:Base pp60.hlp>Large :Title Picture Publisher Help Contents :Index ABC Graphics Suite=ABCSUITE.HLP :Index ABC Media Manager=ABCmm.HLP 1 Welcome to ABC Graphics Suite 2 ABC Graphics Suite=IDH_ABC_Graphics_Suite@ABCSUITE.HLP>concept 2 Software license agreement=IDH_Micrografx_Software_Licence_Agreement_with_Network_Provisions@ABCSUITE.HLP>concept 2 License agreement frequently asked questions=IDH_License_Agreement_Frequently_asked_questions@ABCSUITE.HLP>concept 2 Copyright and trademark statements=IDH_Copyright_and_Trademark_Statements@ABCSUITE.HLP>concept 2 Network installation of ABC Graphics Suite=IDH_Network_Installation_of_ABC_Graphics_Suite@ABCSUITE.HLP>concept 2 Uninstalling Designer and other ABC Graphics Suite applications=IDH_Uninstalling_ABC_Graphics_Suite@ABCSUITE.HLP>concept 2 Troubleshooting=IDH_Troubleshooting@ABCSUITE.HLP>concept 2 Contacting Micrografx Technical Support=IDH_Contacting_Technical_Support@ABCSUITE.HLP>concept 2 Contacting Micrografx through online services=IDH_Contacting_through_CompuServe@ABCSUITE.HLP>concept 2 Resolving problems with specific printers=IDH_Resolving_Problems_with_Specific_Printers@ABCSUITE.HLP>concept 1 Read Me 2 ABC Graphics Suite Read Me=Read_Me@ABCSUITE.HLP>concept 1 Getting Started 2 Getting acquainted with the Picture Publisher Window=IDH_DESIGNER_BMP>concept 1 Using Menu Commands 2 File menu=IDH_FILEMENU>concept 2 Edit menu=IDH_EDITMENU>concept 2 View menu=IDH_View_Menu>concept 2 Tools menu=IDH_TOOLSMENU>concept 2 Mask menu=IDH_MASKMENU>concept 2 Map menu=IDH_MAPMENU>concept 2 Object menu=IDH_OBJECTMENU>concept 2 Image menu=IDH_IMAGEMENU>concept 2 Window menu=IDH_WINDOWSMENU>concept 2 Help menu=IDH_HELPMENU>concept 1 Working with Files 2 To create a new image=IDH_NEWP>Procedur 2 To open an image file=IDH_OPENP>Procedur 2 To reopen a recently saved file=IDH_RECALLP>Procedur 2 To save an existing file=IDH_SAVEP>Procedur 2 To save a file in a different format or file type=IDH_SAVEASP>Procedur 2 To revert to the most recently saved version=IDH_REVERTP>Procedur 2 To display image information=IDH_IMAGE_INFORMATIONP>Procedur 2 To use the TWAIN driver interface=IDH_GRABP>Procedur 2 To package a file for transfer=IDH_PACKAGING_A_PP5_FILE_FOR_TRANSPORT>Procedur 2 To print an image=IDH_PRINTP>Procedur 2 To display a print preview=IDH_PRINTPREVIEWP>Procedur 2 To close the active image window=IDH_CLOSEP>Procedur 2 To send an image as e-mail=IDH_SENDP>Procedur 1 Working with Tools 2 About the Picture Publisher toolbar=IDH_PPTOOLBOX>concept 2 Using the Selector tool=IDH_Selector>concept 2 Using the Mask tools=IDH_MASKTOOLS>concept 2 Using the Retouch tools=IDH_RETOUCHTOOLS>concept 2 Using the Filter tools=IDH_FILTERTOOLS>concept 2 Using the Fill tools=IDH_FILLTOOLS>concept 2 Using the Draw tools=IDH_DRAWTOOLS>concept 2 Using the Text tool=IDH_TEXTTOOL>concept 2 Using the View tools=IDH_CUSTOMVIEW>concept 2 Using the Color Probe tools=IDH_COLORPROBE>concept 2 Using the Color Swatch tool=IDH_COLORSWATCH>concept 2 Creating and editing brush styles=IDH_Edit_Command_Brush_Style>concept 2 Creating and editing draw styles=IDH_Edit_Command_Brush_Style>concept 2 Using the Image Information button=IDH_INFOB>concept 2 Using the Mask Channel button=IDH_MASK_CHANNEL>concept 2 Using the Ruby Overlay button=IDH_RUBYOVERLAY>concept 2 Using the Color Palette button=IDH_SHOW_COLOR_PALETTE_COMMAND>concept 2 Using the Color Shields button=IDH_CSBUTTON>concept 2 Using power keys=IDH_POWERKEYSP>concept 2 Using shortcut