Form1 Move Event DEMO Form15( ABCEvents Picture1 Label3 /(c) Micrografx Inc., 1995. All Rights Reserved. Label4 eAdditionally, X && Y field values are updated indicating each selected shape's position on the chart. Label1 When this VB program is running, ABC's move object functionality is altered. If you move a single object, it turns yellow. If you move more than one, the objects turn green. Label2 Y<---- Double-click on this custom VBX in VB 3.0 edit mode to see the event handling code. ABC1_DoubleClick( ABC1_ObjectMove9 ABCFlowVBX1 ABCObject Valid Shape FillColor ABCApplication GREENA Object ABCChart ABCObjectsf ItemFromSelection] YELLOW NormalAction Objects Chartf ABCObj BorderWidth FitShapeToText linking behavior Override@ Fields Value= CenterX CenterY XVarb YVarb ABC1_DoubleClickSUBCLASSm ABC1_ObjectMovedNOTIFYx Colorx BasicColor Count Yelow~ ABC1_ChartOpenNOTIFY Form_Load ABCApp Visible ACB12 SelectedShapeCount ABC1_FieldValueChangedNOTIFY FieldValue Namea ABC1_ChartNewNOTIFY( NewFieldO Format Hidden8 Form_ClickO FieldValuesq FieldTemplates ABC1_NewShapeNOTIFY RegisterEvent Form1 Caption Number HourGlass Picture1_Click NoRepaint Repaint ABC1_AppQuitNOTIFY AddFieldsU obejct ActiveChart Label1_Clicka SelectedObjectCount NewColor CurrentChart again Title ABC1_AppQuitNOTIFY ABC1_ChartNewNOTIFY ABC1_FieldValueChangedNOTIFY Color Use WHITE if an invalid color is entered ABC1_NewShapeNOTIFY ABC1_ObjectMovedNOTIFY AddFields Color Form_Load ABCFlow.application ChartNewNOTIFY FieldValueChangedNOTIFY ObjectMovedNOTIFY NewShapeNOTIFY Get the ABC Quit event so the Menu sample can unload when ABC Quitsn AppQuitNOTIFY Cannot run without a chart. Open a chart in ABC and run the again.