NetworkDatabaseDemo Network Database Demo Form15 ABCEvents BrowseBtn &Browse... Picture1 Data1% Network Data1 OpenDatabaseFile CommonDialog Open DataBase File%( cmdCancel &Cancel cmdOK Text1 Label2 *Press "Browse" to choose another database. Label1 Database File: Line1 DrawNetChart DrawChart? Object5 ChartO ABCObject DrivePath NewLine* Shape Shape1 recCount Path3 VisibleO CloseAll Maximize Hourglass ActiveChartX Objects MasterItemsT HideAll RegisterEventZ ABC1P Layout Orientation NoRepaint CurrentShapePalette CurrentShapew DrawPositionX DrawPositionY< DrawShape Height] Width TextC Font- BorderWidth BorderColor' FillColor ShapePaletteVisiblea DrawSpacingX DrawDirection< GetRecNum Data1I Recordset strCurrRec GetCurrRec) hmemcpy6 NetSource strVerifyU Color BLUEv Current DrawLine Line_ StemWidthR Repaintw Form_Load ABC1_Click frmNetDBSMP Screen NetDBDemo ABC2_DoubleClickSUBCLASS ABC1_DoubleClickSUBCLASS cmdBrowse_Click cmdCancel_Click cmdOK_Click# Record PageLayout CurrentLineRoutingj DatabaseName DrivePa} RecordSource{ DATABASE_NAME Data1_Validate Action Savee Database Dynaset ABC1_AppQuitNOTIFYn ABC1_ChartNewNOTIFY mnuOpen_Click mnuFile_Click GetFile Caption? FileTypes( MODAL Label1 FullPathR Text1_ChangeE Text1 Text1_Click ValidateFilename OrgChartTextFileEditU OKBtnD Enabled WindowState@ OpenDatabaseFilep CancelError cmdOK3 DefaultExt! Filter5 Flagsa OFN_FILEMUSTEXITS OFN_SHOWHELP DataBaseFile Filename_ OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST Text1_KeyPressG KeyAscii Text1_GotFocus SelStart SelLength ValidFileNamee DemoDatabaseFile Label1_Click ValidDatabaseFile] IfDatabaseFilek CurrentDrive7 TestFileValidL Invalidx Override, GetDatabaseInfo UserName Fields^ Value} frmServer txtProcess txtServer txtUserID txtUserName txtType Error_out DATA_ERRDISPLAYE DATA_ERRCONTINUEj CloseDB? CurrentRec FieldInfo TextTitle2 DrawTextBlock FindFileName DataBaseFileOne DataBaseFileTwo DATABASE1_NAME DATABASE2_NAMEw GotFocusP LostFocus Text1_KeyDown KeyCode Shifty Text1_LostFocus Enable Form_Paint) SetFocusCall ABCObjects Selected DeselectAll StringUserNameh txtProcessor Processor UserID txtName Server EndAppDraw HidePercentGauge CloseChart2 PercentGauge{ ChartCancelledn PercentGaugeCancelled PercentGaugeValue Activate` PageWidth Page_width DrawSpacing ABCPercentGauge Picture1_ClickG OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST Label2_Click Error_in Command1_Click BrowseBtn_Click8 NetworkDatabaseDemo ServerInfo OrgChartDlg6 NumberShowN ShadowColor DK_Gray ShadowStyle SetDefaults Clear_ DataBaseTitlef CenterX DataBaseText click instructions ItemFromTextO Valid Form_Activate CHARTTYPE' TypeRequiresEXEq TypeUsesEXE ProcessorType ValidateFileNameEnd Counter ounter TotalCount Computer ABC1_AppQuitNOTIFY ABC1_DoubleClickSUBCLASS Get the database from the chart BrowseBtn_Click In case of error Set properties herel Database Files(*.mdb)|*.mdb Close if cancelled cmdCancel_Click cmdOK_Click NETBASE1.MDB NETBASE2.MDB File does not exist! This is an Invalid Database File! iconize formt Build the chartw DrawNetChart Get the chartm Set the Chart's internal type NETWORK Prepare for chart to draw Set defaults so there are no shape numbersW This object can be seen when selected' Set gauge= Building Diagram Please Wait... Title page Standard Rounded Process Network Diagram give feedback here ABC.PercentGaugeValue = 10 cancel chart? Get Network palette Net - PC Workstations Tower Set shape spacing SERVER Open the Database Network Get the number of recordss Draw Shapes and add Usernames Draw Lines from server to workstationI Increment gauge Give feedback here ABC.PercentGaugeValue = 90 Give double-click instructions To find server information, Double-click on a shape. Write out database name Data1.Recordset.Close Give feedback here Draw chart EndAppDraw Form_Load Open ABC ABCFlow.application ABC.Maximizee Register the Eventso Network DoubleClickSUBCLASS Network AppQuitNOTIFY Load both forms netbase1.mdb GetDatabaseInfo Network Find this username in the database Display server information This Station is Unassigned. Display server information This is not a Workstation! Please choose a valid name. DATA_ERRDISPLAY = 0 DATA_ERRCONTINUE = 1 Text1_Change Text1_GotFocus ValidateFilename