When to Send and Receive Mail

If yours is a gateway machine, WIG will connect to the Internet in order to send pending messages and check for new mail, at regular intervals. You can specify the frequency of these intervals from the Connection page. Both gateway and non-gateway machines check the database for new messages at regular intervals. You can specify the frequency of these intervals from the Connection page. In the above example, WIG is set to connect to the Internet every 30 minutes and check the local message database every 2 minutes.

You can ask the WIG not to connect to the Internet as soon as Microsoft Exchange starts up. Do this by un-checking the On Exchange startup check box.

You can ask WIG not to display a prompt message box prior to connecting to the Internet. Do this by un-checking the Prompt before Connect check box.

When you have entered the relevant information, Press Finish.

Setup will then copy the relevant files to your hard disk. If there is a problem copying the files, then setup will pop up a dialog box containing a specific reason why the copying process failed. If the copying process is successful, the following dialog box will be displayed.

Successfully installed

The gateway is now installed and may be seen as an un-installed service in Microsoft Exchange. All that remains now is to install the service in MS Exchange.

Index Installing the Workgroup Internet Gateway (WIG) Service into MS Exchange