Made with Visual Page Images

We are pleased that you are designing your web site with Visual Page. In order to let your visitors know that you are using Visual Page on your site and to point them to more information about Visual Page and a trialware version, please display one of the following buttons on your site.

Please link the image to:

A quick tip

If you would like your visitors to get Visual Page, but are worried that they won't return to your site, target your link to a separate window. Example code to open a secondary window is shown below:

<A href=""
target="_blank">Button Graphic Here</A>

The value "_blank" opens a new window. If you want to target all external URLs on your site to the same separate window, just give it a unique name, such as target="my_window"). This technique helps to prevent infinite window-spawning.

Button Usage Guidelines

The Made with Visual Page logo must be used according to the following guidelines:

Required Link
Each "Made with Visual Page" button must always be an active link to the Symantec Visual Page product page.

Number Versions
Please *do not* refer to version numbers of Visual Page. If you want to encourage visitors to get the latest version of Visual Page, please say just that, right above the button: "Get the latest version of Visual Page."

Minimum Size
The size of the smallest "Made with Visual Page" button is 109 by 36 pixels. Do not scale buttons to any other size.

Required Placement
The button should be placed in a prominent spot on your Web site and must always stand alone (not be combined with any other graphical elements) or be placed against a high-contrast background.

No Alteration Allowed
The "Made with Visual Page" button must not be altered in ANY way. The button may not be taken apart; changed in proportion, color or fonts; shrunk; or otherwise altered from the art supplied by Symantec, Inc.

Positive Presentation
The site must display the "Made with Visual Page" button in a positive manner. The button may not be used to depict Symantec in a negative way.