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 Type          : 31
 Name          : List files
 Optional Data : <Full path> or /F

   This option displays a list of files available for  download
   from  the  directory  specified  by the  path  name  in  the
   optional  data  field.  The file names and descriptions  are
   contained  in  a  file  called  FILES.BBS.   This  file   is
   automatically  maintained  by  RemoteAccess when  files  are
   uploaded,  but it may also be edited by the sysop.  The file
   consists  of  a  single  word  file-name  per  line  with  a
   description,  up to 255 characters in  length.  Descriptions
   that  exceed  the  width  of the  screen  are  automatically
   wrapped to the next line. The upload date and length of each
   file is also displayed (optionally),  and an asterisk before
   the  description  signifies that the file is new  since  the
   user's last call.

   If,  instead  of the full path to the file area,  you put  a
   "/F",  RemoteAccess  will  substitute  the  path  name  that
   corresponds to the currently selected template file area, as
   defined  in  RACONFIG.  See the MENU  TEMPLATE  section  for
   further information on this.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson