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 Type          : 22
 Name          : Check the mailbox
 Optional Data : None

   Checks  to  see if there is any mail addressed to  the  user
   that he/she hasn't yet read.  This can be done automatically
   at log-on by setting the appropriate option in RACONFIG. See
   the section on configuration for details of the two types of
   mail-check available.  All new messages are marked for later
   retrieval with the "Read Marked" option.  Note that the user
   will  only be notified of mail in areas that he/she has read
   access to,  as defined in RACONFIG. Although the system only
   prompts  the  user with a "Read mail now  [Yes/no]"  prompt,
   several options can be activated.  Valid choices are [R]ead,
   [S]can, [Q]uickscan, [K]ill, or [M]ark as received.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson