Using OfficeTalk with Remote Access Software

There are several ways of working remotely using products such as Laplink (Travelling Software) pc Anywhere (Symantec )Wanderlink (Funk Software) or Reachout (Stac).

1.On all the machines that will be remote, install a copy of OfficeTalk, but do not run.
2.You need to decide whether your remote users will be calling into one single machine i.e. the server or whether they will be calling into their own personal machine.
3.If all your users are going to be calling into one machine, they should take note of step 4
4. When users work remotely they are asked for the location of the remote directory. The default directory is OTremote. If you are having multiple users logging onto one machine you should allocate each user their own directory i.e. otremCM would be the directory for Charles Meaden
5.When the users log on remotely to the server they should be able to access OfficeTalk as normal. When they go to work remote they must specify their own remote directory. OfficeTalk will now download the remote information to the correct directory. User should not copy the program files down as they already have their remote machines.
6.The users now need to copy the their otremote directory on the server and the Otalk.ini file from the c:\windows directory to the their remote machine. Users should use the same name for the remote directory on the server and on the remote machine i.e. c:\otremCM. If users do not copy the Otalk.ini to the remote machines c:\windows directory OfficeTalk will not work correctly.
7.On the remote machine users should edit their c:\windows directory and check the remotepath= is pointing at the remote directory on the remote machine.
8.Users can work using OfficeTalk remote.
9.When users wish to update their master machines, they should dial into the master machine and copy the remote directory back to its original location and the Otalk.ini from the remote machines windows directory. If users do not copy the Otalk.ini to the master machines c:\windows directory OfficeTalk will not work correctly and could possibly cause corruption.
10.They should then fire up OfficeTalk and work online

Index Can I customise OfficeTalk’s address fields for non standard addresses?