AboutForm About Excel Data Sample Form155 AboutOK Label4 N3) Choose which fields to use in ABC by selecting items in the Fields listbox. Label9 E4) Press "Make Chart" to draw a new chart in ABC with the Excel data. Label8 s2) Once a valid filename is entered the "Read Data" button will become enabled. Press button to read in Excel data. Label7 d1) Choose an Excel file to read by entering a filename in the "Source Excel 5.0 Data File" edit box. Label6 Instructions: Label5 (c) Micrografx, Inc. 1995 Label2 JThis sample reads data from an Excel 5.0 spreadsheet using OLE Automation. Label1 by Terrell Cantrell Label3 EThe first non-blank row in the spreadsheet is read in as field names. Label2_Click Label7_Click Command1_Click AboutForm Visible AboutOK_Click ExcelSample Enabled Form_Load AboutOK_Click