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    Optimum Settings of Desqview:

    It is essential in my personal view & others on the Beta team)
    to ALWAYS load SHARE via your autoexec.bat (loaded Hi is OK)
    Autoloading SHARE (Leaving it in the root of c: and allowing
    the system to detect it on partitions greater or lesser than
    32 Megs) is courting Disaster - because we have found out that
    Auto loading SHARE does *not* give true file locking or
    File integrity.

    ALWAYS load your Fossil (bnu recommended) via your config.sys
    or autoexec.bat File when you boot up your system (Remembering
    that any changes are only valid after a system reboot)

    In your Runbbs.bat include the command to recapture INT 14 ie

    Using BNU 1.70

      BNU /C

    Using BNU Beta versions later than 1.70

      BnuHlp /C

    Using X00 (1.2x)

      XU Capture:On

    In Desqview Setup:

    Manage printer Contention  => N
    Allow swapping of programs => Y
    Optimise communications    => N

    In your Desqview window RA Specific these are my settings:

    Program Name (Optional) How about "My BBS"
    Keys to use  (Optional) How about RA
    Memory size in K  => 500
    Program to run c:\ra\runbbs.bat (or whatever you .bat file is called)
    Parameters (Left blank)
    Directory c:\ra

    Writes text directly to screen => N
    Displays graphic information   => N
    Virtualise text/graphics       => Y
    Uses serial ports              => N
    Requires floppy diskette       => N

    Advanced functions (F1)

    System Memory 0           Maximum Program size         (Blank)
    Script buffer size 1000   Maximum Expanded memory size (Blank)
    Text Pages 1  Graphics Pages 0  Initial mode (Blank) Interrupts 00-FF

    Window position

    Max Height 25     Starting Height 25   Starting Row    1
    Max Width  80     Starting Width  25   Starting Column 1

    Shared Program

    Pathname (Blank)
    Data     (Blank)

    Close on Exit               => N  Uses its own colors => Y
    Allows close window command => Y  Runs in background  => Y
    Uses Maths Coprocessor      => Y  Keyboard conflict   => 0
    Share CPU when foreground   => Y  Share EGA           => Y
    Can be swapped out          => N  Protection level    => 0

    ENTER to save the changes and exit.

    Valid at 4th February, 1991
    Copyright John Barton RemoteAccess Support Europe HQ 2:257/168

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