The 3DO Company REQUIEM: AVENGING ANGEL(TM) Demo April 1999 We recommend that you read this file to get the most up-to-date information about installing, running, and maxi- mizing performance of REQUIEM: AVENGING ANGEL Demo. This document contains information you might find useful, and we think it will help you to get as much enjoyment out of this demo as possible. ........................................... 1) Installation 2) System Requirements 3) Gameplay 4) ALT-TAB Key Use and other Keyboard Information 5) Video Card And Other Hardware Drivers / Direct X 6) Purchasing 3DO Software 7) Contacting Customer Support ........................................... 1) Installation -Once the file has been downloaded to your desktop, double-click it. If you have downloaded the segmented files, double-click on the first parcel (it will then launch the remaining files) -The demo setup will automatically launch. -Follow the on-screen instructions when prompted during the installation. -Finally, go to your 'Start' menu, select 'Programs', and '3DO', and finally 'Requiem Demo' and 'Requiem Demo' to launch the demo. Enjoy! ........................................... 2) System Requirements The following are minimum system requirements to play Requiem: Avenging Angel Demo. If these requirements are not met, the demo may not work properly. -IBM PC and 100% compatibles -Windows(R) 95/98 -Pentium(R) 166 (P200 recommended) -32MB RAM -30MB Free Hard Disk Space (108MB needed during installation) -All major DirectX(TM) compatible sound cards -2MB SVGA DirectX compatible; (3Dfx or any Direct3D compatible acclerators recommended; 4MB or greater required for D3D) -DirectX 6.1 or later required (For information on how to find out if your drivers are current please refer to our support page, or if you would like to download DirectX directly from Microsoft, ........................................... 3) Gameplay Angelic Powers, by Category, that are Available in the Game: Offensive Pentecost Charge up and throw an Energy Ball that will break your enemies apart. Exorcist Take the demons out of your enemy. Locusts Send a swarm of locusts to eat away at enemies. To Salt Turn enemies into pillars of salt Bloodboil Make organic enemies' blood boil until they explode. Lighting Electrocute your enemies. Brimstone Throw Balls of Hell in rapid succession. Apocalypse Plant a piece of God's Wrath and run like hell. Defensive Holy Light Blind enemies and be able to see in dark areas. Banish Stun Demons. Heal Heal yourself. Deflect Deflect enemy projectiles and turn them back. Shockwave Knock enemies to the ground or off bridges. Maneuver Haste Run faster, jump higher. Warp Time Slow time to a crawl for everyone else but you. Flight Really an enhanced jump with gliding ability. Interactive Insist Control your enemies' minds and turn them against each other. Resurrect Bring back enemies to life so they can fight on your side. Possess Leave your physical body, enter an enemy's and fool other enemies. Heal Other Heal a friend or heal an enemy that you've Resurrected. Requiem: Avenging Angel Demo allows players to tailor their keyboard maps in order to customize the controls for each user. The following is the default keymap: Movement Forward: E, Up Arrow, Numpad8 Backward: D, Down Arrow, Numpad2 Move Left: S Move Right: F Jump/Up: Space Crouch/Down: C Rotate Left: Left Arrow, NUM4 Rotate Right: Right Arrow, NUM6 Look Up: Numpad1 Look Down: Numpad7 Center: Numpad5 Run Mod: Left Shift Sidestep Mod: Left Alt Freelook Mod: [unmapped] Use Weapon Fire Weapon (secular and angelic): Left Control,Left Mouse Button Use Defensive Angelic Power: V Use Bound Power: Right Mouse Button Use Maneuver Angelic Power: Z Use Interactive Angelic Power: X Select Angelic Power Select Hand (Angelic Powers): 0, G Cycle Offensive AP Up: T Cycle Offensive AP Down: R Cycle Defensive AP Up: Insert Cycle Defensive AP Down: Delete Cycle Maneuver AP Up: Home Cycle Maneuver AP Down: End Cycle Interactive AP Up: PageUp Cycle Interactive AP Down: PageDown Angelic Powers Menu: A Select Secular Weapon Cycle Weapons Up: W Cycle Weapons Down: Q Select Pistol: 1 Select Assault Rifle: 2 Select Combat Shotgun: 3 Select Grenade Launcher: 4 Select SSM (Rocket) Launcher: 5 Select Sniper Rifle: 6 Select Railgun: 7 Select Inventory Item Cycle Inventory Up: [ Cycle Inventory Down: ] Interaction (Talk, give inventory item, activate doors, switches, etc.) Talk/Activate: TAB Screen Settings Console Mode: Enter Increase Screen: Numpad+ Decrease Screen: Numpad- Journal/Objective: F1 QuickSave: F5 QuickLoad: F6 Screenshot: F10 Return to shell ESCAPE Open/Close in-game menus ESCAPE Special clarification of the Angelic Power "Insist" 1. You can only insist human enemies. Human enemies include medium and heavy soldiers. You cannot insist any demons or robotic creatures. 