UK AND EUROPEAN USERS CAN REGISTER WITH ENSIGN SYSTEMS HOW TO ORDER YOUR PRIMASOFT PROGRAM FROM ENSIGN SYSTEMS ------------------------------------------------------- Our terms are payment with order (credit card, cheque, money order).Credit Card is the simplest way to pay, especially for International orders, since the credit card company will sort out the exchange rate for you and the charge will appear on your monthly statement in your own currency. PAYING BY CREDIT CARD --------------------- If you wish to order by credit card please telephone the Ensign order line on 0181-778-2871. Have your credit card handy, and be prepared to give the card number, expiry date and full address details of the cardholder. Alternatively, you can fax us on 0181-776-8477. If you wish to complete the order form instead then mail it to the address given below for other enquiries\support. PAYING BY CHEQUE OR MONEY ORDER ------------------------------- If you are paying by cheque please complete the Order Form below. UK customers should provide their cheque card guarantee no. and the expiry date of the card, on the reverse of the cheque. If you are ordering from outside the United Kingdom, then please note we can accept US-Dollar Cheques drawn on a US dollar account, and Sterling Drafts drawn on a UK based Bank in Pound's Sterling. We also accept EUROCHEQUES (endorsed on reverse with necessary detail) drawn in Pound's Sterling or International Orders drawn in Sterling.Please Note, other than US Dollar cheques, we cannot accept cheques drawn in foreign currency. WHERE TO SEND YOUR ORDER ------------------------ To order by mail send your completed order form to: ENSIGN SYSTEMS, 21 Tredown Road,Sydenham, LONDON SE26 5QQ United Kingdom UK PRODUCT SUPPORT ------------------ If you wish to query the status of your order, have an enquiry about site licences, or require technical support for any Primasoft product purchased from Ensign Systems you can contact us as follows: Telephone: 0181-778-2871 Fax: 0181-776-8477 Email: Compuserve 106305,635 Internet:106305, ------------------------------------------------------------------- ORDER FORM COIN ORGANIZER SPECIAL OFFER: -------------- When you order PRIMASOFT COIN ORGANIZER below you can also buy any number of Primasoft Windows Organizers at especially discounted prices in appreciation of your order! ie - regular prices 24.00 => reduced to 15.50! (Pound Sterling) Source of the program (s) (tick one): [ ] a friend [ ] a BBS [ ] a software distributor [ ] Internet [ ] CD ROM [ ] Prodigy [ ] CompuServe [ ] AOL [ ] Microsoft Network [ ] PC magazine CD-ROM(please specify): [ ] other (please specify: [ ] COIN ORGANIZER (single WIN 3.1) price: 24.00 [ ] COIN ORGANIZER (single WIN 95\NT) price: 24.00 [ ] COIN ORGANIZER (single WIN3.1 & 95 & NT)price: 26.50 [ ] COIN ORGANIZER (multi-user) (SEE BELOW) price: ______(Pound Sterling) or I want to take advantage of your special offer and have selected the following programs: [ ] COIN ORGANIZER 24.00 (please specify Win3.1 or WIN95) [ ] MOVIE ORGANIZER: 15.50 * (regular price 24.00) [ ] MUSIC ORGANIZER: 15.50 * (regular price 24.00) [ ] BOOK ORGANIZER: 15.50 * (regular price 24.00) [ ] INVENTORY ORGANIZER:15.50 * (regular price 24.00) [ ] SOFTWARE ORGANIZER: 15.50 * (regular price 24.00) [ ] HARDWARE ORGANIZER: 15.50 * (regular price 24.00) [ ] STAMP ORGANIZER: 15.50 * (regular price 24.00) [ ] INTERNET ORGANIZER: 15.50 * (regular price 24.00) [ ] CAR ORGANIZER: 15.50 * (regular price 24.00) [ ] WINE ORGANIZER: 15.50 * (regular price 24.00) ________ Total (Pound Sterling) ________ (* signifies WIN95 products) Yes! All the above prices are inclusive of postage! --------------------------------------------------------------------- Person/Company Name:_________________________ Tele No:____________ Address Line1:______________________________ Email:____________ Address Line2:__________________________________ Address Line3:__________________________________ Address Line4:__________________________________ PostCode Line5:________________ DISK SIZE: 3.5" OR 5.25"? (CIRCLE) My cheque in payment is attached : ____ (Pound Sterling) Cheque Card Guarantee No_____ Expiry date:__________ OR I WISH TO PAY BY CREDIT CARD Mastercard\Visa (delete as applicable) Card No_________________________ Expiry Date________________ Please debit my Credit card for the sum of _________(Pound Sterling) Signature_________________________Date__________ --------------------------------------------------------- If you want to use PRIMASOFT COIN ORGANIZER on a network you have to sign a site-license agreement (it will be mailed to you after we receive your order). The price of a site-license can be calculated as the following: PRIMASOFT COIN ORGANIZER Site License: (n is the number of computers) 2 to 10 computers: 20.00 + (n- 1) x 16.00 = _____ (Pound Sterling) 11 to 50 computers: 16.00 + (n- 10) x 12.00 = _____ (Pound Sterling) 51 to 100 computers: PLEASE TELEPHONE 101 to 200 computers: PLEASE TELEPHONE over 200 computers: PLEASE TELEPHONE ----------------------------------------------------------------- ENSIGN SYSTEMS 21 Tredown Road, Sydenham, LONDON SE26 5QQ, UNITED KINGDOM Telephone 0181-778-2871