddrBook\n\n\nTurnpike.AddrBook\nTurnpike Address Book 1009 \nPosted\nPostedx\n\n\nTurnpike.Posted\nTurnpike Mailsent 1010 \nDelete\nDelete\n\n\nTurnpike.Delete\nTurnpike Maildelete 1011 \nMaillist\nMaillist\n\n\nTurnpike.Maillist\nTurnpike Maillist 1012 \nMsglist\nMsglist\n\n\nTurnpike.Msglist\nTurnpike Msglist 1013 \nTagslist\nTagslist\n\n\nTurnpike.Tagslist\nTurnpike Tagslist 1014 \nSrchlist\nSrchlist\n\n\nTurnpike.Srchlist\nTurnpike Searchlist 1020 Create a new newsstand 1021 Create a new mailbox 1022 Alter or remove newsstand 1023 Alter or remove mailbox 1024 Insert file contents 1025 Extract encoded material 1026 Export news/mail to another format 1027 Import news/mail from another format 1030 Create a new mail list 1031 Import mail from another format 1032 Import news from another format 1033 Import addresses from another format 1040 Show articles within the newsgroup 1041 Close newsgroup and return to newsstand 1043 Reshow the articles in this newsgroup 1050 Configure sign on names and passwords 1051 Configure workgroup membership 1052 Create email usernames, or alter existing settings 1053 Configure email routeing 1054 Alter newsgroup subscriptions 1055 Set offline browsing options 1060 Break thread into two 1061 Rejoin a broken thread 1062 Collapse to hide threading 1063 Expand to show threading 1064 Collapse all threads in newsgroup 1065 Expand all threads in newsgroup 1070 Add News Groups to this News Stand 1080 Open article or message for reading 1081 Open this message to read 1082 Delete this message and provide a copy to edit 1100 Mark article as 'read' 1101 Mark article as 'unread' 1102 Put article in the 'interesting' area 1103 Put article in the 'uninteresting' area 1104 Put article in the 'unclassified' area 1105 Classify all items as read 1106 Article/thread deletion commands 1107 Keep article forever 1108 Expire article using newsgroup default expiry time 1109 Request article when next online 1110 Cancel request for article 1120 Move to previous article in newsgroup 1121 Move to next article in newsgroup 1122 Move to next unread article 1123 Search for text 1141 Followup article by posting to newsgroup 1142 Followup article by email 1143 Start new discussion thread in newsgroup 1144 Create email message on a new topic 1145 Send a cancel for a news article 1146 Forward article by email 1150 Move this message into the In Tray 1151 Move this message into the Pending Tray 1152 Forward message 1153 File away selected items 1154 Put selected items into the Waste Basket 1155 Forward message unaltered 1156 Send Delivery Status Notification (rejection message) 1178 Do not display pictures by default 1179 Change the options for the spelling checker 1180 Select background colour 1181 Select the font 1182 Article header display 1183 Show ruler bar 1184 Delete character 1185 Transliterate article using 'ROT-13' 1186 Change the way that dates are shown 1187 Add selected URL to list of requests 1188 Display message in 'raw' form without MIME processing 1189 Check spelling of the selected text or the entire document 1190 Display properties for this window 1191 Display the properties of the selected item 1195 Specify the language of the selected text 1200 Save current signature as a file 1201 Replace signature by another 1250 Replace the spelling error 1251 Replace the spelling error 1252 Replace the spelling error 1253 Ignore the spelling error 1254 Ignore all instances of the spelling error 1255 Add to the custom dictionary 1257 Show the correct spelling dialog 1258 Delete the repeated word 1259 Capitalise the initial character of the sentence 1270 Go to the Turnpike Tutorial 1300 Go to Address book or look up address 1442 Enter the subject of the message 1444 To view or edit message header details 1446 Put this message into the Out Box for posting 1447 Destroy this message 1461 Enter one or more email addresses 1464 Enter one or more email addresses 1465 Check to use MIME encoding 1545 View or alter this address book entry 1546 Remove this address book entry 1547 Add a new person to the Address Book 1548 Add a new list to the Address Book 1940 Show a list of messages to this address 1941 Send mail to this address 2540 Select the owner of this message 2541 Select the access rights for this message 2542 Change Tags associated with this message 2544 Destroy all items in the Waste Basket 2545 Select Sent or Arrival date order for the mail list 2546 Select whether to show Incoming and/or Outgoing messages 2547 Select whether to send an MDN 3800 Save the image on disk 3801 Hide the image 3802 Display image with an external viewer 3803 Select a custom viewer for this image 3806 Make the image fit the current window size 3807 Restore the image to actual size and orientation 3808 Remove this image from the message 3811 Rotate the image by 90 degrees counter-clockwise 3812 Rotate the image by 180 degrees 3813 Rotate the image by 90 degrees clockwise 3815 Reduce the image to 50% of current size 3816 Reduce the image to 75% of current size 3818 Magnify the image to 150% of current size 3819 Magnify the image to 200% of current size 17924 Incompletely configured system 17925 Local domain name 17926 List of email acceptance domains 17927 Local timezone 17928 has not been set up...\n 17929 have not been set up...\n 17930 Use the 'Connect' program to correct this 17931 Failed to show mail list 17932 Initialisation 17933 Only one 'out tray' allowed 17934 Only one 'waste basket' allowed 17935 Only one address book allowed 17936 Unknown desktop entry 17942 Duplicate mailbox entry ignored 17943 Duplicate newsstand entry ignored 17984 Reply to forwarded message 17985 This message was forwarded to you. 17986 Do you wish to send a copy of your reply to the %1!ld! forwarders? 17987 Do you wish to send a copy of your reply to the forwarder? 17997 This message contains an enclosed message that has been forwarded to you.\n\n 17998 Do you want to reply to all correspondents, including those in the enclosed message, or do you want to ignore the enclosure altogether? 17999 &Ignore\nenclosure 18000 Reply to\n&all 18001 (ignoring enclosed message) 18004 Reply to entire message 18009 Do you want to make a simple reply or "cc" the other recipient as well (group reply)? 18010 Do you want to make a simple reply or "cc" the others as well (group reply)? 18014 Reply to forwarded group mail 18015 This message was originally sent to one other person. 18016 This message was originally sent to %1!ld! people. 18017 Do you wish to include the original recipient(s) in your "group" reply? 18028 Do you want to make a simple reply or "cc" the original recipient(s) as well (group reply)? 18034 Reply 18036 Reply to group mail 18037 This message was not addressed to you. 18038 This message was sent to one other person. 18039 This message was sent to %1!ld! other people. 18041 Do you want to make a simple reply or "cc" the original recipient(s) as well (group reply)? 18044 Reposting outgoing message 18045 The outgoing message has been sent to %1!lu! of %2!lu! recipients.\n\nDo you want this message to be addressed to all or just the unsent recipients? 18049 Too many recipients 18050 Posting is limited to a maximum of %1!lu! recipients\n\nThis message is currently addressed to %2!lu! recipients! 18054 Unknown newsgroup 18055 Unknown newsgroups 18064 Crossposting to %1!lu! moderated and %2!lu! unmoderated newsgroups. 18065 Crossposting to %1!lu! moderated newsgroup(s). 18066 Be sure that it is the moderators' policy to honour this. 18067 Be sure that it is the moderator's policy to honour this. 18068 Header edit 18074 Unknown email name %1 for local domain %2 18084 Forwarded by %1: 18085 Normal reply to %1: 18086 Reply to %1: 18087 Cc %1: 18088 Include %1: 18094 &Continue 18095 &Edit\nheader 18096 &Post 18097 &Don't post 18098 &Simple\nreply 18099 &Normal\nreply 18100 Reply to\n&forwarder 18101 Reply to\n&both 18102 &Both\nrecipients 18103 &Unsent\nrecipient 18104 &Reply\nto %1!ld! 18105 &Group reply\nto %1!ld! 18106 &Group reply\nto both 18108 Reply to %1!ld!\n&forwarders 18109 Reply to\n&all %1!ld! 18110 &All %1!ld!\nrecipients 18111 %1!ld! &Unsent\nrecipients 18112 Crossposting between newsgroups from different news accounts 18113 Importing Address Book 18114 Finished importing Address Book 18115 %1!lu! name imported 18116 %1!lu! names imported 18117 %1!lu! list imported 18118 %1!lu! lists imported 18119 %1!lu! duplicate name ignored 18120 %1!lu! duplicate names ignored 18121 %1!lu! duplicate list ignored 18122 %1!lu! duplicate lists ignored 18123 Exporting Address Book 18124 Finished Exporting Address Book 18125 %1!lu! name exported 18126 %1!lu! names exported 18127 %1!lu! list exported 18128 %1!lu! lists exported 18177 Select 18178 Address Book 18179 This address book entry has been changed by another user while you were editing it.\n 18180 If you save your changes now then changes made by other users may be lost.\n\n 18181 Would you like to save the changes that you have made? 18183 No index entries supplied 18184 No index entries supplied 18185 Address book entry 18240 Address book entry 18305 Address book 18306 Import addresses from file 18307 Export addresses to file 18368 Remove address book entry 18369 Do you want to remove the entire entry or just this index to it? 18370 Delete\n&Entry 18371 Delete\n&Index 18372 Are you sure you want to remove this entry? 18432 Exporting news 18433 Reading news 18434 Reading mail 18437 [ saved as "%1" ] 18438 Reading news posted in several sections 18439 Reading mail sent in several sections 18440 [ original description, "%1" ] 18441 [ original filename, "%1" ] 18496 Search for file tag name 18560 Mailbox name must not be blank. 18561 A mailbox called '%1' already exists. 18562 The recipient name must not be blank. 18563 The sender name must not be blank. 18564 Newsstand name must not be blank. 18565 A newsstand called '%1' already exists. 18566 The full name must not be blank. 18567 You have specified a blank subject line. Is this correct? 18568 You have specified a subject line that does not contain wildcard characters such as '*' or '?'. Is this correct? 18569 public 18570 private 18571 restricted 18572 all 18573 incoming 18574 outgoing 18575 arrival 18576 sent 18577 Send MDN to unexpected address 18578 Do not send MDN 18579 Defer MDN decision 18580 Send MDN 18624 Re: 18625 S&ubject: 18626 New subject 18627 &To: 18689 New subject 18753 Sent 18754 Arrived 18755 Author 18756 Recipient 18757 Subject 18817 Newsstand 18818 Mailbox 18819 Read article 18820 Read message 18821 Write article 18822 Write message 18823 Text 18824 Text background 18825 Selected text 18826 Selected text background 18827 Quoted text 18828 Header text 18829 Signature text 18830 Entry text 18831 Entry text background 18832 Selected entry 18833 Selected entry background 18834 Author names 18835 Read article 18836 Read message 18837 Write article 18838 Write message 18839 Alter newsstand 18840 Alter mailbox 18880 Import from file 18881 Cannot import data from more than one file 18882 %1 : Insert file 18944 Dead letter recipients 18945 Empty list is not allowed 19008 Address book entry 19009 Mail to 19010 No email address in this entry 19011 No email address has been selected 19014 MIME selected, but some recipients\n\n(e.g. %1)\n\nare not currently known to have MIME 19015 &Continue\nanyway 19016 'List name' cannot be blank 19072 In article %m, %a writes 19073 In message %m, %a writes 19074 %n%n ------- Forwarded message follows ------- 19075 Alter mailbox 19076 Alter newsstand 19136 Access administration 19264 Mailbox time and date format 19265 Sent 19266 Arrived 19328 Do not fetch bodies of any more articles written\nby: 19329 Do not fetch bodies of any more articles with the\nsubject: 19330 Kill article 19331 Are you sure you want to kill the bodies of %1!lu! selected articles ?\n\n(It may be impossible to refetch them) 19332 Kill articles 19333 Remove article 19334 Are you sure you want to delete the headers and bodies of %1!lu! selected articles?\n\n(It may be impossible to refetch them) 19335 Remove articles 19336 Kill thread 19338 Kill threads 19340 Kill rule editing 19341 Accept: 19342 Kill: 19343 All articles by '%1' 19344 Subjects matching '%1' 19345 More than %1 lines 19346 Custom rule: '%1' 19347 Rule editing 19348 Email address is blank 19349 'Lines' must be a number 19350 Subject rule editing 19351 Custom rule editing 19353 Are you sure you want to kill this thread containing 1 article?\n\n(It may be impossible to refetch it) 19354 Are you sure you want to kill threads containing %1!lu! articles?\n\n(It may be impossible to refetch them) 19392 Email routeing to seats & 'news' 19456 Rule editing 19457 Email address is blank 19458 Subject rule editing 19459 Custom rule editing 19461 Body rule editing 19462 SMTP-FROM rule editing 19463 RCPT-TO rule editing 19464 Message size rule editing 19465 Invalid message size. Note: the size specified must be at least 1000 bytes. 19520 Sign on name administration 19521 unused 19522 You must remove all mail from a user's mailboxes before removing the sign on entry. 19523 User sign on name 19524 No more sign on names can be created 19525 User sign on name must be unique 19526 Ratings details 19527 You do not have the permissions to alter rating details 19584 Email username 19594 Login name 19595 Workgroup 19596 Email name 19597 Name must be unique 19598 You have not given yourself permission to use this name! 19649 Tags 19650 Error in listbox 19651 No tags have been selected 19652 Tag deletion 19653 Are you sure you want to remove the tag\n\n%1\n\nOnce removed it cannot be recreated 19654 This tag cannot be deleted because it is still applied to one or more messages 19655 Make new tag 19656 Edit tag 19657 Name must not be blank 19658 Name must be unique 19659 Owner: 19660 News tag: 19661 Email tag: 19662 Newsgroup users 19663 Owner 19664 Is this correct? 19712 Workgroup administration 19713 %1 ALL 19714 Workgroup name 19715 No more workgroups can be created 19716 Workgroup name must be unique 19776 The in-tray is empty 19777 The pending-tray is empty 19778 Destroy mailbox 19779 You must empty the mailbox before it can be destroyed 19780 The mail in this mailbox has changed\n\nDo you want to show the changes now? 19781 Import mail from file 19782 Importing mail from %1 19783 Finished Importing Mail 19784 %1!lu! messages added 19785 %1!lu! duplicate messages ignored 19840 Waste basket 19841 The waste basket is empty 19843 POP3 mailboxes in mirror mode 19844 Messages mirrored from POP3 mailboxes will normally be deleted after you next connect to them.\n\nHowever, if you will never connect to a POP3 mailbox again, you may wish to delete its messages from Turnpike now. 19846 Deleting POP3 mirrored messages 19847 The wastebasket contains %2!ld! messages mirrored from %1.\n\nIf you reconnect to this POP3 mailbox after deleting the messages from the wastebasket, they may reappear in your Turnpike mailboxes. 19848 The wastebasket contains 1 message mirrored from %1.\n\nIf you reconnect to this POP3 mailbox after deleting the message from the wastebasket, it may reappear in your Turnpike mailbox. 19851 &Delete\nanyway 19852 D&on't\ndelete 19904 Mailroom view 19905 No filed mail 19906 No messages 19907 No tagged mail 19908 Tag list: 19909 (access withdrawn) 19968 Out tray 19969 The out tray is empty 19970 Re-edit message 19971 This message was posted in several parts and some parts are no longer available.\n\nIf you reedit just this part, the recipient probably won't be able to interpret it correctly. 19972 &Continue\nanyway 20032 Reader 20033 Failed to read article/message 20034 (none) 20035 poster 20036 This is a portion of a larger message which was posted in several parts. 20037 Some of those parts have not yet been received. 20038 \n\nThe contents of this message may not be intelligible. 20039 This may be a portion of a larger message which was posted in several sections.\n\nDo you want to read all the parts together? 20040 Save enclosed message 20041 Save enclosed article 20042 All other parts were ignored - none contained any UUEncoded data 20043 1 file has been completely decoded. 20044 %1!lu! files have been completely decoded. 20045 1 file was not complete or contained errors. 20046 %1!lu! files were not complete or contained errors. 20047 Repost message 20048 This is a portion of a larger message which was posted in several sections. Some sections of the original message cannot be found. 20052 Failed to find original message 20053 This message is marked private and cannot be accessed by you 20096 Cancel Article 20097 Failed to display article 20160 Failed to display message 20161 Reply 20162 Repost 20163 Forward 20164 Mail Reader 20165 New topic 20166 Mail to 20167 Server message 20168 Copy message 20169 Unsubscribe 20170 Subscribe 20171 Failed to display unsubscribe message 20172 Failed to display subscription message 20173 Next unread 20174 All messages have been read 20175 No incoming messages 20176 No outgoing messages 20177 Failed to %1 mail item 20178 delete 20179 repost 20180 file 20181 move 20182 From: %1\n 20183 Subject: %1\n 20184 Cannot %1 part of an outgoing message. 