keys=IDH_SHORTCUT>concept 2 Relating PhotoShop commands to Picture Publisher=IDH_Moving_from_PhotoShop>concept 2 Specialized how to's=IDH_MOREHOWMrObjctHwTs>concept 1 Working with Masks 2 Using the Mask tools=IDH_MASKTOOLS>concept 2 To draw a rectangular mask=IDH_RECTMASKP>Procedur 2 To draw an circular mask=IDH_RECTMASKP>Procedur 2 To draw a freehand mask=IDH_FREEHANDP>Procedur 2 To paint on a mask=IDH_PAINTONMASKP>Procedur 2 To draw a mask using AutoMask=IDH_AUTOMASKP>Procedur 2 To transform a mask=IDH_TRANSMASKP>Procedur 2 To change a mask's shape=IDH_EDITMASKPTP>Procedur 2 Undoing/redoing a mask=IDH_UNDOMASK>concept 2 To save a mask=IDH_SAVEMASKP>Procedur 2 To load a mask=IDH_LOADMASKP>Procedur 2 To remove a mask=IDH_REMMASKP>Procedur 2 To create a mask based on color=IDH_CHROMA_MASKP>Procedur 2 To create a mask from an object=IDH_CREATE_MASK_FROM_OBJECTP>Procedur 2 To invert a mask=IDH_INVERT_MASKP>Procedur 2 To feather a mask=IDH_FEATHER_MASKP>Procedur 2 To remove holes in a mask=IDH_REMOVE_HOLESP>Procedur 2 To smooth a mask=IDH_MASK_SMOOTHERP>Procedur 2 To crop an image to a mask=IDH_CROP2MASKP>Procedur 2 To stroke a mask=IDH_STROKEP>Procedur 2 To hide/show a mask=IDH_HIDE_MASKP>Procedur 1 Working with Maps 2 To modify the color map=IDH_MODIFYMAPP>Procedur 2 To adjust contrast and brightness using a joystick=IDH_CONTBRP>Procedur 2 To modify the color balance=IDH_VISUAL_COLORP>Procedur 2 To modify the tonal range of an image=IDH_TONE_BALANCEP>Procedur 2 To posterize an image=IDH_POSTERIZEP>Procedur 2 To set the threshold=IDH_THRESHOLDP>Procedur 2 To shift the hues in an image=IDH_HUE_SHIFTP>Procedur 2 To change the hue map=IDH_HUE_Mapp>Procedur 2 To view the histogram of an image=IDH_MAPMENU_HISTOGRAMP>Procedur 2 To apply a calibration map to an image=IDH_APPLY_CALIBRATION_MAPP>Procedur 2 To use the Palette Editor=IDH_EDIT_PALETTEP>Procedur 1 Working with Objects 2 Understanding objects=IDH_What_is_an_Object>concept 2 To select an object=IDH_Selecting_an_object>Procedur 2 Arranging objects=IDH_ARRANGE>concept 2 To group objects=IDH_Group_CommandP>Procedur 2 To ungroup objects=IDH_Ungroup_CommandP>Procedur 2 To lock objects=IDH_Lock_CommandP>Procedur 2 To unlock objects=IDH_Unlock_CommandP>Procedur 2 To align objects=IDH_Align_CommandP>Procedur 2 To position objects=IDH_Position_CommandP>Procedur 2 Ordering objects=IDH_Order_Command>concept 2 To change the order of objects=IDH_orderp>Procedur 2 Combining objects=IDH_Combine_Command>concept 2 To combine selected objects=IDH_Combine_Objects_Together_CommandP>Procedur 2 To combine all objects with the base image=IDH_Combine_All_Objects_With_Base_CommandP>Procedur 2 To combine selected objects with the base image=IDH_Combine_Selected_Objects_With_Base_CommandP>Procedur 2 To feather an object=IDH_FEATHER_OBJECTP>Procedur 2 To merge objects with a mask=IDH_MERGE_MASKSP>Procedur 2 To create an object from a mask=IDH_Create_ObjectP>Procedur 2 To delete objects=IDH_Deleting_Objects>Procedur 2 To select all objects=IDH_Selecting_All_Objects>Procedur 2 To hide or show an object's marquee=IDH_HIDEMARQP>Procedur 2 To transform an object=IDH_Transforming_Objects>Procedur 2 To duplicate objects=IDH_MOREHOWHwTDplctObjcts>Procedur 2 To anti-alias an object=IDH_MOREHOWHwTCrtAGdAntAlsdEdg>Procedur 2 To make an object fade=IDH_MOREHOWHwtMknObjctFd>Procedur 2 Clipping an object=IDH_MOREHOWHwtClpnObjct>concept 2 To erase parts of an object=IDH_MOREHOWHwtErsPrtsfnObjct>Procedur 2 To create a drop shadow for an