
HTML Authoring Features

Microsoft Internet Explorer supports HTML authoring features including cascading style sheets (CSS), frames, animated .gif files, and background sounds.

Cascading Style Sheets, Level 1 is a specification from the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) that describes how to specify the visual layout features of a document. CSS enable you to control the margins, coloring, background images, fonts, and a whole range of elements for virtually every individual element that an HTML file describes (<BODY>, <HEAD> (header), <P> (paragraph), <UL> or <OL> (lists), <TABLE>, and so on).

Frames enable you to divide a Web page into separate regions that can display content independently. You can easily author pages that have frames so that they display alternate content for browsers that do not support frames.

Internet Explorer can display animated .gif images, which are rapidly becoming the standard way to add animation to Web pages.

You can use any MIDI or WAV file for playing background sounds for any Web page. Just use the <BODY BGSOUND SRC> tag.

For more information about these features, see the following location on the World Wide Web: