ENEMY INFESTATION ONLINE HELP SCROLLING VIEW Use the arrow keys to move the view screen, as indicated by the white rectangle on the minimap. Alternatively, click anywhere in minimap to change view to that location. CURSOR TYPES (LEFT CLICK FOR SPECIFIED ACTION): Yellow arrow - moves selected Colonists to this point Yellow Pointing Hand - Select Colonist/Object or Weapon Red cross - out of boundaries/cannot use object Needle - Revive unconscious colonists (medical officer only) Green Grabbing hand - Grab unconscious alien Red Target - Select enemy to attack Green outlines and one-word descriptions appear for any object, player, weapon or room that the cursor is over. SELECTING COLONISTS o Click character on-screen o Click-drag rectangle on-screen to select more than one colonist o Double click colonist to select all colonists in that room o Click small head to select colonist o Double-click small head to select and locate colonist o Hold down SHIFT to add or de-select players from selection o CTRL + Number (0-9) to create selection preset, hit specified number to recall selection USER INTERFACE COMMAND BUTTONS HOTKEYS + Heal (heal body or badly hurt colonist) B Drop Body D Drop weapon H Hide (hide in closest hiding spot in room, if not available try next safe room) F Flee (leave room) A Attack (attack nearest enemy in room) S Hit (attack nearest enemy in room hand-to-hand only) G Grab Alien (pick up an alien body) Spacebar Stop REACTION BUTTONS & HOTKEYS Sets colonist behavior when an alien is sighted: F5 Fight - Will actively seek to fight with an enemy. Other colonists in room will also join in. F6 Hide - Find nearest hiding spot, and hide. F7 Guard - Stands ground, fires ranged weapons, only fights if attacked in hand to hand. F8 None - do nothing. OTHER HOTKEYS F1 Display this online help F2 Quick Save - save the game with the default name F3 Quick Load - load the last saved/loaded game COMMAND QUEUING Shift-click to set up a sequence of actions for selected colonist. For example, hold down shift, click on machine, click on ground, click on ground, to use machine, to move to a point, then to another point. CONTEXT SENSITIVE INFORMATION Right-Click any object, weapon, or character in the game or user interface, to view information about it. Will not select that character or object. USER INTERFACE TABS Crew - Information on colonist, name, health, abilities, weapon held, etc. Weapons - Details on effects, charges remaining, person holding it, etc Comms - Chronological record of statements from the colonists or the computer Objects - Details about the interactive objects and machines in the game Goals - Goal checklist, aliens on base, objects, weapons undiscovered Menu - Sound controls, load game, save game, quit, option to float weapons above head -=-