object=IDH_MOREHOWHwtCrtADrpShdwfrnObjct>Procedur 1 Working with Images 2 To change the size of an image=IDH_SIZEP>Procedur 2 To expand an image=IDH_EXPANDP>Procedur 2 To rotate an image=IDH_ROTATEP>Procedur 2 To flip an image=IDH_MIRRORP>Procedur 2 To split a color image=IDH_SPLITP>Procedur 2 To convert an image=IDH_CONVERTTOP>Procedur 2 To invert an image=IDH_INVERTP>Procedur 2 To stitch two images together=IDH_STITCHP>Procedur 2 To apply an effect to an image=IDH_EFFECTSP>Procedur 2 To crop an image=IDH_CROP_TOOLP>Procedur 1 Working with Windows 2 To duplicate a window=IDH_NEWWINDOWP>Procedur 2 To cascade windows=IDH_CASCADEP>Procedur 2 To tile all image windows=IDH_TILEP>Procedur 2 To arrange all image icons=IDH_ARRANGE_ICONSP>Procedur 2 To close all image windows=IDH_CLOSEALLP>Procedur 2 To activate another window=IDH_1_2_3P>Procedur 1 Working with Color and Color Correction 2 To open the Color Palette=IDH_COLORPALP>Procedur 2 Using the Color Swatch tool=IDH_COLORSWATCH>concept 2 Using color management=IDH_How_Color_Management_Systems_Work>concept 2 Controlling primary color output density=IDH_MODIFYMAP>concept 2 Adjusting color balance=IDH_COLOR_BALANCE>concept 2 Modifying tonal range=IDH_TONE_BALANCE>concept 2 Adjusting shadows, midtones, and highlights=IDH_HISTOGRAM>concept 2 Posterizing an image=IDH_POSTERIZE>concept 2 Specialized how to's=IDH_MOREHOWMrObjctHwTs>concept :include ABCmm.CNT 1 Working with Hardware 2 To apply a calibration map to an image=IDH_APPLY_CALIBRATION_MAPP>Procedur 2 To select a monitor profile=IDH_MONITOR_PROFILEP>Procedur 2 To calibrate your printer=IDH_SETUP_CALIB_PRINTERP>Procedur 2 To visually calibrate a scanner=IDH_CALIBP_CALIBRATE_SCANNER_VISUALP>Procedur 2 Setting up your computer to run efficiently=IDH_EFFICIENT>concept 1 Specialized How To's 2 To reduce the rainbow effect on a scanned photo=IDH_MOREHOWHwtRdcthRnbwnScnndPht>Procedur 2 To reduce a checkerboard pattern on a scanned photo=IDH_MOREHOWHwtRdcChckrbrdPttrnnScnndPht>Procedur 2 To create good line art from a scanned image=IDH_MOREHOWHwTCrtGrtLnArt>Procedur 2 To duplicate selected objects using copy and paste=IDH_MOREHOWHwTDplctObjcts>Procedur 2 To anti-alias an object=IDH_MOREHOWHwTCrtAGdAntAlsdEdg>Procedur 2 To make an object fade=IDH_MOREHOWHwtMknObjctFd>Procedur 2 To clip an object=IDH_MOREHOWHwtClpnObjct>Procedur 2 To erase parts of an object=IDH_MOREHOWHwtErsPrtsfnObjct>Procedur 2 To add to an object=IDH_MOREHOWHwtAddUnrsfrmnObjct>Procedur 2 To create a drop shadow for an object=IDH_MOREHOWHwtCrtADrpShdwfrnObjct>Procedur 2 To merge two images together=IDH_MOREHOWHwtMrgTwImgsTgthr>Procedur 2 To make buffering effects=IDH_MOREHOWHwtMkBffrngEffctsfrPntngrArbrshng>Procedur 2 To create a soft cameo=IDH_MOREHOWHwtCrtASftCm>Procedur 2 To create a multi-level threshold=IDH_MOREHOWHwtCrtAMltLvlThrshld>Procedur 2 To use masks to graduate effects=IDH_MOREHOWHwtUsMsksTFdGrdtEffcts>Procedur 2 To create an anti-aliased edge for cutting, copying, and pasting=IDH_MOREHOWHwtCrtAnAntAlsdEdgFrCttngCpyngAndPstng>Procedur 2 To create a wood grain texture=IDH_MOREHOWHwtCrtWdGrnTxtr>Procedur 2 To create a brushed steel texture=IDH_MOREHOWHwtCrtBrshdStlTxtr>Procedur 1 Troubleshooting 2 Error messages=IDH_MESSAGES>concept 1 Picture Publisher 6.0 Quick Reference 2 Glossary=IDH_GLOSSARY>gloss 2 Picture Publisher tips and tricks=IDH_MOREHOWMrObjctHwTs>concept 2 Tools and buttons=IDH_icons>gloss 2 Using power keys=IDH_POWERKEYSP>concept 2 Using shortcut keys=IDH_SHORTCUT>concept