Integrating OfficeTalk and the Workgroup Internet Gateway

OfficeTalk is supplied with the Workgroup Internet Gateway (WIG) which can provide seamless Internet Mail from OfficeTalk via a Microsoft Exchange Client (supplied with Windows 95) or the Microsoft Mail Client (supplied with Windows for Workgroups) via a single modem or ISDN line attached to any Windows 95 machine on the network.

Full instructions on installing the Workgroup Internet Gateway are available on the CD-ROM in a document called wigman.doc in the d:\htm\manual directory and full technical support is available bv fax on 0181 423 9438 or email to

Once you have installed WIG, the next step is set OfficeTalk up to send and receive mail from WIG.

External Mail dialog box

  1. Go to Mail Mode and select the Options pull down menu. Choose the External Mail option. You will be presented with the following dialog box. Click once on the Turn on Mapi Support.
  2. If you are running Windows 95, enter MS Exchange Settings as your MAPI login.
  3. If you are running Windows for Workgroups enter your standard MS Mail login and password.
  4. Click once on Use WIG for sending Internet mail.
  5. Press OK.
  6. Log out of OfficeTalk.
  7. Log back into OfficeTalk.
  8. If you receive a message stating that Your default MAPI login has failed refer to the section entitled OfficeTalk does not recognise my MAPI login under Windows 95 or the section entitled How do I connect OfficeTalk to Microsoft Mail or Lotus cc:Mail? .
  9. OfficeTalk is now ready to send and receive Internet Email.

To send email you can use the following from Write Mail in the OfficeTalk Mail Mode.

The Contact List

This is located in in the Send To list. This is a list of all the contacts in Contact Mode who have email addresses. The Contact List is marked with the icon. Double click on the contact to add the contact to the Recipient List. If you wish to send the message as either a carbon copy (cc) or a blind carbon copy (bcc) highlight the contact once and press either the or the button.

  1. To add a contacts email address,
    1. Go to Contact Mode and select the appropriate contact.
    2. Double click on the contact and Contact dialog box will appear.
    3. Enter the email address into the Email field and select MAPI from the drop down list.
    4. Press OK and the email address will be added to the database and will be available to all OfficeTalk users.
    5. The contacts email address will appear in the Recipient List as .

  2. The Address Recipient dialog box

    This dialog box allows you to enter Email addresses that you do not wish to store. To enter an address:

    1.Press the button ( located to the right of the word Recipient). The following dialog box will appear:

    Address Recipient dialog box

    1. Enter the contacts name and email address and ensure that type is set to MAPI.
    2. Press OK
    3. The email address will appear in the recipient list as .

    The MAPI Address Book

    The MAPI address book is the address book supplied with Microsoft Mail or Microsoft Exchange. The address book is private to the individual OfficeTalk user and cannot be accessed by other users. To access the MAPI address book double click on the located at the bottom of the OfficeTalk Send To list. Select the person you wish to send the email to and press OK. The Email address will appear in the recipient as .



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