82 FIOALL.INI 100 File I/O DLL 101 Read file. 200 Unpredictable eror! 201 Read file error! 202 Write file error! 203 Insufficient memory! 204 File type error! 205 Unknown subformat! 206 File size error! 207 Do not support this kind of image type. 208 Illegal file format. 801 GIF 802 COMPRESS_TYPE 803 IS_TRANSPARENT 804 TRANSPARENT_INDEX 1001 PROGRESSIVE 1002 JPEG 1003 QFACTOR 2001 TARGA 2002 COMPRESS_TYPE 3000 Invalid or corruupted Images Pac. 3001 Invalid argument. 3004 Connot execute function during execution of another protected function. 3005 Requisite CD not available for reading. 3006 User Abort 4003 TIFF 4005 CompressType 4019 FIOALL 5000 fiobmp32.dll 5001 fiogif32.dll 5002 fiojpg32.dll 5003 fiopcd32.dll 5004 fiopcx32.dll 5005 fiotga32.dll 5006 fiotif32.dll 6001 fioReadHeader 6002 fioReadImg 6003 fioReadDIBImg 6004 fioSaveHeader 6005 fioSaveImg 6006 fioSaveDIBImg 6007 fioNeedSaveOption 6008 fioNeedReadOption 6009 fioSetSaveOption 6010 fioSetReadOption 6011 fioReadPalette 6014 fioSetWaitingCallback 6015 fioReadHeaderExt 6016 fioReadDIBImgExt 6017 fioGetCap 6100 Presto! Object File 6502 POF 6503 LOOSY 7051 FPX 7052 ORIGIN 7054 WIDTH 7055 HEIGHT 7056 COMPRESSION 7057 QFACTOR 7058 FixResolution 7059 Resolution 8051 PNG 8052 INTERLACE 8054 QUALITY 65535 No file been locked!