2001 Automatic 2002 Custom... 2003 None 2004 Solid 2005 1 2016 MS Sans Serif 2017 12 2018 mmmm yyyy 2400 General 2401 General 2402 End 2416 Number 2417 N0 2418 N0.00 2419 N#,##0 2420 N#,##0.00 2421 N#,##0;(#,##0) 2422 N#,##0.00;(#,##0.00) 2423 N#,##0;[Red](#,##0) 2424 N#,##0.00;[Red](#,##0.00) 2425 End 2432 Currency 2433 SystemCurrencyFormats 2434 End 2448 Date 2449 ShortSystemDateFormat 2450 LongSystemDateFormat 2451 Dd-mmm-yy 2452 Dd-mmm 2453 Dmmm-yy 2454 End 2464 Time 2465 SystemTimeFormat 2466 SystemTimeWithSecondsFormat 2467 Thh:mm AM/PM 2468 Thh:mm:ss AM/PM 2469 Thh:mm 2470 Thh:mm:ss 2471 Tmm:ss 2472 T[h]:mm:ss 2473 SystemDateTimeFormat 2474 End 2480 Percentage 2481 N0% 2482 N0.0% 2483 N0.00% 2484 End 2496 Fraction 2497 N# ?/? 2498 N# ?/?? 2499 End 2512 Scientific 2513 N0.00E+00 2514 N##0.0E+0 2515 End 2528 Text 2529 @ 2530 End 3104 Valid range is from %s to %s 3105 Invalid Value 3106 Invalid format code '%s' (%d). 3107 Maximum must be greater than minimum. 3120 twips|t 3121 point|pt|p 3122 inch|in|i|" 3123 mm|m 3124 cm|c 3125 deg|d 3126 rad|r 3127 gr|g 3136 twips 3137 pt 3138 " 3139 mm 3140 cm 3141 d 3142 r 3143 g 3184 General 3185 AM 3186 PM 3187 A 3188 P 3189 am 3190 pm 3191 a 3192 p 3193 E 3194 e 3195 [Red] 3200 January 3201 February 3202 March 3203 April 3204 May 3205 June 3206 July 3207 August 3208 September 3209 October 3210 November 3211 December 3212 Jan 3213 Feb 3214 Mar 3215 Apr 3216 May 3217 Jun 3218 Jul 3219 Aug 3220 Sep 3221 Oct 3222 Nov 3223 Dec 3224 Sunday 3225 Monday 3226 Tuesday 3227 Wednesday 3228 Thursday 3229 Friday 3230 Saturday 3231 Sun 3232 Mon 3233 Tue 3234 Wed 3235 Thur 3236 Fri 3237 Sat 3238 Sunday 3239 Monday 3240 Tuesday 3241 Wednesday 3242 Thursday 3243 Friday 3244 Saturday 3245 Sun 3246 Mon 3247 Tue 3248 Wed 3249 Thur 3250 Fri 3251 Sat 3252 Su 3253 Mo 3254 Tu 3255 We 3256 Th 3257 Fr 3258 Sa 3264 mmmm 3265 mmm 3266 mm 3267 m 3268 dddd 3269 ddd 3270 dd 3271 d 3272 WW 3273 W 3274 yyyy 3275 yy 3280 hh 3281 h 3282 mm 3283 m 3284 ss 3285 s 3286 AM/PM 3287 A/P 3288 am/pm 3289 a/p 3298 Black 3299 Blue 3300 Cyan 3301 Green 3302 Magenta 3303 Red 3304 White 3305 Yellow 3306 Color 3312 Arial 5008 Bar (Column) 5009 Bar/Pictograph 5010 Line (Tape) 5011 Line 5012 Area 5013 Area 5014 Step 5015 Step 5016 Combination 5017 Combination 5018 Horizontal Bar 5019 Horizontal Bar 5020 Pie 5021 Pie 5022 Doughnut 5023 X Y (Scatter) 5024 Polar 5025 Radar 5026 Bubble 5027 Clustered Bar 5028 Hi Lo 5029 Gantt 5030 Gantt 5031 Contour 5032 Surface 5033 Scatter 5034 XYZ 5040 Bar 5041 Bar 5042 Horizontal Bar 5043 Line (Tape) 5044 Line 5045 Area 5046 Area 5047 Step 5048 Step 5049 X Y (Scatter) 5050 Polar 5051 Line (Radar) 5052 Area (Radar) 5053 Bubble 5054 Pie 5055 Pie 5056 Doughnut 5057 Horizontal Bar 5058 Bar 5059 Hi Lo 5060 Hi Lo Cl (across) 5061 Hi Lo Cl (right) 5062 Op Hi Lo Cl 5063 Op Hi Lo Cl Bar 5064 Gantt Bar 5065 Gantt Bar 5066 Dates 5067 Contour 5068 Surface 5069 Hi Lo Bar 5070 Hi Lo Bar 5071 Hi Lo Horizontal Bar 5072 Hi Lo Horizontal Bar 5073 Hi Lo Bar 5074 XYZ 5075 Created by VisualTools, Inc. First Impression v2.00.00 5472 All Series 5473 5474 X Axis 5475 Y Axis 5476 Secondary Y Axis 5477 Z Axis 5478 Select Axis 5479 Select Data Series 5480 Select Data Point 5481 Series Defaults 5482 Chart Title 5483 Footnote 5484 Series%d 5485 Datapoint%d 5486 Category (%s) Axis 5487 Value (%s) Axis 5488 Date (%s) Axis 5489 Angle Axis 5490 Radar Axis 5491 X 5492 Y 5493 2nd Y 5494 Z 6001 Pictures (*.bmp;*.wmf) | *.bmp;*.wmf | Windows Bitmaps (*.bmp) | *.bmp | Windows Metafiles (*.wmf) | *.wmf | All files (*.