2. You can only insist one person at a time. 3. Insist ends after a few seconds or when the insisted person dies. 4. An insisted person, let's call him Jimmy, will begin attacking the first enemy he sees. If Jimmy does not see any enemies he will move towards you. Also, if Jimmy is not attacking anyone, you can push him and he will take a few steps in the direction he is pushed. 5. Jimmy and Jarvis are soldiers. You insist Jimmy and he begins fighting Jarvis. Then insist ends. Question: Why are Jimmy and Jarvis still fighting? Answer: When insist ends, Jimmy no longer has any desire to attack his buddy Jarvis. However, Jarvis can't tell that Jimmy is not insisted anymore and is still attacking Jimmy. Accordingly, Jimmy defends himself by firing back. Special clarification of the Angelic Power "Resurrect" 1. You can only resurrect human enemies who are dead and "whole". Human enemies include medium and heavy soldiers. You cannot resurrect any demons or robotic creatures. A dead person is "whole" when no part of his body has been blown off. Sometimes a dead person will appear whole when, upon closer examination, you can see that his forearm or head has been blown off. These people with missing limbs cannot be resurrected. 2. You can only resurrect a person once. If you resurrect Lenny and then he dies, you will not be able to resurrect Lenny again. 3. Resurrect has a short range. You must stand on or next to the person you wish to resurrect. 4. When a person is resurrected, he will act as if he were insisted. This will not "wear off"; he will act insisted until he dies. ........................................... 4) ALT-TAB Key Use and other Keyboard Information While playing Requiem: Avenging Angel, you SHOULD NOT try to switch to another application by using ALT-TAB because the demo may stop working and you might have to reboot your computer. Also, we recommend that you exit all other applications when playing the demo. ........................................... 5) Video Card And Other Hardware Drivers / DirectX Requiem: Avenging Angel Demo supports the following 3D accelerator cards: Voodoo Banshee Voodoo 1 Voodoo 2 Riva TNT (see "Creative(R) RIVA TNT(TM) compatibility" below) Riva 128 Riva 128zx Matrox G200 Permedia 2 ATI Rage 128 ATI Rage II+ ATI Rage Pro (see "ATI RAGE(TM) PRO compatibility" below) 3Dfx and DirectX 6.1 compatibility If your display appears overly dark while employing D3D and 3Dfx, it may be a result of incompatibility between 3Dfx / D3D and DirectX 6.1. To correct this: a) quit the game if you are playing it. b) right-click on the desktop, and select "Properties" from the menu that appears. c) select the tab that corresponds to your particular accelerator card. d) adjust the brightness by manually sliding the 'Gamma Correction' slidebars to the desired level (it is recommended to link the slidebars). Although D3D card manufacturers have stated that they've optimized their drivers to deliver the fastest performance possible, occasional performance problems continue to be observed when running Requiem: Avenging Angel on certain D3D accelerator cards. Should you experience such problems, we recommend upgrading to a faster processor, such as a Pentium II or a processor rated at 300 mHz or faster. Should problems persist, we recommend running the game in software mode only. Creative(R) RIVA TNT(TM) compatibility If you want to use a Creative RIVA TNT 3D accelerator, you should download the latest "Detonator" software. Go to . Select "End Users" and then select "Drivers" to get the latest drivers for your hard- ware. ATI RAGE(TM) PRO compatibility Currently, existing ATI RAGE PRO drivers are not compatible with Requiem: Avenging Angel. If you want to use an ATI RAGE PRO 3D accelerator, you should first try using the latest drivers from ATI Technologies Inc. Their drivers website is: ........................................... 6) Purchasing 3DO Software You can order other 3DO software directly from 3DO through our order web page at, or you can call the 3DO Direct line at 800-336-3506 (outside the United States at 650-261-3227). ........................................... 7) Contacting Customer Support For technical problems or questions: 3DO Customer Support Website: (includes an email question form) E-mail: Phone: Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 12 noon and 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Pacific Time, at (650) 261-3454. Fax number: (650) 261-3419. Keep an eye on the official Requiem: Avenging Angel website for updates and information: ........................................... Copyright 1999 The 3DO Company. All Rights Reserved. Cyclone Studios, Requiem: Avenging Angel, 3DO, and their respective logos, are trademarks and/or service marks of The 3DO Company in the U.S. and other countries. All other trademarks belong to their respective owners. Cyclone Studios is a division of The 3DO Company.