20185 Cannot find message 20186 Cannot put outgoing messages into in or pending trays 20187 Cannot %1 a message from a mail list while the message is in a mailbox or out tray not belonging to you 20188 Permission denied 20189 You are not permitted to change the tags on this message 20190 This message is in transit 20191 &Continue 20192 &Abandon 20193 Show messages in "Sent" order 20195 Your mail database must be rebuilt before you can use this feature. 20196 Subscribe to mailing list 20197 Unsubscribe from mailing list 20198 This message has been deleted! 20199 Someone else has dealt with this message 20200 Reject 20201 This message could not be rejected as it has no 'return-path'.\n\nWould you like to delete it anyway? 20202 These messages could not be rejected as they have no 'return-paths'.\n\nWould you like to delete them anyway? 20203 A Delivery Status Notification (rejection) is to be sent for this message.\n\nWould you like to delete the message as well? 20204 Delivery Status Notifications (rejections) are to be sent for these messages.\n\nWould you like to delete these messages as well? 20205 Delivery Status Notifications (rejections) will be sent for %1!lu! messages. 20206 One Delivery Status Notification (rejection) will be sent. 20207 %1!lu! messages could not be rejected as they have no 'return-paths'. 20208 One message could not be rejected as it has no 'return-path'. 20209 \n\nWould you like to delete all these messages, or just those that could be rejected? 20210 Delete\n&all 20211 Delete\n&rejected 20212 Delete\n&none 20213 Rejecting messages 20215 New subject 20224 New subject 20225 Would you like to replace the existing email address or add to it 20226 Would you like to replace the existing email addresses or add to them 20227 &Replace 20228 &Add 20231 Posting message 20232 Posting successful 20233 Unsubscribe from mailing list 20234 Subscribe to mailing list 20236 Subscription email will be generated for you when you have finished with the dialogs 20237 If necessary, unsubscribe email will be generated for you when you have finished with the dialogs 20238 Are you sure you want to unsubscribe from %1!s!? 20239 Are you sure you want to unsubscribe from %1!s!, and perhaps other mailing lists? 20288 Cancel article 20289 New thread 20290 Article cancel issued by author because ... [give the reason for the cancel] 20292 You may only cancel your own articles 20353 Would you like to post the message anyway? 20354 article 20355 message 20356 Posting 20357 &Delete\noriginal 20358 &File\noriginal 20359 &Post\noriginal 20360 &Keep\noriginal 20362 Reader 20363 Failed to read article/message 20364 Reply 20365 Do you want to quote the text you have selected, or quote the %1 in the normal way? 20366 Quote\n&selected 20367 &Normal\nquote 20373 This %1 contains no text at all. 20374 This %1 appears to consist only of a signature. 20375 You have not added anything to this %1. 20376 \n\nDo you want to post anyway? 20377 Posting MIME message 20378 This message contains MIME information but the recipient is not currently known to have MIME\n 20379 This message contains MIME information but some recipients are not currently known to have MIME\n 20380 Save signature as file 20382 Signature file 20383 Choose signature 20384 Failed to create dialog 20385 Are you sure you want to abandon? 20386 Closing this window will post\nAre you sure you want to do this? 20387 &No!\nCancel 20388 OK, &Post 20389 &Abandon\ninstead 20390 Preparing to post 20391 Preparing messages 20392 - %1!lu!%% done 20393 Are you sure you want to post? 20394 Failed to post after posting %1!lu! of %2!lu! parts. 20395 Failed to post. 20396 \n\nPosting abandoned 20397 an in-tray 20398 a pending-tray 20399 the waste-basket 20400 a mail list 20401 The original message (which was forwarded as part of another message) has been forwarded successfully.\n\n 20402 The original message (which contained forwarded messages) has been forwarded successfully.\n\n 20403 The original message has been forwarded successfully.\n\n 20404 The message has been cancelled.\n\n 20405 Your reply has been posted successfully.\n\n 20406 The original message (which was forwarded as part of another message) is in %1. Would you like it filed away now? 20407 The original message (which contained forwarded messages) is in %1. Would you like it filed away now? 20408 The original message is in %1. Would you like it filed away now? 20409 Do you wish to move the original message from %1 to the waste basket? 20410 The original message has been reposted successfully\n\nDo you wish to leave the original message in the file tray, or move it to the waste-basket? 20412 &File it 20413 &Leave it\nalone 20414 Abandoning post 20415 Putting message in wastebasket 20417 Failed to copy data to clipboard 20418 Error: Not enough memory for operation 20419 You may be able to release memory by closing other applications 20482 Posting 20483 article 20484 message 20490 The %1 you are posting contains characters which are not included in the MIME character set being used (ISO-8859-1). There is no guarantee that the recipient will see the same characters as you. 20491 The %1 you are posting contains the character '%2!c!' and possibly other characters which are not guaranteed to pass through all transports 20492 The %1 you are posting contains at least one line that is so long that it may not be displayed sensibly to the recipient 20493 You are using a proportionally spaced font and as a result this %1 contains at least one very long line. Unless the recipient uses a similar font, the %1 may not be displayed sensibly to them 20494 The %1 you are forwarding contains at least one character which is not guaranteed to pass through all transports (sending a MIME message would avoid this problem) 20495 Would you like to post the %1 anyway? 20496 The %1 to be posted is very long (%2) and cannot be guaranteed to pass through all transports. Turnpike can split it into sections and post each section separately 20497 Would you like to post in more than one section 20498 &Multiple\nsections 20499 &Single\nsection 20500 The attached %1 contains at least one character which is not guaranteed to pass through all transports 20544 Restore edit 20545 Failed to restore article or message 20546 Restore message being edited 20547 %1!lu!: Found unsent message or article.\n\nDo you want to restore this message, or do you want to delete it? 20548 &Restore\nedit 20549 &Delete\nedit 20609 News article 20610 Message 20672 Import From File 20673 This file is empty ! 20737 End of %1 20800 Header 20801 Hide 20810 from %1 20811 The message you are forwarding contains MIME information and should be posted using MIME.\n\n 20812 If you wish to send the message without using MIME, you should merge the message into the text before posting. 20820 Message 20821 News article 20822 end of digest 20823 end of 20826 Merge into text 20827 Treat as file 20828 Save... 20830 Repost... 20831 Reply... 20832 Reply/Follow-up... 20833 Forward... 20835 Next part 20836 Previous 20837 Digest 20838 message 20839 news article 20840 Merge Message 20841 Inspect Text 20842 Failed to open message 20843 Copy 20844 Failed to copy forwarded message 20847 Quote article 20848 Quote message 20850 Export... 20851 Find message 20853 Show 20864 Reveal All 20865 Reveal 20866 (Formfeed: conventionally used to hide parts of articles) 20929 Message/External-Body 20930 Fetch... 20932 Hide 20933 [ %1, was included here ] 20934 Sorry, cannot fetch this data - the server address is missing 20935 Content-Description 20936 Content-ID 20937 Parameters 20938 Header 20939 Body 20940 URL 20941 Extract URL... 20942 Details 20993 Select... 20995 Alternatives 20996 Digest 20997 Parallel 20999 : %1!ld! of %2!ld!: %3 21000 End: 21057 attached text 21058 text in unsupported charset 21059 message delivery status 21060 end of 21061 Save... 21063 Hide 21064 File selection 21065 Custom viewer... 21066 SGML text section 21067 HTML text section 21070 RTF text section 21071 VCard address data 21076 Viewing text attachment 21077 Show 21078 Viewer 21081 : unsupported charset 21086 Cancel remove 21087 Remove now 21088 Remove attachment 21092 message disposition notification 21093 message report information 21121 Contains 1 article 21122 Contains %1!lu! articles 21123 Contains 1 message 21124 Contains 1 article and 1 message 21125 Contains %1!lu! articles and 1 message 21126 Contains %2!lu! messages 21127 Contains 1 article and %2!lu! messages 21128 Contains %1!lu! articles and %2!lu! messages 21130 Save... 21132 Hide 21133 Properties... 