*) | *.* || 6002 6003 Invalid picture format. 6004 Not Enough Data 6005 6006 *.vtc 6007 vtc 6008 bmp 6009 wmf 6010 Chart Files (*.vtc) | *.vtc | All Files (*.*) | *.* || 6011 chart.vtc 6012 Chart save error: 6013 Invalid chart file. Error: 6014 Chart File (*.vtc)| *.vtc |Windows Metafile (*.wmf)| *.wmf|Bitmap (*.bmp)| *.bmp || 6015 Load Chart 6016 Unable to open file. 8000 Backdrop 8001 Font 8002 Text 8003 Location 8004 Format Code 8005 Markers 8006 Options 8007 Fill 8008 Line 8009 Statistics 8010 Guidelines 8011 Options 8012 Options 8013 Scale 8014 Grid 8015 Ticks 8017 Backdrop 8018 Text 8019 Font 8020 Value Format 8021 Percent Format 8022 Type 8023 Options 8024 Order 8025 Location 8026 3D View 8027 Base and Walls 8028 3D Lighting 8029 Options 8030 Print 8031 Page Setup 8032 Print Setup 8033 Options 8034 Options 8035 Elevation 8036 Contouring 8080 Format Chart 8081 Format Plot 8082 Format Legend 8083 Format Title 8084 Format Footnote 8085 Format Series 8086 Format Data Point 8087 Format Axis 8088 Format Axis Title 8089 Format Axis Label 8090 Format Series Label 8095 Format Data Point Label 8096 m/d 8097 mmm 8098 yyyy 8099 0.0% 8100 %g 8101 Over %g 8102 From 8103 To 40001 Format series label. 40003 Format chart backdrop. 40004 Format chart plot. 40005 Format chart legend. 40006 Format chart title. 40007 Format chart footnote. 40008 Format series. 40009 Format axis scale, grid, ticks, options. 40010 Format axis title. 40011 Format data points. 40012 Format data point labels. 40013 Print chart. 40015 Format axis scale labels. 40016 Load chart from file. 57604 Save chart to file. 57634 Copy the chart to the clipboard as a picture. 57637 Paste picture from clipboard. 57638 vtch.hlp 61440 Open 61441 Save As 61442 All Files (*.*) 61443 Untitled 61588 Linked %s 61589 Unknown Type 61696 Invalid filename. 61697 Failed to open document. 61698 Failed to save document. 61699 Save changes to %1? 61700 Failed to create empty document. 61701 The file is too large to open. 61702 Could not start print job. 61703 Failed to launch help. 61704 Internal application error. 61705 Command failed. 61706 Insufficient memory to perform operation. 61712 Please enter an integer. 61713 Please enter a number. 61714 Please enter an integer between %1 and %2. 61715 Please enter a number between %1 and %2. 61716 Please enter no more than %1 characters. 61717 Please select a button. 61718 Please enter an integer between 0 and 255. 61719 Please enter a positive integer. 61728 Unexpected file format. 61729 %1\nCannot find this file.\nPlease verify that the correct path and file name are given. 61730 Destination disk drive is full. 61731 Unable to read from %1, it is opened by someone else. 61732 Unable to write to %1, it is read-only or opened by someone else. 61733 An unexpected error occurred while reading %1. 61734 An unexpected error occurred while writing %1. 61829 %1\nUnable to register document.\nThe document may already be open. 61836 Unable to read write-only property. 61837 Unable to write read-only property. 61840 Unable to load mail system support. 61841 Mail system DLL is invalid. 61842 Send Mail failed to send message. 61984 OK\n50 61985 Cancel\n50 61986 &Apply\n50 61987 &Help\n50 61988 Close