Comfortable Interface

Spend your time creating your Web site solution instead of learning an interface!

Visual Page's comfortable and friendly interface follows standards that are used by most popular business applications. Your most common tasks can be accomplished using toolbars. Additionally, there is extensive support for drag, drop, cut, and paste operations.

Following are the toolbars that are available and a list of the tasks that can be done with each of the toolbar's buttons.

View Toolbar

Visual Editor, Source Editor, Preview in Visual Page, Preview in Browser, Page Properties, Object Properties
Form Toolbar

Check Box, Radio Button, Text Box, Text Area, Drop-Down List, List Box, Submit Button, Reset Button
Standard Toolbar

New Page, Open Page, Save Page, Site Window, Cut, Copy, Paste, Spell Checker
Insert Toolbar

Hyperlink, Line, Image, Plugin, Java Applet, Anchor, Table, Add Row, Add Column, Delete Row, Delete Column
Link Toolbar

Highlight object and enter link target in text box to set up a hyperlink (toolbar appears on bottom of Window)
Image Map Toolbar

Selector, Rectangle Hotspot, Circle Hotspot, Area Hotspot, Front-to-Back Order, Map Color, Transparency Color, Remove Transparency, Image Interface, Enlarge Image, Shrink Image, Resize Image
Format/Style Toolbar

Format, Font, Bold, Italic, Fixed-Width, Decrease, Increase, Text Color, Align Left, Center, Align Right, Decrease Indentation, Increase Indentation, Align Object with Text

Try this:

Select "View"/"Toolbars" from the menu bar at the top of this window. Deselect the toolbars that you don't need to use free up space so that you can enlarge your visual work area. You can also undock any toolbar from the top of this window by dragging it to another location. You can dock any toolbar to the bottom of this window by dragging and dropping it there.

When you are done with this page, close it and return to the main Visual Page Highlights section.