21136 Merge into text 21137 Treat as forwarded 21138 Save attachment 21139 This attachment contains text with non-standard line endings. Do you want to convert these to standard line endings (CRLF) 21140 &Save\nunchanged 21141 &Translate\nline ends 21143 File selection 21144 [ An attachment, %1, was included here ] 21146 Change to "Inline" 21147 Change to "Attach" 21150 *** FILE ERROR *** 21151 (contained duplicate part %1!ld! of data) 21152 (contained part %1!ld! of data) 21153 (contains part %1!ld! of data) 21154 (contained duplicate last part of data) 21155 (contained last part of data) 21156 (contains last part of data) 21157 (data may have been corrupted) 21160 Custom viewer... 21161 Remove attachment 21162 Cancel remove 21163 Remove now 21164 Header 21165 Show 21166 Viewer 21170 Viewing attachment 21171 Attachment decoding 21172 Show attachment 21173 Sorry, this attachment cannot be shown 21174 [non-standard data - no information has been extracted] 21176 Microsoft proprietary data (TNEF) 21184 News URL 21185 Can't subscribe to multiple newsgroups 21186 is not a valid newsgroup name 21188 There are no newsstands in which to open this newsgroup 21190 Request URL 21191 Cannot extract a URL because no valid URLs are present, and no specific text has been highlighted. 21249 Text Colour 21250 Background Colour 21312 Screen font for %1 21313 This font is proportionally spaced 21314 For sending messages a fixed pitch font is generally more acceptable\n\nWould you like to choose a different font? 21315 Print font for %1 21316 HTML font for %1 21376 Turnpike is still active 21377 Cannot close down Windows 21378 Trying to close Windows 21504 [Reassembled] 21505 Remove Attachment 21506 You cannot remove attachments from this message while it is in a mailbox belonging to someone else. 21569 Next article 21570 Previous article 21571 No more articles in this newsgroup 21572 Mark all articles in this newsgroup as "read"? 21573 Request Articles 21574 Cancel Requests 21575 Keep Articles 21576 Cancel Keep 21577 Counting Articles 21578 The articles in this newsgroup have changed.\n\nDo you want to show the changes now? 21582 There are no messages in this mailing list 21583 There are no articles in this newsgroup 21584 Processing %1!lu! / %2!lu! 21585 Processed %1!lu! / %2!lu! 21633 Invalid filename 21634 Wrong type for this kind of file 21635 Would you like to use the filename 21696 Editor 21697 Printing 21698 Insufficient memory 21760 Mailing lists 21761 Too much rule data - please simplify 21762 Mailing list name 21763 Mailing list domain name 21764 Mailing list control address 21765 Send email with body subscribe %1 21766 Send email with body SUB %1 %2 21767 Send email in accordance with special instructions for the list 21825 News 21826 Public 21827 News (R) 21888 other... 21889 Properties 21890 "%1" is not an appropriate MIME type for an attachment 21891 Edit Box cannot be blank 21892 Not a valid filename 21893 type 21894 sub-type: 21952 -- Private -- 21953 public 21954 restricted to owner 21955 restricted by tags 21956 in tray 21957 pending tray 21958 your out tray 21959 your waste basket 21960 filed 21961 %1 in your "%2" mailbox 21962 %1 - unassigned personal mail 21963 %1 - unassigned workgroup mail 21964 out tray belonging to %1 21965 %1 in a mailbox belonging to %2 21966 : also on POP3 server 21967 private tags exist 21968 none 22016 News 22017 (newsgroup tags) 22018 Message Access 22019 You do not have the access rights to do this 22020 Emptying the waste-basket 22021 Deleted %1!lu! messages. 22080 Importing mail 22082 Evaluation version, ignoring Turnpike mail 22147 Reposted part message 22149 Reading MIME 22150 This message is too complex and will be only partially displayed 22151 This message is invalid and may not be displayed correctly 22154 enclosed message 22155 enclosed news article 22156 Access type: 22157 Unrecognised encoding: "%1" 22158 UUencoded section: checksum error 22159 UUencoded section: failed to decode anything 22163 MD5 check failure 22164 : contains undecoded data 22165 : data may not be usable 22166 Decoding MIME data 22167 \nThe data may be unusable 22168 [ A MIME %1 / %2 part was included here. ] 22169 [ A UUEncoded file%1 was included here. ] 22170 Decoding MIME message 22171 MD5 check failure.\n\nThis message may have been corrupted 22172 returned message 22174 [ A file%1, encoded using BinHex 4.0, was included here. ] 22175 Message from %1 being forwarded unchanged 22176 forwarded message 22177 message header 22178 returned header 22184 original message 22185 original header 22188 Reposted Delivery Status Notification 22189 Reposted Message Disposition Notification 22202 MIME part not displayed correctly 22208 Mailbox Setup Wizard 22209 Mailbox Setup 22210 Accept: 22211 Reject: 22212 All mail for '%1' 22213 All mail from '%1' 22214 Subjects matching '%1' 22215 Custom rule: '%1' 22216 The mailbox is to accept mail using these &rules: 22217 No rules have been selected. 22218 Please specify the type of mailbox required. 22219 The mailbox is to accept mail if the subject line &matches: 22220 The mailbox is to accept mail sent &by: 22221 The mailbox is to accept mail addressed &to: 22222 Blank subject line 22272 Mail List Setup Wizard 22273 Mail List Setup 22274 Please specify the type of mail list required. 22275 No person has been selected. 22336 Alter newsstand 22338 A newsstand called %1 already exists 22339 Newsstand name must not be blank 22340 Do you want to delete this newsstand? 22341 Mailbox editing 22342 A mailbox called %1 already exists 22343 Alter mailbox 22344 Mailbox name must not be blank 22345 Do you want to remove this mailbox ? 22400 News reader 22401 New thread 22402 Reply to news article 22403 Do you want to reply by making a posting to the newsgroup or by sending a private email? 22404 Failed to display article 22405 Building newsstand 22406 Followup 22407 Reply 22408 Subscribed newsgroups 22409 &News 22410 &Email 22411 Request\n&article 22412 This newsgroup is not in the list of subscribed newsgroups: 22413 Do you want it to be added to the subscription list? 22414 Unable to identify as a newsgroup name: 22415 Alter newsstand 22416 Some newsgroups selected are not in the list of subscribed newsgroups.\n\nDo you want them added to the subscription list? 22417 Open\nnewsgroup 22418 Close\nnewsgroup 22419 Selected\n&articles 22420 The author of the article has requested replies to be sent via email.\n\nDo you want to reply by private email? 22421 Reply to mailing list message 22422 Do you want to reply by making a posting to the mailing list or by sending a private email? 22423 &List 22424 This article has been expired 22425 Sorry, this article cannot be fetched. 22426 This article is already available !\nYou can read it immediately 22427 Request article 22428 This article is in a thread that has been killed and is unavailable. 22429 This article is in a thread that has been killed. 22430 Do you want to request just this article, or would you like to "unkill" the thread as well? 22431 &Unkill\nthread 22432 This article is not available: 22433 Should the article be marked requested? 22434 Requesting the article: 22435 by: %1 22436 \n\nDo you want all articles in this thread to be requested? 22437 Request\n&thread 22438 Open article 22439 Cannot request articles from local newsgroups. 22440 Cannot request articles from mailing lists. 22441 Article cannot be identified 22442 Kill articles 22443 Next unread 22444 All articles have been read 22445 Import news articles from file 22446 Import news articles from %1 22447 Finished importing news articles 22448 %1!lu! articles added 22449 %1!lu! duplicate articles ignored 22450 %1!lu! articles rejected (newsgroups not subscribed) 22451 There is 1 subscribed newsgroup which does not appear in any newsstand. 22452 There are %1!lu! subscribed newsgroups which do not appear in any newsstand. 22453 Do you want to unsubscribe from: 22454 Yes\nto &all 22455 This mailing list is no longer subscribed: 22456 (The server may not have this newsgroup) 22457 Do you want to remove it from the newsstand? 22458 There is 1 subscribed mailing list which does not appear in any newsstand. 