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      MBUTIL Export [-Crash] [-Direct] [-Keep] [-ReTear] [-Report]


      MBUTIL Export <board> <path> [-Delete]

     The Export command is  the opposite of the Import  command and
     can be used to  export messages from RemoteAccess message  boards to
     FidoNet  .MSG standard messages.  It will by  default export netmail
     messages from all boards to the NetmailPath if defined.

     If netmail was entered using RemoteAccess, those programs will
     increment the  Pending field  in the  user record.  When MBUTIL  has
     exported such  messages, it will  decrement both Pending  and Credit
     fields in the user record (if found).

     Netmail will  NOT be exported if  it is destined to  your main
     address or one of your Aka's.

     When export is used  to export netmail, it will  also turn off
     invalid  'Outgoing EchoMail' bits  of messages  that don't  have the
     Local bit set, which  fixes the problem that Qecho  exports messages
     that you replied to with FrontDoor 1.99c.  MBUTIL will also create a
     file TRAFFIC.MBU, that contains the number of outbound messages from
     each board. Use '-Report' to produce the report TRAFFIC.RPT.

     When you use  the -ReTear switch, MBUTIL will  search outgoing
     echomail messages  for up  to five  specified tearlines and  replace
     them with the matching ones, comparable to ReTear by Cary Howell.

     If you specify  <path> <board>, you  can use MBUTIL to  Export
     all messages in an RemoteAccess board to .MSG format. Don't use this
     to export netmail!


         -All       Send all messages to another zone direct, not via the
                    zonegate (myzone:myzone/destzone)
         -Crash     Send only crash messages to another zone direct
         -Keep      Keep the message in the NetmailPath after they have been
                    sent. Normally to are killed after they have been sent.
         -Delete    Delete messages in the RemoteAccess board after they
                    have been exported. This is always done for netmail
                    with the Kill/Sent bit set, even if you use -Keep.
         -ReTear    Replace the tearlines of Outgoing Echomail messages

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson