{\rtf0\mac\deff21{\fonttbl{\f33 \fswiss Avant Garde;}{\f14 \froman Bookman;}{\f0 \fswiss Chicago;}{\f22 \fmodern Courier;}{\f14936 \fnil FranklinGothic;}{\f14836 \fnil Futura;}{\f3 \fswiss Geneva;}{\f14932 \fnil H Franklin Gothic Heavy;}{\f14834 \fnil H Futura Heavy;}{\f21 \fswiss Helvetica;}{\f4 \fmodern Monaco;}{\f2 \froman New York;}{\f16 \froman Palatino;}{\f20 \froman Times;}{\f13 \ftech Zapf Dingbats;}} {\colortbl\red255\green255\blue255;\red0\green0\blue0;\red255\green0\blue0;\red0\green255\blue0;\red0\green0\blue255;\red0\green255\blue255;\red255\green0\blue255;\red255\green255\blue0;} {\stylesheet{\sbasedon222\snext Normal;}} \paperw11880\paperh16800\margt1527\margb1527\margl1398\margr1398\widowctrl\ftnbj\ftnrestart\ftnstart1\pgnstart1\deftab720\sectd\linemod0\linex0\cols1\colsx240 \pard\plain\pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 MODIFIED} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 Queen Anne House, 11 Charlotte Street, Bath BA1 2NE, UK} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 phone\: +44 (0)1225 337992} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 fax\: +44 (0)1225 311362} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 e-mail\: modified@cix.compulink.co.uk} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 world wide web\: } {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 http\://www.compulink.co.uk/~modified/} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 ____________________________________________________________________} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 frEQout} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 It's not a videogame, it's not a music CD, it's not MTV, it's not a music video. It's all this and more! Explore a fierce range of onscreen videographics linked to a diverse, user-definable soundtrack mixing the hottest elements of ambient, hardcore, jung} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 le, techno and trip hop. Just click anywhere to produce your own mixes of music and video, you'll soon get the hang of it. Or let frEQout play itself. Its programming ensures that no two plays will ever be the same. At any time during this fuzzy groove, p} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 ress "1" for help, "space" for mute or the other keys for info/quit. Features include\: direct control of 30Mb of fast videographics and audio, over 80 backbeats and samples available at the touch of a button, and eight-track realtime sound mixing. You can} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 even import your own sound samples and mix it all up! frEQout is a kickin' demo of the real thing - frEQuency - Modified's visionary CD-ROM (see below for more details). So get loose, hook yourself up to a hi-fi and hit the future...} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 ____________________________________________________________________} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 Installation\:} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 As such there's no installation process involved other than copying the 'modified' folder to your C\:\\ drive. Then just double-click the frEQout icon on the CD and go! Our applications run with no alteration to your DOS or Windows initialisation files. frE} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 Qout really puts a PC through its paces. Video and audio systems are pushed to their extremes. Of even more importance to performance though, is the data thruput rate of the PC's playback device. frEQout is designed to run off quad-speed or faster CD-ROM } {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 drives, but for best possible performance, copy our folder to your hard disk and run frEQout from there. } {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 The modified folder contains three dummy .WAV sound files. Their purpose is to provide our applications with shortcuts to look for. Once you've copied the modified folder to your C\:\\ drive THESE FILES CAN BE REPLACED WITH YOUR OWN SOUND CLIPS - all you ha} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 ve to do is rename your files to our filenames. You may add as many additional .WAV files as you wish to this folder as long as they're called a1.wav, a2.wav, a3.wav, etc. Since you're able to mix three separate channels of your own sounds you may wish to} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 rename other sound files as b1.wav, b2.wav, or c1.wav, c2.wav, c3, c4, c5 etc etc etc etc. In this way you can have three sounds playing simultaneously. If you use .AIF sound files don't worry - just rename them as .WAV files and our software will read t} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 hem too.} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 Minimum system requirements\:} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 25MHz 486 or better} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 8Mb RAM} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 256-color VGA graphics} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 sound card} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 4x CD-ROM drive OR 30Mb of free hard disk space} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 Windows 3.1 or Windows 95} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 If you're using a dual-speed CD-ROM drive\:} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 Copy our folder to your hard disk and run frEQout from there.} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 } {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 If frEQout won't run at all\:} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 This may be due to conflicting software running at the same time. In particular, any networking software. Remove startup items from your startup folder and restart Windows. frEQout makes no alteration to your Windows system files.} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 You may not have sufficient free memory - frEQout needs 4Mbs of free RAM as an absolute minimum.} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 If you get no sound\:} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 Make sure your sound set up is hooked up, powered on and has its volume turned up. If you can play a game and hear the sound okay then frEQout should work just fine.} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 If you get poor sound\:} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 To meet the capabilities of a range of entry-level soundcards we have used 22kHz, 8bit, mono audio in this demo version.} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 Copyright notices and advice\:} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 frEQout is a work of art, copyright Modified Ltd. 1996, all rights reserved worldwide. } {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 frEQout may be freely distributed over the Internet, provided it's accompanied by this text document and accompanying files. } {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 Permission to include frEQout on magazine cover-mounted discs, or compilation discs, is expressly forbidden without obtaining prior permission from Modified. } {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 Modified has no plans to release material in traditional linear audio formats.} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 Have fun!...} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 ____________________________________________________________________} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 STOPPRESS*STOPPRESS*STOPPRESS*STOPPRESS*STOPPRESS*STOPPRESS*STOPPRESS} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 MODIFIED LAUNCHES WORLD'S FIRST INTERACTIVE WEB MUSIC SITE} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 http\://www.compulink.co.uk/~modified/} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 Modified, a UK-based new media group, has unleashed Modified Online, a state of the art Web site bringing live four-track audio mixing to the Internet. } {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 Excerpts from frEQuency, Modified's groundbreaking interactive music CD-ROM for Windows 95, 3.1 and Mac OS personal computers, can be played at the Studio page, enabling users to produce their own mixes of Modified's music while remaining online.} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 The main event is Jungle Chiller Killer, a 672k multi-sound 4-track mixer showcasing Modified's innovative use of Macromedia's ShockWave technology. Dubbed as 'the killer kit for future EJs', Jungle Chiller gives Web users a foretaste of the future. } {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 Modified's Web Director, Joe Maas, believes the Studio Page to be unique. "This points the way to the future of music television. Whether you're a Mac or Windows Netscape user, you can log in and produce your own mixes. Besides fast videographics and morp} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 hs, you can switch between multi-tracked 22kHz 8bit sound samples on the fly. Macromedia's ShockWave leaves other Internet movie technologies standing; making it possible for the Web to eventually become the prime target device for mass media distribution} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 ." } {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 Maas intends to regularly update the Modified site with additional interactive music videos and samples for download, aiming to provide 'Virtual MTV'. "We have fully interactive graphics and multi-track sound running at realtime speed via a 14.4 modem up } {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 there. People should check us out - there's really nothing like it."} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 Modified's debut CD-ROM frEQuency is AVAILABLE NOW and already drawing critical worldwide acclaim. } {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 Features include\:} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \tab Direct control of over 200 Mbytes of fast videographics and audio} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \tab Over 250 backbeats and samples available at the touch of a button} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \tab Eight-track realtime sound mixing} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \tab Live videographics filters and paint effects} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \tab Import your own digital video and sound samples} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \tab Mix it all up with your favourite audio CDs} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \tab Save the results to video or tape and swap mixes with other users} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \tab Programming ensures that no two plays will ever be the same} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \tab Download additional audio, videographic and remix scripts for free over the Internet} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \tab Will run on any Windows or Macintosh multimedia personal computer} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \tab Perfect for parties!} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \tab RRP of only \'a314.99/$24.99, less than a third the cost of most CD-ROMs} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \tab Versions planned for Sony PlayStation, Sega Saturn and 3DO consoles} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 Credit card hotline +44 (0)1225 337992} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 See the accompanying file "ORDER.TXT"} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 International distributor enquiries are welcome.} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 ____________________________________________________________________} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 ...and now a few necessary legalities\:} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 Legal Notice} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 MODIFIED MAKES NO WARRANTY OR REPRESENTATION, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH RESPECT TO THIS SOFTWARE, ITS QUALITY, PERFORMANCE OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 AS A RESULT, THIS SOFTWARE IS FOR USE "AS IS," AND YOU THE USER, ARE ASSUMING THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO ITS QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE.} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 IN NO EVENT WILL MODIFIED BE LIABLE FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES RESULTING FROM ANY DEFECT IN THE SOFTWARE OR DOCUMENTATION. MODIFIED MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION THE IMPLIED} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, REGARDING THE SOFTWARE.} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 MODIFIED DOES NOT WARRANT, GUARANTEE OR MAKE ANY REPRESENTATIONS REGARDING THE USE OR THE RESULTS OF THE USE OF THE SOFTWARE IN TERMS OF ITS CORRECTNESS, ACCURACY, RELIABILITY, CURRENTNESS OR OTHERWISE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE RESULTS AND PERFORMANCE OF} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 THE SOFTWARE IS ASSUMED BY YOU.} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 BECAUSE THE EXCLUSIONS OF IMPLIED WARRANTIES IS NOT PERMITTED BY SOME JURISDICTIONS, THE ABOVE EXCLUSION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. IN NO EVENT WILL MODIFIED AND ITS DIRECTORS, OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES OR AGENTS BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL OR} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 INDIRECT DAMAGES (INCLUDING DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, LOSS OF BUSINESS INFORMATION, AND THE LIKE) ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE EVEN IF MODIFIED HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH EXCL} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 USION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, THE ABOVE LIMITATIONS MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU.} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 MODIFIED's liability to you for actual damages from any cause whatsoever, and regardless of the form of the action (whether in contract, tort (including negligence), product liability or otherwise), shall not exceed \'a31.} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 EPILEPSY WARNING} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 ...because it's best to be safe} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 PLEASE READ THIS BEFORE PLAYING modified PRODUCTS} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 A very small percentage of individuals may experience epileptic seizures when exposed to certain light patterns or flashing lights. Exposure on certain light patterns on backgrounds on a television screen or while playing computer games may induce an epil} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 eptic seizure in these individuals. Certain conditions may induce undetected epileptic symptoms in persons who have no history of prior seizures of epilepsy. If you, or anyone in your family, has an epileptic condition, consult your doctor prior to playin} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 g modified products.} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } \pard\ql{\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 If you experience any of the following symptoms while playing modified product\: dizziness, altered vision, eye or muscle twitches, loss of awareness, disorientation, any involuntary movement, or convulsions, IMMEDIATELY discontinue use and consult your do} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 ctor before resuming play.} {\plain\f21\fs24\cf1 \par } }