22459 There are %1!lu! subscribed mailing lists which do not appear in any newsstand. 22460 Subscribed mailing lists 22461 At least one of the selected articles is in a thread that has been killed. 22462 Do you want to request just the selected articles, or would you like to "unkill" the threads as well? 22463 Do you want to request just those articles you have selected, or would you like to request the other articles in the same threads as well? 22464 Requested article has arrived 22465 %1!lu! requested articles have arrived 22466 Requested article is not available 22467 %1!lu! requested articles are not available 22468 News reader 22469 Article cannot be identified 22471 Sorry: too many articles selected. 22472 Export news to a file 22473 News 22474 articles 22475 Decode news : path selection 22476 New thread 22528 (Subscribed) 22529 List of all newsgroups 22530 This list may be out of date. It will be updated next time news is collected. 22531 Processing newsgroup list 22592 Search for newsgroup name 22593 All ne&wsgroups (%1!lu!) 22594 Subscribed ne&wsgroups 22595 No newsgroups have been added 22596 Is this correct? 22598 All ne&wsgroups 22656 Newsstand Setup Wizard 22657 Newsstand Setup 22661 This is the first newsstand you have created. You may find that the newsstand contains a number of preset newsgroups. 22723 %1 22724 Processing image file: 22725 %1!lu!%% done 22784 Address book entry 22786 &File as: 22787 No email address has been selected 22789 'Person' cannot be blank 22848 Address book is corrupt 22849 Use the 'Connect' program to reconstruct it 22850 Email files are corrupt 22851 News files are corrupt 22852 Use the 'Connect' program to reconstruct them 22913 Reject: 22914 Accept: 22915 All mail for '%1' 22916 All mail from '%1' 22917 Subjects matching '%1' 22918 Custom rule: '%1' 22919 Seat routeing 22921 Rule editing 22922 No recipient seats specified 22928 Forward path: '%1' 22929 Reverse path: '%1' 22930 Body text matching: '%1' 22931 Messages larger than %1 bytes 22977 Accept: 22978 Reject: 22979 All mail for '%1' 22980 All mail from '%1' 22981 Subjects matching '%1' 22982 Custom rule: '%1' 22983 Mailbox editing 22984 This is the 'default' mailbox 22985 It accepts all mail not accepted elsewhere 23040 Articles 23041 Messages 23042 Copying 23043 Exporting 23044 Decoding 23045 Searching 23046 Printing 23050 Exporting %1 to %2 23051 Copying %1 to clipboard 23052 Finished exporting %1 23053 exported 23054 Finished copying %1 23055 copied 23057 This may be a portion of a larger message which was posted in several sections.\n 23058 Do you want to decode all the parts together? 23059 Finished searching %1 23060 for the string '%1' 23062 You have asked to print %1!lu! messages or articles. 23063 You have asked to print more than %1!lu! messages or articles. 23064 There are no messages or articles selected 23104 &Refresh 23105 This group has been changed: 23106 Unread: 23107 of which: 23108 is 'interesting' 23109 are 'interesting' 23169 Change newsstand 23170 Do you want to remove %1!lu! selected newsgroups from this newsstand? 23171 Searching all articles 23172 This may take some time. 23173 Move newsgroups 23174 Sorry, can't drag newsgroups (no Windows timers available) 23175 There are no newsgroups in this newsstand 23232 A<er... 23233 A&dd... 23234 Re&move 23235 Move &up 23236 Mo&ve down 23301 Filed mail 23303 Waste basket: 23304 Empt&y 23305 Out tray: 23306 In tray: 23307 Pending tray: 23309 Sh&ut 23310 O&rder: 23311 Show&n: 23360 From: 23361 Date: 23362 To: 23363 cc: 23364 bcc: 23365 Reply-To: 23366 Ack&nowledge display to: 23424 Subject: 23425 Author: 23426 Newsgroups: 23427 Followup-To: 23428 Date: 23429 Organization: 23430 Reply-To: 23488 Ta&gs... 23489 Owne&r: 23490 &Access: 23491 no tags 23492 A&ccess: 23553 (mailing list) 23554 (local newsgroup) 23555 all selected groups 23556 (mailing lists) 23557 (local newsgroups) 23558 No selected newsgroup 23559 Some changes have not been applied 23560 Apply changes before closing? 23561 Newsgroup subscriptions 23562 Newsgroup subscriptions 23563 Value is out of range 23564 Value is not a valid number 23616 File Tags 23680 Editor 23681 Posting message with MIME 23682 Posting message without MIME 23683 Inspected text 23684 The text being inspected cannot be changed unless it is first merged into the text 23685 Are you sure you want to change quoted text? 23686 Deleting text being inspected 23687 The highlight contains inspected text which cannot be changed unless it is first merged into the text 23688 The string '%1' was not found 23689 No spelling errors were found 23690 (&no spelling suggestions) 23691 Spelling error found in the subject line 23692 Finished checking spelling 23693 Language: (universal) 23696 Displayed image attachments 23697 The image attachment being shown cannot be changed: it may only be deleted in its entirety. 23698 Deleting image attachments 23699 The highlight contains part of an attachment. Image attachments may only be deleted in their entirety. 23744 All servers 23745 none 23808 Replacing file 23809 This will lose your read markers etc. 23810 Turnpike Usernews file 23811 Bad or incompatible usernews file 23872 Mail/News personality 23873 User %1!lu! of %2!lu!, logged in as %3 23874 You have no permission to use this identity 23875 Reply-To: address is for a different domain\nAre you sure this is right? 23876 MDN address is for a different domain\nAre you sure this is right? 23937 Decoding 23939 File already exists: 23940 Decode : file selection 23941 would you like to overwrite it? 24001 DECODE START : %1 \n 24002 DECODING CANCELLED : %1 \n 24003 DECODING COMPLETED : %1 \n 24004 %1!lu! articles or messages were read. \n 24005 %1!lu! articles or messages contained parts. \n 24006 %1!lu! articles or messages contained successfully decoded parts. \n 24007 %1!lu! files were partially decoded. \n 24008 %1!lu! files have suspect integrity. \n 24009 %1!lu! files were successfully decoded. \n 24010 Decoding cancelled : 24011 Decoding completed : 24012 successfully decoded 24013 decoded but bad checksum 24014 partially decoded 24015 For full details see the file 24016 %1!lu! file was %2 24017 %1!lu! files were %2 24018 File "%1" successfully decoded. \n 24019 File "%1" has parts missing. \n 24020 File has parts missing, first subject line <%1>. \n 24021 File "%1" decoded; suspect integrity. \n 24022 Duplicate part discarded; part %1!lu! of file "%2". \n 24023 Subject <%1> part %2!lu!. \n 24024 Decode cancelled; File "%1". \n 24025 Part checksum error; part %1!lu! of file "%2". \n 24026 Part size error; part %1!lu! of file "%2". \n 24027 File checksum error; file "%1". \n 24028 File size error; file "%1". \n 24029 Decoding 24065 Page %1!lu! 24128 unknown 24129 --- Private --- 24130 --- Multiple --- 24132 Open message 24133 Sorry: too many messages selected 24134 Do you want to edit this message before it is posted, or do you just want to inspect it? 24135 &Edit\nmessage 24136 &Inspect\nmessage 24137 Cannot access unassigned %1 mail from a mail list 24138 personal 24139 workgroup 24140 This copy of the message, to %1, is marked private and cannot be accessed by you 24141 This copy of the message is marked private and cannot be accessed by you 24142 &Continue 24143 &Abandon 24144 Processed %1!lu!/%2!lu! messages 24145 Deleting messages 24146 Reposting messages 24147 Filing messages 24148 Moving messages 24149 Mail 24150 messages 24151 Export mail to a file 24152 Decode mail : path selection 24153 Processing %1!lu!/%2!lu! messages 24154 This copy of the message, from %1, is marked private and cannot be accessed by you 24192 Keep Article 24193 Cancel Keep Article 24194 [Reassembled] 24196 Remove Attachment 24321 International ProofReader %1text proofing software \n© 1995 by Lernaut & Hauspie Speech Products N.V. \nAll rights reserved. \n 24322 English 24323 French 24324 Dutch 24325 German 24326 Italian 24327 Spanish 24328 Reproduction or disassembly of embodied algorithms or database prohibited. \n \n \n 24329 International ProofReader is a trademark of Lernaut & Hauspie Speech Products N.V. 24330 Spelling database adapted from word list supplied by Librarie Larousse. \n 24331 Spelling database adapted from word list supplied by Langenscheidt K.G. \n 24332 Spelling database adapted from word list supplied by Zanichelli S.p.A. \n 24384 Marking all articles "read" 24385 Processed %1!lu! / %2!lu! articles : %3!lu! still marked "unread" 24448 Unrated 24449 Unrated 24450 No rating could be obtained for this category. 24451 Select ratings file 24452 Removing ratings service 24453 Are you sure you want to remove the ratings service, %1? 24454 Unnamed service 24456 Setting the category "%1" to "%2" is not permitted.\n\nLevel %3!ld! exceeds the limit for this category. 24457 No ratings services added. 24512 Ratings for : '%1' 24576 Save... 24577 Save signature... 24580 Hide 24581 PGP message 24582 PGP signed message 24583 message with detached PGP signature 24584 PGP signature 24585 PGP public key block 24587 File selection 24588 Show 24704 View attachment 24705 This attachment probably contains executable code. "Viewing" it will run that code which may constitute a security risk. 24706 &Don't\n'view' 24707 '&View' 24708 The attachment will be removed when this message is closed. 24714 : actual size %1 : encoded size %2 24768 attachment removed 24769 attachments removed 24771 Remove attachments 24772 Attachments cannot be removed from messages that are in the out-tray. 24832 Found in message dated %1 24833 Found in message "%2", dated %1 24834 Found in message from %3, dated %1 24835 Found in message "%2" from %3, dated %1 24836 Found in article in %4, dated %1 24837 Found in article "%2" in %4, dated %1 24838 Found in article from %3 in %4, dated %1 24839 Found in article "%2" from %3 in %4, dated %1 24842 \n \n \n \n \n \n 24843 Turnpike Stored Links 24844 \n \n \n \n \n \n \n 24845 \n 24846 This is a list of the hyperlinks that you have extracted whilst reading 24847 \n 24848 mail and news within Turnpike. Follow the links by clicking in the 24849 \n 24850 usual way. \n \n \n \n 24852 *** CAUTION: This message will usually appear because JavaScript is disabled. \nIf JavaScript is disabled then 'Delete link' 24853 buttons will not be available for \nyou to use. *** \n \n 24854 \n \n 24855 24862 \n \n \n \n \n 24932 Save URL 24933 There are no URLs to save. 24934 "%1" is not a valid URL. 24935 The following are not valid URLs: 24936 There are no valid URLs to save. 24942 Updating URL Link File 24943 "%1" was not recognized as a Turnpike link file. \n \nDo you want to overwrite this file? 24944 &Overwrite\nfile 24952 Select program 24954 Fetch URL 24955 Failed to fetch URL using: 24956 It is possible that the application couldn't be found, or that Windows was unable to start a second copy of it. Would you like to save the URL in a file or copy it to the clipboard instead? 24958 &Save URL 24959 &Copy URL 24961 Shut 25024 Mail Rejection 25025 Envelope Rejection 25088 Request article 25089 Request thread 25090 The body of this article is not present 25152 Correct spelling for %1!s!: %2!s! 25153 Not in dictionary: 25154 Repeated word: 25155 Capitalisation: 25156 Missing spaces: 25157 Spelling error: 25158 a/an error: 25217 New custom dictionary 25218 Add custom dictionary 25219 Spelling options for 25220 There are too many dictionaries enabled for checking %1!s! text 25221 Enabling custom dictionaries 25222 There are too many dictionaries enabled which are used for checking text in any language 25280 %1!.4u! 25281 SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Proofing Tools\Spelling\%1!s!\Normal 25282 SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Proofing Tools\Spelling\%1!s!\Medical 25283 SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Proofing Tools\Spelling\%1!s!\Legal 25284 SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Proofing Tools\Spelling\%1!s!\Complete 25285 SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Word\7.0\Proofing Tools\Spelling\%1!s!\Normal 25286 SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Word\7.0\Proofing Tools\Spelling\%1!s!\Medical 25287 SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Word\7.0\Proofing Tools\Spelling\%1!s!\Legal 25288 SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Word\7.0\Proofing Tools\Spelling\%1!s!\Complete 25290 Spelling %1!s!,0 25293 Engine 25294 Dictionary 25295 SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Proofing Tools\Spelling 25296 SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Word\7.0\Proofing Tools\Spelling 25297 Spelling 25409 'Ignore All' list 25410 Move custom dictionary 25411 %1!s! is too large to be edited in Turnpike. 25412 Edit this dictionary in WordPad, saving the edited dictionary as a text-only document. 25413 Edit custom dictionary 25414 Edit 'Ignore All' List 25415 Edit Custom Dictionary 25473 SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Proofing Tools\Custom Dictionaries 25474 SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Word\7.0\Proofing Tools\Custom Dictionaries 25475 MS Proofing Tools 25477 C:\Windows\MSapps\Proof\ 25478 C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Proof\ 25479 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\ 25480 turnpike.tpd 25481 tpcustom.dic 25536 (universal) 25537 (No proofing) 25538 Afrikaans 25539 Bulgarian 25540 Catalan 25541 Czech 25542 Danish 25543 Dutch (Belgian) 25544 Dutch 25545 English (Australian) 25546 English (British) 25547 English (Canadian) 25548 English (Caribbean) 25549 English (Ireland) 25550 English (Jamaica) 25551 English (New Zealand) 25552 English (South Africa) 25553 English (United States) 25554 Finnish 25555 French (Belgian) 25556 French (Canadian) 25557 French (Luxemberg) 25558 French 25559 French (Swiss) 25560 German (Austrian) 25561 German (Liechtenstein) 25562 German (Luxemberg) 25563 German 25564 German (Swiss) 25565 Greek 25566 Hungarian 25567 Icelandic 25568 Indonesian 25569 Italian 25570 Italian (Swiss) 25571 Japanese 25572 Korean 25573 Malaysian 25574 Norwegian (Bokmal) 25575 Norwegian (Nynorsk) 25576 Polish 25577 Portuguese (Brazilian) 25578 Portuguese 25579 Russian 25580 Serbo-Croatian 25581 Slovak 25582 Sloveian 25583 Spanish (Argentina) 25584 Spanish (Chile) 25585 Spanish (Colombia) 25586 Spanish (Costa Rica) 25587 Spanish (Dominican Republic) 25588 Spanish (Ecuador) 25589 Spanish (Guatemala) 25590 Spanish (Mexican) 25591 Spanish (Modern) 25592 Spanish (Panama) 25593 Spanish (Paraguay) 25594 Spanish (Peru) 25595 Spanish 25596 Spanish (Uruguay) 25597 Spanish (Venezuela) 25598 Swedish 25599 Turkish 25600 Basque 25601 Romanian 25636 SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Proofing Tools\Language 25637 NameIntl 25638 MS Proofing Tools 25639 Language 25662 (Not a dictionary) 25663 unknown language 25665 Checking spelling for the entire document 25666 %1!lu!%% checked 25668 A dictionary for spell checking %1!s! could not be found 25669 Editor 25670 Checking spelling 25671 The word could not be added to %1!s!. This dictionary is full 25728 paf2s331 25729 paf4s331 25730 pca2s323 25731 pca4s323 25732 pcz4s321 25733 pdn2s320 25734 pdn4s320 25735 pdu2s421 25736 pdu4s421 25737 pen4s324 25738 pam4s324 25739 pbr4s324 25740 pfn2s311 25741 pfn4s311 25742 pfr2s331 25743 pfr4s331 25744 pgk4s360 25745 pgr2s321 25746 pgr4s321 25747 phn4srul 25748 pit2s340 25749 pit4s340 25750 pno2s317 25751 pno4s317 25752 ppo4s331 25753 ppb4s331 25754 ppi4s331 25755 ppl4srul 25756 pru4s322 25757 psp4s333 25758 psw4s340 25759 Speller %1!.4u! 25768 http:// 25769 ftp:// 25770 gopher:// 25771 nntp:// 25772 telnet:// 25773 wais:// 25774 file:// 25775 prospero:// 25776 https:// 25777 wwws:// 25778 mailto: 25779 news: 25780 mid: 25781 cid: 25788 txt 25789 exe 25790 com 25791 dll 25792 ini 25793 htm 25794 html 25795 jpeg 25796 jpg 25797 gif 25798 wav 25799 doc 25800 xls 25801 mpeg 25802 mpg 25803 tiff 25804 tif 25805 url 25806 wri 25807 tmp 25808 hlp 25809 bmp 25810 pdf 25811 pcx 25812 mov 25818 .com 25819 .gov 25820 .org 25821 .net 25822 .edu 25823 .at 25824 .au 25825 .be 25826 .ca 25827 .ch 25828 .de 25829 .dk 25830 .es 25831 .fi 25832 .fr 25833 .fx 25834 .gr 25835 .ie 25836 .it 25837 .jp 25838 .nl 25839 .no 25840 .nz 25841 .pt 25842 .ru 25843 .se 25844 .uk 25845 .us 25846 .za 25848 usenet 25849 %1!s! exceeds the size limit for custom dictionaries 25850 Editor 25851 using Microsoft's engine 25856 &File 25857 New &newsstand... 25858 New &mailbox... 25859 New mail &list... 25860 A<er newsstand... 25861 Al&ter mailbox... 25862 &Print... Ctrl+P 25863 Print Pre&view 25864 P&rint Setup... 25865 Insert &File... Ctrl+I 25866 &Decode... 25867 &Export... 25868 &Import... 25869 &New 25870 &Configure 25871 &Users... 25872 &Workgroups... 25873 &Email names... 25874 Email &routeing... 25875 &Newsgroups... 25876 Email &tags... 25877 E&xit 25886 &Edit 25887 &Undo Ctrl+Z 25888 &Redo Ctrl+R 25889 Cu&t Ctrl+X 25890 &Copy Ctrl+C 25891 &Paste Ctrl+V 25892 Se&lect All Ctrl+A 25893 R&eplace Ctrl+H 25894 &Delete Del 25895 &Find Ctrl+F 25896 ROT-1&3 Ctrl+3 25897 E&xtract URL... F7 25898 C&heck Spelling 25899 Lan&guage... 