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 Type          : 12
 Name          : Questionnaire
 Optional Data : <1-8 character file name>

   Initiates a questionnaire. The <file name> is the first part
   of  the  name of the questionnaire file.  All  questionnaire
   files  are stored in the system directory,  and have a  name
   extension of .Q-A.  User's responses are stored in an output
   file  named  <file name>.ASW.  There is a full  tutorial  on
   questionnaires,   including  the  script  language  in   the
   reference section of this manual.

   RemoteAccess has two hard-coded questionnaires.  If present,
   it will   initiate the  questionnaire NEWUSER.Q-A for  a new
   user after   the   hard-coded  text  file   NEWUSER2.ASC/ANS
   is displayed.

   The  SUBDATE.Q-A  questionnaire  is automatically  initiated
   when  a  user  logs on  and  his/her  subscription date  has
   expired.  You  could  use  this  questionnaire  to  possibly
   downgrade  the  user's  security and/or  flag  settings  and
   display   a  message   informing   the  user   that  his/her
   subscription has expired.

   For  information on  hard-coded  (external  support)  files,
   refer to the EXTERNAL SUPPORT FILES section.

   Normally the initiation of  a questionnaire is noted  in the
   system log. Placing the /N parameter after the questionnaire
   name on the optional data line will suppress this log entry.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson