1001 America OnLine Web Browser 1002 AOLWeb 1003 Once integrated with America OnLine, Quick View Plus will become the viewer for files that America OnLine can't view. 2001 Microsoft Exchange 2002 Exchange 2003 Microsoft Exchange will automatically use Quick View Plus to display files that have been attached to messages. 2004 Quick View Plus can optionally handle the Open and Print commands for file attachments that don't have an application installed for them. 3001 Eudora Mail 3002 Eudora 3003 When integrated, Quick View Plus can be used to view mail attachments. 3004 Outlook 3005 Microsoft Outlook 3006 When integrated, Quick View Plus can be used to view mail attachments. 3007 You don't have sufficient rights to make this change.\nThis action must be performed by an Administrator. 3008 Quick View Plus can optionally handle the Open and Print commands for file attachments. Use the Options dialog for advanced integration. 3009 Outlook Express 3010 Microsoft Outlook Express 3011 When integrated, Quick View Plus can be used to view mail attachments. 3012 Quick View Plus can optionally handle the Open and Print commands for file attachments. Use the Options dialog for advanced integration. 4001 Microsoft Internet Explorer 4002 MSIE 4003 Quick View Plus can be configured to display files within the Internet Explorer. 4004 You must specify a value for the content type. 4005 You must specify a value for the content subtype. 4006 Content Type Conflict 4007 Name 4008 Content Type 4009 %s File 4010 The following characters are not allowed in a file extension:\n\ / : * ? " < > | 4011 File Extension 4012 Quick View Plus has not found Microsoft Internet Explorer on your system. 4013 This installation of Quick View Plus is not currently configured to view files within Microsoft Internet Explorer.\n\n\nYou must enable Quick View Plus to work from within Internet Explorer before you can change these settings. 4014 Quick View Plus ActiveX Document Viewer 5001 Norton Navigator 5002 Symantec's Norton Navigator for Windows 95 automatically detects and uses Quick View Plus if it is available. 5003 Quick View Plus is used for all file viewing (except zip), including viewing files across FTP connections and auto hit highlighting in Navigator's search module. 5004 NortonNav 6001 Lotus Notes 6002 Corel Perfect Office 6003 Lotus cc:Mail 6004 Lotus Notes 6005 CorelPerfectOffice 6006 Lotus cc:Mail 6007 When integrated, Quick View Plus will upgrade the file viewers in Notes 4. 6008 When integrated, Quick View Plus will upgrade the viewers in Corel Perfect Office. 6009 When integrated, Quick View Plus will upgrade the file viewers in cc:Mail version 7 and later. 6010 Quick View Plus will be available through the View button when you double click on an attached file. 6011 Quick View Plus will upgrade viewers for Corel Perfect office. 6012 Quick View Plus will be available through the View function when you double click on an attached file. 6013 The components for integrating QVP in Notes have\nbeen installed. Please refer to the manual for\nfurther steps necessary to activate the integration. 6014 QVP Notes Integration 6015 Quick View Plus was not able to install to %s successfully.\nYou can try again to configure Quick View Plus to view attachments in %s at any time after Quick View Plus is installed. 6016 Quick View Plus is not always able to install or remove its Lotus Notes integration when Notes is running.\nIt is recommended that you close Notes now, then press OK. 6017 Quick View Plus is not always able to install or remove its ccMail integration when ccMail is running.\nIt is recommended that you close ccMail now, then press OK. 6018 This version of Quick view plus is not compatible with the\ninstalled version of Notes. Quick View Plus will NOT attempt to integrate. 6019 The viewers installed by %s could not be replaced\n because one or more of them is marked as read-only. 6020 QVP cc:Mail Integration 7001 Netscape Navigator 7002 SPRY Mosaic 7003 Netscape 7004 SpryMos 7005 When integrated with SPRY Mosaic, Quick View Plus will become the viewer for files that SPRY Mosaic can't view. 7006 If you encounter additional file types that aren't viewed by SPRY Mosaic, you can use SPRY Mosaic's Helper Application setup to specify Quick View Plus as the viewer for those types. 7007 Quick View Plus can integrate with Netscape Navigator as either a Helper Application or a Plug-in. 7008 You can use the Options dialog to view or change the set of file types that Quick View Plus will view from Netscape as a plug-in or a helper application. 7009 You can also use Netscape's Helper Application options to specify Quick View Plus as a helper application for additional file types. 7010 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7011 IExplore 7012 Quick View Plus can integrate with Internet Explorer as either a Helper Application or a Plug-in. 7013 You can use the Options dialog to view or change the set of file types that Quick View Plus will view from Internet Explorer as a plug-in or a helper application. 7014 You can also use Internet Explorer's "Programs" options to specify Quick View Plus as a helper application for additional file types. 7015 Netscape Navigator is running. Quick View Plus can not make changes to its Netscape plug-in and helper settings while Netscape is running. To change these settings you must first close Netscape Navigator. 7016 You must specify an extension. 7017 File Extension 7018 Configuration Error 7019 A version of Netscape Navigator was running when you integrated Quick View Plus with it. For this integration to work properly you must restart Netscape Navigator. 7020 This installation of Quick View Plus is not currently configured to view files from Netscape Navigator.\n\n\nYou must enable Quick View Plus to work from within Netscape Navigator before you can change these settings. 7021 Quick View Plus has not found Netscape Navigator on your system. 7022 MIME Type 7023 Extensions 7024 The following characters are not allowed in a file extension:\n\ / : * ? " < > | 7025 You must specify a value for the MIME type. 7026 You must specify a value for the MIME subtype. 7027 Modify MIME Information 7028 &Save 7029 The MIME type %s already exists.\nDo you want to redefine this type? 7030 Type Name Conflict 7031 The plug-in %s is already installed to handle files of this type.\nYou must remove the current plug-in before continuing. 7032 Quick View Plus will view the following types of files from within Microsoft Internet Explorer. 7033 Internet Explorer was running when you integrated Quick View Plus with it. For this integration to work properly you must restart Internet Explorer. 7034 Internet Explorer is running. Quick View Plus can not make changes to its plug-in and helper settings while Internet Explorer is running. To change these settings you must first close Internet Explorer. 8001 TIFF Image Files (*.TIF) 8002 Microsoft Word Documents 8003 Microsoft Rich Text Files 8004 DEC-DX Documents 8005 DCA-RFT Documents (*.RFT) 8006 Windows Bitmap Files 8007 Microsoft Access Files 8008 Ami Pro Documents 8009 Microsoft Binder Files 8010 Computer Graphic Metafile (CGM) 8011 dBase Files 8012 Harvard Graphics Files 8013 Micrografx Draw Files 8014 AutoCad Interchange Files (*.DXF) 8015 Enable WP Documents 8016 Enable Spreadsheet Files 8017 Lotus Freelance Files 8018 Framework Files 8019 GEM Image Files 8020 Multiplan Files 8021 Windows Write Files 8022 PC Paintbrush Files 8023 Paradox Files 8024 HPGL Graphics Files 8025 Lotus PIC Files 8026 Microsoft Powerpoint Files 8027 Quattro Pro for Windows Files 8028 Quattro Pro for DOS Files 8029 Supercalc 5 Files 8030 Ami Draw Files 8031 TARGA Images 8032 Lotus 123 Files 8033 Microsoft Works Database Files 8034 Windows Graphics Metafiles 8035 Microsoft Works WP Files 8036 WordPerfect 6 Documents 8037 WordPerfect Graphics Documents 8038 Microsoft Excel Files 8039 Quick View Plus 8040 Macintosh PICT 8041 WordPerfect Presentations 8042 Novell PerfectWorks 8043 Lotus Freelance Files 8044 Lotus 123 Files 8045 Lotus Wordpro Files 8046 Microsoft Word Documents 8047 Microsoft Access Files 8048 Microsoft Excel Files 8049 Microsoft Excel Files 8050 Microsoft Excel Files 8051 Microsoft Powerpoint Files 8052 Microsoft Works WP Files 8053 WordPerfect 5.1 Documents 8054 Portable Network Graphics Files 8055 Portable Network Graphics Files 8056 Computer Graphic Metafile (CGM) 8057 Fax 8058 AutoCad Interchange Files (*.DXF) 8059 Microsoft Excel Files 8060 Windows Bitmap Files 8061 Windows Bitmap Files 8062 VCard