25906 &Options 25907 &Font... 25908 &Colour... 25909 &Display Header Ctrl+H 25910 Display 'ra&w' text 25911 Display &Ruler 25912 D&ate format... 25913 &Change signature... Ctrl+S 25914 &Save signature as... 25915 &Spelling... 25916 Never Auto-inline &Images 25917 Import A&ddresses... 25926 &Search 25927 Ne&xt Unread Ctrl+U 25928 &Next in group Ctrl++ 25929 &Previous in group Ctrl+- 25930 &Search articles... F3 25931 &Search messages... F3 25946 &Classify 25947 Mark as &Read Ctrl+R 25948 Mark as &Unread Ctrl+K 25949 Class as &Interesting Ctrl+I 25950 Class U&ninteresting Ctrl+J 25951 &Declassify Ctrl+D 25952 Ki&ll... F9 25953 &Keep article F8 25954 &Cancel Keep Shift+F8 25955 Request &article Ctrl+Q 25956 Cancel Re&quest 25966 &Signature 25976 &Article 25977 &Open Newsgroup Ctrl+N 25978 &Close Newsgroup Ctrl+S 25979 &Followup article Ctrl+M 25980 Repl&y by email Ctrl+Y 25981 For&ward article Ctrl+W 25982 Start &news thread Ctrl+T 25983 &Break Thread 25984 Re&join Thread 25989 &Open article Ctrl+O 25990 Cancel ar&ticle 25996 &Message 25997 &Open message Ctrl+O 25998 &Start new email Ctrl+E 25999 Repl&y to message Ctrl+Y 26000 For&ward message Ctrl+W 26006 &Window 26007 &Cascade 26008 &Tile horizontal 26009 Tile &vertical 26010 &Arrange Icons 26011 Lin&e up Icons 26012 Minimi&ze All 26016 &Help 26017 &Index 26018 &Using Help 26019 &About Turnpike... 26020 &Show Hints && Tips 26025 &Browsing... 26026 Forward "&as is" 26027 Re&ject message Ctrl+J 26028 M&ouse... 26029 &Address book Ctrl+B 26030 Look up &address Ctrl+B 26031 &Mark all as read Ctrl+L 26032 Re&display Newsgroup Ctrl+N 26033 &Post message Ctrl+T 26034 &Abandon message Ctrl+Q 26035 &File message Ctrl+S 26036 De&lete message Ctrl+D 26037 &Address 26038 Start new email &to: Ctrl+T 26039 &Messages Ctrl+M 26040 Vie&w / Alter Ctrl+W 26041 &New Person Ctrl+N 26042 New &List Ctrl+L 26043 &Remove Entry Ctrl+R 26044 Move to &In Tray Ctrl+I 26045 Mo&ve to Pending Ctrl+L 26046 &Post article Ctrl+T 26047 &Abandon article Ctrl+Q 26058 Sh&ut 26060 I&nspect 26061 Re-&edit 26065 Expand T&hread 26066 Collapse T&hread Ctrl+B 26068 &Delete the repeated word 26069 &Capitalise initial letter 26070 &Ignore 26071 Ignore A&ll 26072 &Add 26075 &More... 26076 P&aste Ctrl+V 26086 &Tutorial 26092 P&roperties 26096 &Add Newsgroups... 26097 E&xpand All Threads 26098 Collapse &All Threads 26105 Change &Tags... 26109 Empt&y 26110 &Import Mail... 26111 Import Ne&ws... 26113 &Save... 26114 &Hide 26115 &Viewer 26116 &Custom Viewer... 26117 Ro&tate 26118 &Zoom 26119 &Restore 26120 Remove &Attachment 26121 &90° 26122 1&80° 26123 2&70° 26124 &50% 26125 &75% 26127 15&0% 26128 &200% 26129 To &fit 26240 Attachment 26241 "Read Receipt" 26242 Delivery report 26243 Report: 26244 Time: 26245 Original message details: 26246 Subject: 26247 From: 26248 To: 26249 Cc: 26250 Bcc: 26251 Sent: 26252 %1!lu! 26253 True 26254 False 26255 Report details: 26258 sent in non-standard data format: 26260 [ A file%1 was extracted from non-standard data here. ] 26261 [ Proprietary data, size %1!lu! bytes, was included here. ] 26881 Program built: 26883 Copyright © 1995-1999 Turnpike Ltd 26944 Administration 26945 Seat record too long 26946 Dead letter record too long 26947 Workgroup record too long 26948 Email sender record too long 26949 Seat record missing 26950 Configuration 26951 No room for access information\n\nRemove some .ACC files 27009 Bad or incompatible admin file 27010 Bad or incompatible site-ID or site-key 27011 Incorrect username or password 27012 Login Failed 27072 Corrupt message 27073 Error #%1!ld! 27136 Invalid database file 27140 Bad or incompatible database file 27141 Cannot use this file with this version of Turnpike 27142 Cannot use more than one Connect at once 27143 The maximum number of concurrent Turnpikes are already in use 27144 Connect is using this file 27145 Connect and %1!lu! other Turnpikes are using this file 27146 1 other Turnpike is using this file 27147 %1!lu! other Turnpikes are using this file 27148 Turnpike is using this file 27149 %1!lu! Turnpikes are using this file 27150 Redtape checksum error. 27201 No matches found 27202 No more matches found 27264 Application has expired 27265 Terminating 27328 The clipboard contains too much data to paste 27393 Cannot sign on 27394 \n\nPlease contact info@turnpike.com 27396 Missing path to configuration files 27397 No Turnpike files found in path: 27398 Turnpike mail basefile missing 27399 Turnpike mail spoolfile missing 27400 Turnpike address book missing 27401 Turnpike news basefile missing 27402 Turnpike news spoolfile missing 27403 Login 27404 Using path 27413 Changing site details 27414 Caution 27415 &Continue 27416 &Pick new\npath 27417 No Turnpike files on chosen path 27418 Only install new files here if you are sure you have no Turnpike files anywhere else. 27419 &Check\npath 27420 &Install\nhere 27421 No mail basefile on chosen path 27422 No mail spoolfile on chosen path 27423 No address book on chosen path 27424 Mail database missing 27425 News database missing 27426 Would you like to create new files? 27427 No news basefile on chosen path 27428 No news spoolfile on chosen path 27429 New version of Turnpike 27430 To benefit from the new Turnpike features the mail database should be rebuilt. This may take some time!\n\nRebuild the mail database? 27431 The 'sign on' name must not be blank 27432 The path to the server must not be blank 27433 The path to the email files must not be blank 27434 The path to the news files must not be blank 27435 Please check the path. 27436 Please check the path or use the Connect program to create new files. 27437 Use the Connect program to create new files. 27456 Are you sure you want to cancel? 27520 Examining EXE file 27521 is not an executable file 27522 Failed to open: 27585 Full name 27586 You cannot leave this field blank 27649 Turnpike Newsgroup: %1 27650 Bad or incompatible group file 27712 Cannot mix local and global newsgroups 27713 Too many newsgroups 27722 Bad or missing header name 27723 : missing after header name 27724 Header line missing 27725 Duplicated header line 27726 Unknown header 27727 Repeated "poster" 27728 Cannot mix "poster" with newsgroups 27729 Repeated newsgroup %1 27730 "poster" is not a newsgroup 27777 OK 27778 Cancel 27779 &Abort 27780 &Retry 27781 &Ignore 27782 &Yes 27783 &No 27784 Help 27785 Cancel 27840 Page %1!lu! 27904 mailbox 27969 Error: insufficient memory 27970 You may be able to release memory by closing other applications 27971 Action has failed unexpectedly 28033 Mail for %1 sent to %2\n 28097 No BinHex 4.0 data seen at all! 28098 Insufficient data for BinHex 4.0 encoding 28099 Unknown character in BinHex 4.0 encoding 28100 Invalid data in BinHex 4.0 encoding 28101 CRC error in decoded data 28161 Unknown character in Base64 encoding 28225 Unknown character in Quoted Printable encoding 28289 Bad or incompatible base file 28291 Does not match base file's creation date 28292 Wrong file signature 28293 Base file is an old copy 28353 Bad or incompatible spool file 28480 Cannot have * in newsgroup names 28481 en-gb 28544 Sorry, you do not have the permissions required. Ask your administrator for '%1' 28545 administrator status 28546 permission to connect to the Internet 28547 permission to rebuild databases 28548 permission to make email names 28549 permission to subscribe to mailing lists 28550 permission to keep articles 28551 permission to kill articles 28552 permission 8 28553 permission 9 28554 permission 10 28555 permission 11 28556 permission 12 28557 permission 13 28558 permission 14 28559 permission 15 28560 permission 16 28561 permission to alter users 28562 permission to alter workgroups 28563 permission to alter email names 28564 permission to administrate email 28565 permission to administrate news 28566 permission 22 28567 permission 23 28568 permission 24 28569 permission to administrate Connect 28570 permission to alter dialling details 28571 permission to alter rating details 28572 permission 28 28573 permission 29 28574 permission 30 28575 permission 31 28576 permission 32 28608 Configuration question 28612 Response must be a name 28613 Response must be a domain name 28614 Response must be a valid dotted IP address 28615 Response may not be blank 28672 Problem 28673 Insufficient heap space available.\n\nWould you like to quit? 28674 Insufficient GDI resources available. 