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    The last option  in the OTHER  menu is ALT-FKEYS.   When one
    of the  ten  function  keys  on your  keyboard  is   pressed
    in conjunction   with the ALT key,  RemoteAccess will do one
    of  three things  :  If the  command  string that  you  have
    assigned to the  function key that  is pressed is a standard
    DOS  command line,   then  that  line  will be executed in a
    shell  while RemoteAccess  remains in memory.   If,  on  the
    other hand, the first   character of the command  string for
    the function   key  is the  query symbol  (?) followed by  a
    number,  RemoteAccess  will exit to  DOS with an  errorlevel
    equal to  the number. Alternatively, if  the first character
    of the  command string  is the  hash (#),  RemoteAccess will
    display the named text file from the textfile directory. For
    example, suppose three entries looked like this:

      5 : ?110
      6 : C:\COMMAND.COM
      7 : #WELCOME

    Pressing ALT-F5 would cause RemoteAccess to exit to DOS with
    an   errorlevel  of  110, ALT-F6  would execute a  copy   of
    COMMAND.COM  in  a  shell,  and  ALT-F7  would  display  the
    appropriate (ASC/ANS)  version of  your WELCOME.A??  file to
    the user.                                                                         .

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson