Visual Page Home Page

Visual Page's home page contains links to many areas that Visual Page customers should visit. Areas that can be visited from the home page include:

Product Reviews Read what on-line magazines are saying about Visual Page
Resellers View a list of Symantec's resellers that carry Visual Page
Symantec Online Visual Page products can be downloaded or ordered
Newsgroups Meet with other Visual Page users and give feedback to the Visual Page product team
Discussion Group Post technical support questions and search for answers to other customers' questions
Technical Support Search the technical support database for answers to customers' questions
News Releases View the most current Visual Page news
Update Center Download the most current Visual Page version and other related files
Made With Visual Page Logo Get the logo that is appearing on an increasing number of Visual Page customer's Web pages

In order to connect to the Visual Page home page, select the Preview in Browser Icon and select the following link in your browser.

Visual Page for Windows Home Page:
Visual Page for Macintosh Home Page:

When you are done with this page, close it and return to the main Visual Page Highlights section. Don't save your changes to this page in case you want to view the original page in the future.