28675 Insufficient user resources available. 28676 Insufficient file handles available. 28678 Application cannot be run. 28736 NULL argument 28737 regexp too big 28738 too many () 28739 unmatched () 28740 junk on end 28741 *+ operand could be empty 28742 nested *?+ 28743 invalid [] range 28744 trailing \ 28745 unmatched [] 28746 internal urp 28747 ?+* follows nothing 28748 internal disaster 28800 Compiling rules 28801 Missing ) 28802 Illegal modifier %1!c! 28803 Missing / 28804 Unexpected character %1!c! 28805 Error in rule 28864 &Overwrite\nfile 28865 &Append to\nfile 28866 &Choose\nanother 28867 %1 already exists.\n\nDo you want to overwrite this file, append to it, or choose another? 28868 Snapshot 28869 Logging 28871 All Files 28872 Snapshot Files 28873 Logging Files 28874 Access Files 28875 Modem Files 28876 EXE Files 28877 Executable Files 28878 Signature Files 28879 Ratings Files 28880 Address Files 28881 Mail Files 28882 News Files 28883 Text Files 28884 PGP Files 28885 PGP Armoured Files 28886 PGP Signature Files 28887 HTML Text Files 28888 RTF Text Files 28889 Call Record Files 28890 VCard Address Files 28891 Dictionary Files 28929 Email name 28930 Public 28931 News 28992 Invalid bundle file 28993 Incompatible bundle file. Please use the correct version for this program. 29057 A serious problem has occurred in the %1 program.\n\n%2 29059 A fault report file named %1 will be written in your Turnpike directory. This will contain your description and further diagnostic information. 29061 It may be possible to continue normal operation of the %1 program, but if the fault occurs again in this session you will have to terminate it. Alternatively you can choose to terminate the %1 program now. 29062 Sorry, it is not possible to continue normal operation of the %1 program. Press Terminate. 29120 Missing closing " in quoted-string 29121 Carriage return in quoted-string 29122 Missing ) in comment 29123 Carriage return in comment 29124 Missing ] in domain-literal 29125 Carriage return in domain-literal 29126 Character missing after \ 29127 Cannot have %1%2 here 29128 Missing character "%1!c!" before %2%3 29129 Missing %1 before %2%3 29130 whitespace 29131 comment 29132 quoted-string 29133 domain-literal 29134 word 29135 number 29136 control character 29137 end of line 29138 character 29139 Continue anyway? 29140 Error in %1 29141 Line must not be empty 29142 Do not use '8-bit' character: %1!c! 29184 Print font for %1 29185 Snapshot of %1 29186 File already chosen: 29187 &Append to\nthis file 29188 &Overwrite\nthis file 29189 &Choose a\nnew file 29190 There was a problem writing the file: 29192 %1 file : %2 29193 Text colour 29194 Background colour 29248 Error 29312 Line is too long 29313 Software error %1!lu! 29314 Error in file 29315 Disk is full 29316 Please make some space available on drive %1!c! 29317 Unexpected end of file 29318 Unknown Windows error number %1!lu! 29319 SHARE/VSHARE missing 29376 Fatal error in list box 29377 Error in list box 29378 List box has been filled up 29440 &Previous Ctrl+Shift+F6 29441 Nex&t Ctrl+F6 29442 &Close Ctrl+F4 29504 Turnpike Address Book file 29505 Bad or incompatible address book file 29569 This is a MIME message 29633 Font for %1 29764 Setting new site details 29765 The database files must be re-encrypted, which may take some time.\n\nAre you sure you wish to proceed? 29768 Checking the Site Secret 29769 YES : this is your Site Secret 29770 NO : this is not your Site Secret 29771 Changing site details 29772 You must have administrator status or have entered the correct Site Secret before you can do this. 29773 Setting new site details 29774 You must enter a new Site Secret. 29775 Checking site details 29776 Site ID is badly formed 29777 Site ID checksum failed 29778 Site ID not recognized 29779 Site Key is badly formed 29780 Site Key checksum failed 29781 Site Key not recognized 29782 Site ID and Site Key are incompatible 29786 Incompatible version 29788 Site ID is incompatible with this version 29789 \n\nPlease contact Support 29792 Legacy Site ID 29793 You have an outmoded evaluation Site ID. This will not affect the operation of Turnpike.\n\nTo obtain a replacement please write, using Turnpike, to info@turnpike.com with subject:\n"Replacement Site ID". 29825 Search for "%1" 29889 Colour selection : 29952 File is in use. This user has probably already signed on, perhaps on another machine. 30016 Invalid pics-service file 30017 Unsupported pics-service file feature 30018 Mandatory extension 30019 Nested categories 30020 Too many labels 30021 Need at least 1 label 30081 Unknown character in PGP ASCII Armor 30208 You have supplied too many characters. 30337 Invalid phone number.\n\nFor national numbers please include the full STD code.\n\nFor international numbers start with a '+' then include the country code and modified STD code. 30338 The number you have given is too long. 30339 The number you have given is too short. 30341 Hostnames must contain at least 3 characters. 30343 The hostname you entered is not valid.\n\nPress Help for a description of the correct host name format. 30344 You must specify a password. 30345 Passwords must contain at least 6 characters. 30356 Mr 30357 Mrs 30358 Miss 30359 Ms 30360 Dr 30361 Prof 30362 Sir 30363 Hon 30364 Lord 30365 Lady 30366 (other) 30367 You must specify your title. 30368 Please overtype '(other)' with your own title. 30369 The address must have at least two lines. 30370 You must enter the postcode. 30371 Postcodes must contain at least 5 letters and digits. 30373 The postcode you specified is invalid.\n\nPress Help for details on valid postcode format. 30400 Plain text 30401 "Enriched" text 30402 HTML text 30403 "Rich" text 30404 "%1" text 30529 Your message has been delivered to: 30530 Your message for the following recipients has been relayed 30531 to a mail system that does not support DSN 30532 Your message has been delivered to the following aliases 30533 Your message for the following recipients has been delayed 30534 Your message could not be delivered to the following recipients 30535 Your article could not be posted 30536 Talking to %1 on %2 30537 news server 30592 The message sent on %1 to %2 with subject "%3" has been displayed. This is no guarantee that the message has been read or understood. 30593 The message sent on %1 to %2 with subject "%3" has been dispatched. This is no guarantee that the message has been read or understood. 30594 The message sent on %1 to %2 with subject "%3" has been processed. This is no guarantee that the message has been read or understood. 30595 The message sent on %1 to %2 with subject "%3" has been deleted. This is no guarantee that the message has been read or understood. 30596 The disposition of the message sent on %1 to %2 with subject "%3" has been denied. This is no guarantee that the message has been read or understood. 30597 A failure occurred that prevented the proper generation of an MDN. 30598 The article collected on %1 with subject "%2" could not be added to the news database as none of its newsgroups are subscribed. 30721 Turnpike 57344 Turnpike Offline 57345 For Help, press F1 57346 Select an object on which to get Help 57606 Change the printer and printing options 57607 Print the selected items 57609 Display active document as it would print 57634 Copy the selection and put it on the Clipboard 57635 Cut the selection and put it on the Clipboard 57636 Find the specified text 57637 Insert Clipboard contents 57641 Replace specific text with different text 57642 Select the entire document 57643 Undo the last action 57644 Redo the previously undone action 57649 Arrange icons at the bottom of the window 57650 Arrange windows so they overlap 57651 Arrange windows horizontally so they don't overlap 57652 Arrange windows vertically so they don't overlap 57664 Display program information, version number and copyright 57665 Quit the application 57666 List 'Help' topics 57668 Display instructions about how to use 'Help' 57669 Display help for clicked on buttons, menus and windows 57670 Display help for current task or command 59136 EXT 59137 CAP 59138 NUM 59139 SCRL 59140 OVR 59141 REC 61184 Change the window size 61185 Change the window position 61186 Reduce the window to an icon 61187 Enlarge the window to full size 61188 Switch to the next document window 61189 Switch to the previous document window 61190 Close the active window 61202 Restore the window to normal size 61203 Activate Task List 61215 Activate this window