capella comes with a 150 page manual and a Windows Help file. All of the points contained in the manual are also available in the context sensitive Help file which is available while you are running capella. A Help Desk is also available on the numbers given on the order form below. Note entry can be in one of four methods to suit you: 1 By clicking on the keys of the Mouse Piano. This is obtained by selecting Mouse Piano from the VIEW menu. Above or below the blue stripe halves or doubles the note value. 2 Typing the notes A to G will produce these notes on the stave. Precede them with a note value whenever a change is required -2 for a minim, 4 for a crotchet, 8 for a quaver 6 for a semiquaver (16th) etc. Alternatively they can be set using the note values from the Mouse Piano. 3 Holding down the Control key and clicking on the stave with the mouse. Note value is set as above. 4 In Real Time or Step Mode with a MIDI keyboard connected to the MIDI port on the sound card. Three directories containing files are provided with capella: Models. Score outlines for you to build on. Examples Sample scores from a range of composers Tutor Tutorial files The nine lessons of the tutorial. TUTOR.DOC contains the tutorial section of the manual in Windows Write format. On some PCs you may need to read this file into an open word processor, double clicking may not load it. There are are more than 50 example files for you to complete or use to chack the accuracy of your work against. If you are currently running the demonstration version the order form below may be of help to you! -------------------------------------------------------------- Software Partners Oak Tree House, Station Road Claverdon, Warwickshire, CV35 8ZU Tel 01926 842998, Fax 01926 842384 Order Form Program Price capella 2.2 £119 Total (price inc VAT & Postage) Name __________________________ Tel.________________ Address _________________________ Fax________________ _________________________ Date_______________ Post Code _____________ Signature ___________________ Your Cheque should be made out to: Software Partners We can also accept credit cards. Demonstration disks are identical to the full system except that they cannot save and they print a demonstration marking across printed scores.